a reply to:
Dear eriathwen,
I can Not assure something definitive about her, but I understand your enthusiasm for Marianne Williamson as potential Next contender for the
Now, I feel Marianne looks and sounds closer to the profile it was revealed to me of the future Next Woman President of the USA specially if we
compare her with Mrs Clinton, who I still consider does not seem to qualify as the person I have foreseen in the oval office.
In 2008 I was coincidentally in the path of a political tour of Chelsea Clinton to the south west, doing campaign for her mother against Barack Obama,
and I even met her with few other people in a visit she did to a University campus in Texas.
Although I was not formally introduced to her and I never disclosed to her that I was the Angel of Lightness for some strange synchronicity she asked
me if I thought her mother was going to win in a very similar way you have asked this here.
I openly and honestly told her that I was extremely uncertain on that possibility for her, she didn't like at all my answer, but well facts have
proven I was right at least in all what has ran for Mrs Clinton since that time.
It is interesting to see a Texan lady now willing to run for the Presidency.
Now, I always have been honest with my readers, in the best of my abilities, I am not sure that after what is coming for the nation the next 2019,
that I predict will be an extremely intense year in the History of the country, there will be space enough to celebrate a normal election in 2020.
There is going to be an extreme deep political crisis within the nation running in parallel with a world conflict of the worst kind in the last 70
years, comparable only with the two WWs of the XX century. The internal crisis will favor the return of the Democrats to Power but the external war
will give ground for the Republicans to stay another four years.
I am certain that Mr Trump will not finish normally his Presidency, that is something I forecasted even before he was elected, but under the
circumstances it is also possible to see another Republican finishing it.
That look like acting President, either if He is Mike Pence or another figure could remain in power longer than we right now imagine, trying to
continue the Trump era but much weaker in political and popular support. That person will not have really the strength to be two terms in power by his
own right in the white house.
I feel that either he will finish the only term of this era or a second term of Trump is he is able to maneuver through the impeachment process to be
reelected for even slighter margin that the first time, that is the farthest this GOP can rule the country.
After the Trump era a woman No doubt will be in the Oval office and It is likely that she would be a Democrat.
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 11/23/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)