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Probiotic bacterias - a hidden agenda?

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posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:03 PM
They're putting probiotics everywhere. First it was in yoghourts, they told us that this new and improved yoghourt would make our intestines better by upgrading our intestinal flora. Then they moved on and intergrated probiotics in some more products, they've even been integrated into creams for the face.

Keeping that in mind, allergies are going up and spiking. Scientists are blaming "lack of excercise" and "spending time indoors" as a cause. However these causes are hardly logical given the sudden, very recent increase of gluten-allergic people.

Gluten allergy has opened up a whole new marketing territory for food manifacturers to exploit. Gluten free food is now almost of a fad, and more and more people are buying those. So we are seeing sales going up, and thus so does corporate profit.

So, in short, there's suddenly a rise in demand and thus a rise in corp profit. However, a scary thought crossed my mind here: what if the sudden rise in gluten allergies (and thus rise in the demand)... was NOT accidental?

I decided to dig up more profound studies about those probiotic bacterias they're putting everywhere. Turns out that although probiotics do help the intestinal tract and stuff, they have an important side-effect: they make the immune system more sensitive to allergens.

Study from the University of Western Australia: Dr Susan Prescott et al., "Probiotics, Not so friendly after all"

This is not mentionning the reports of cases of lactobacillus septicaemia caused by ingestion of probiotics, reproted by some hospitals; and the increase of pancreatitis-related death rates observed by the Dutch Pancreatitis Study Group, caused by consumption of a mixture of six probiotics (and with some additional conditions).

So, what are you guy's thoughts?

edit on Fri Feb 3 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: another link for the story

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:13 PM
Did a lot of research on this issue, and I agree, the probiotics scam is possibly also a conspiracy. Innoculating with ten types when we need many hundred different types of microbes in our gut is not really good. I would rather get mine from eating a carrot in the garden, just wipe it on your shirt and chomp away. There are thousands of them in that soil and they won't hurt most people. Now if you poisoned the ground or brought in other additives like Hummus derived from a sewage plant, I would be cautious about doing that.

Every person has a different gut flora, one shoe does not fit all.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:14 PM
They are good for combating Candida overgrowth from all the sugar (literal poison) in our food. I've lived long enough to know that ye should be wary of the things doctors will try to push on you, judging by the money source that writes their books.

But our gut is very important, so the choice to use them should really probably depend on the maker of certain probiotics.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree.
But everyone can help their guts simply enough, right? Fermented food. Make your own sauerkraut. Very good for you.

To be honest, I am sick of them putting "this" in food, taking "this" out of food.

Leave my food alone.

Honestly why I am happy that I am able to grow my own, raise most of my own, and buy direct from a farmer I trust.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: swanne
I wonder if gluten/ allergy problems have more to do with pesticides/herbicides..
But i wouldnt doubt what you propose either

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: swanne

So many contributing factors in the arena of allergies make for extreme difficulty in pinpointing a root cause. Balance is the key to a healthy lifestyle whether it be physically, psychologically, spiritually, or gastroinstestinally. I just read your post on the Omega point. I enjoyed it. Keep searching spiritually, and the accoutrement and impedementa of life's little challenges seem insignificant.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree.
But everyone can help their guts simply enough, right? Fermented food. Make your own sauerkraut. Very good for you.

To be honest, I am sick of them putting "this" in food, taking "this" out of food.

Leave my food alone.

Honestly why I am happy that I am able to grow my own, raise most of my own, and buy direct from a farmer I trust.

I have a problem with aged foods, evidently it is genetic since it shows up in multiple places in my genetics as a problem if I consume them. I do not break down neurotransmitters well, mostly Dopamine, so I get high off of the glutamates if I eat too much and they can make me not be able to think properly. Along with this problem seems to come Skitzo if you keep eating lots of the Ummami. Too much Dopamine without enough Acetylcholine can lead to alzheimers too. Too much acetylcholine with not enough dopamine can lead to Parkinsons type problems.

I actually like saurkraut but it causes me to get a headache, similar to the tyramine headache or cheese headache. I can eat a little aged food but not much. I also have the FUT 2 mutation which means I can live symbiotically with a lot of gut microbes. So unbalancing them by introducing a bunch of white guys (Milk digesting microbes) is not good.

There are holes all over the present probiotic propaganda. Probiotics can also dampen our ability to think properly. Some of those critters form alcohol, some form chemicals that make us high. They do help to treat depression and anxiety, if you have the right ones. The chemicals these microbes make is pretty impressive. Having a balanced gut biome is important, but without knowing what kind to give, you could possibly cause someone harm.

You would be surprised by the medicines that are made from microbes, I think there are more medicines made from these than from nicotine chemistry.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: swanne

I think that overdoing anything is a bad thing.

I have eaten Activia yogurt about 4x a week for years. It does all it says it does.

At one point I tried a couple of different preparations in the vitamin aisle in Walgreen's stating they contained something like 25 million active probiotics! That was overdoing it. It seemed to do the opposite of the small amount in the yogurt was doing.

I don't have an increase in allergies, but you are onto something.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: swanne

Ive always speculated that the increase in allergies were related to one of the many negative side effects of vaccines.

But who knows.

edit on 2-2-2017 by gladtobehere because: typo

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: swanne

My son is in the process of being diagnosed with a gluten allergy...he's already allergic to dairy and nuts...he's had no major contact with probiotics other than the occasional soy other sin is also allergic to nuts...very frustrating

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 04:10 PM
Modern gluten in the states is nothing like what our ancestors it. At a molecular level it's been spliced so many times it doesn't come close to what the earth naturally provided as wheat.

That's why people have increased gluten intolerance. Gluten is increasingly manufactured/processed.

Many have noticed when traveling to Eastern/Central Europe, the wheat/bread there digests much better and they don't feel the side effects they do here. That's for a reason. They haven't #'d with the wheat over there nearly as much as they have here.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Tucket
a reply to: swanne
I wonder if gluten/ allergy problems have more to do with pesticides/herbicides..
But i wouldnt doubt what you propose either

Since 2011, and maybe before, they have been preharvest spraying grains with glyphosate to make sure the grains dry better. Glyphosate is a cholesterase inhibitor, which means acetylcholine levels in the body can get too high. It is also a miticide and kills germs. I think this is a response to people wanting non-bleached non bromated flours, like "we'll teach them, we will spray a chemical on the grains which makes chemistry that is a lot more dangerous to protect our product" In reality, we do need some chemistries to make sure our grains do not poison people, but glyphosate is not the right choice.

I watched a video about this on appropriate ways to do this. I suppose if every farmer had perfect conditions before they harvested, then it might be safer. But I know farmers, they will put this on when they have to. If there is three weeks of rain coming in a week and they have to harvest by the end of the week they will spray it on the plants even though they are still a little green yet or risk losing their crop. They also have to deal with the availability of the harvestor if they are part of a coop.

The allowable residue allowed in grain was boosted way up to accommodate this by the government agencies governing this.

I am switching to all organic flours now, the organic flour tastes a lot better now, no weird taste like in the commercial flour, it makes better bread. I need to find organic bread flour in bigger bags than available here.

Half the problems people have are not because of gluten, the pesticides and this preharvest treatment are causing some of the problems. Germany has banned this practice now after doing a lot of research on preharvest glyphosate application. We are promoting this here in America, Monsanto has made this poison acceptable, it does not poison us fast, it makes us need antidepressants and antianxiety meds......which their pharma company provides.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: swanne

Due to modern schedules and diets, people are having a lot of digestive problems. Yogurt is an excellent way to regulate the bowel.

I feed my cat a teaspoon every day. He is 18 and very healthy, but he has always suffered from constipation. Not since I started giving him a little yogurt every day.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

you may want to wash that carrot before eating it just in case a neighborhood cat used your garden as a litter pan.

yes, I know carrots grow under ground but cats like to dig holes to crap and piss in.

cat urine Is loaded with deadly viruses and bacteria some of which are airborne.

I remember reading that cat urine contains something that makes it a very pleasant smell to rats. when the rats are drawn to it and smell it a bacteria or virus in the urine is inhaled and lodges in the rats brain and as it multiplies it kills the rat.

edit on 2-2-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-2-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-2-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: Tucket

Or caused by vaccines

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: MysticPearl

I tend to think that Bromine is the biggest culprit here - thyroid disrupter

CHLORINE TOXICITY Almost all white flour is bleached with a highly toxic chlorine bleach. This is another horrible insult to the basic wheat grain. The same agent is used to bleach wheat flour as is used to bleach clothing. It is then baked and the concoction creates extremely toxic chemicals in the bread that irritate the intestines. The bleaching of wheat flour is purely cosmetic and never needed for any other reason. One or two bread companies, such as Pepperidge Farm, use unbleached wheat flour, which is somewhat better, although all the other problems with flour are still present.

IRON TOXICITY One of the worst problems of enriched white bread is the addition of iron to the bread. Not only is too much iron put back into the bread. The form of the iron is also not very available to the body, and this is another insult. The iron can build up in the body in a toxic form that is extremely irritating and inflammatory. It can contribute to every possible disease from diabetes and arthritis to cancer.

BROMINE TOXICITY In the past, iodine was sometimes added to bread to help the dough to be more flexible. This is called a dough conditioner. This was a good idea for another reason – we need more iodine (though not a chemical form of it). Today, however, adding iodine to bread is outlawed. Instead, some commercial breads and rolls contain sodium bromate as a dough conditioner. This is a poison that disrupts the thyroid gland and replaces iodine in the thyroid.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: swanne

This is excellent information, thank you for posting this swanne

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Good info here too, I looked up choline and found amazing reviews for this stuff!

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: LuXTeN
a reply to: rickymouse

Good info here too, I looked up choline and found amazing reviews for this stuff!

Choline is basically the animal version of this chemical. The plant version is betaine or trimethylglycine. Dimethylglycine is a good thing for calming, it is used by body builders and somehow helps build muscles. Trimethylglycine is reduced to dimethylglycine in the body as the methyl is used in a cycle. Off hand I do not remember what the cycle is.
edit on 2-2-2017 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Definitely, we just need to eat raw foods. Every raw food comes with 100s of different bacteria that are on that food to eat it, so they help us eat it if they can live in our gut. 1000's of different bacteria are in our gut, but as we breast feed less, do more c-sections (both ways that babies get the right bugs), use anti-bacterial soap by the gallon, eat only processed and sterilized food (leaving only bad bugs), and most importantly, use antibiotics indiscriminately, we are killing our guts bacteria and no longer eating the foods that replace them.

I'm almost certain now that we'll find that almost all of our modern ailments, diabetes, maybe even autism spectrum are caused by gut bacteria issues.

I'm pessimistic that we can rely on a pharma company to provide us with their mix of bugs... where did they get them and how did they decide which ones? It doesn't even have to be a conspiracy - could just be the continued arrogance of pharma to think they know what is good for us.

Ignore all diets, government food pyramids, take a walk every day and, As rickymouse intimated, eat your barely washed organic vegetables - that's how you re-inoculate your gut!

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