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An exploration of "white privilege".

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posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:18 AM
Here's another example. 2 of my friends and I were going to eat chinese. My friend is going 65 in a 55. A cop is on the side of the road. We say slow down. He slows down to 45. We say dude speed up. He goes back up to 65 like an idiot. Well we get pulled over and the first thing out of the cops mouth is "I'm the dope man I'm here to find the drugs". With his dog right there sniffing. We got profiled for what exactly? Speeding? I just don't see your argument sorry.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Crumbles

Was he correct?

Sounds like good police work to me.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka

originally posted by: veracity
a reply to: MrSensible

I take "white priviledge" to mean that whites think they legally deserve more rights than others, for example...they can marry, but gays cannot.

or they can strut cake bakery row and choose whatever baker they want, but gays can only go to the few that serve gays.

So there are no homosexual white people now?

Your posts get more nonsensical each passing day.

My point being...since it clearly want right over your head is...

Bigots think they deserve more rights. When a small group gets the same rights as them, they get upset...white privilege.

Bigots are typically white christians...TYPICALLY...not always. I have seen a bigot white gay christian and I have seen a white christian that is NOT a bigot.

They should not feel bad for being white or christian, however they SHOULD feel bad for thinking they are better than others and deserve special legal rights.
edit on 31-1-2017 by veracity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: veracity

So whites are bigots now. Not exactly what you are saying, but you only point to whites as bigots. Who else? Why is it the left has labelled minorities as victims they now seek more privileges than whites and even have more. The left is composed of bigots, the new left anyways.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: ksiezyc

did you read my post? That is not what I said.

There is a big difference when you add the word "TYPICALLY" and give a couple of examples.

Bigots are also really good at cherry picking and believing what they want to be true, not taking in the facts.

They also take the same argument and twist it to use agains the "other side" just as you are doing.
edit on 31-1-2017 by veracity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: veracity
They should not feel bad for being white, however they SHOULD feel bad for thinking they are better than others.

So is Larry Bird is racist because he thought he was the best?
Or is Muhammad Ali is a racist because he said he was the greatest?

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: veracity

You failed to read my post or comprehend it. But hey have at it. Nice sneaky attack. If you're going to insult someone at least be a man and do so openly rather than make play with words. Take care.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar

What is your disconnect. We are talking bout "White privilege".

That is Whites who think they deserve more legal rights than others. They get upset when smaller groups gain the same rights as themselves.

Those who get upset (typically white christians) bc they do not want to be legally equal to minorities are BIGOTS!

I am white, I do not feel bad for being white, that is beyond idiocracy, however, if you feel like you deserve more legal rights just bc you are WHITE, then you are a BIGOT!

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: veracity

You failed to read my post or comprehend it. But hey have at it. Nice sneaky attack. If you're going to insult someone at least be a man and do so openly rather than make play with words. Take care.

Is this a joke? you just used my comment AGAIN against me (failing to read a post).

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:53 AM
This is just a "feelings" conference for crackers.

Sometimes winning makes me feel sad

For any non-cracker reading this who is passionate about a solution...
Raping and Pillaging worked for us, it may work for you too.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: veracity
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar
What is your disconnect. We are talking bout "White privilege".

Yes, and you said people saying they are better than others is wrong.
I was curious whether Bird's claims of being better, or Ali's claims of being better are also wrong.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
a reply to: MrSensible

From your list:

*I have never been denied a job and wondered if it was because of the color of my skin.
*No one has ever called me a racial slur.
*I have never been pulled over by a police officer and thought, "#, is this guy going to shoot me?"
*I have never been questioned by a police officer, even though I did nothing wrong.

I've experienced those personally.

But: I'm white.

I'm pretty sure you are going to have others post here, who are white too, that may have also experienced some of those things from your list.

So I'm afraid your logic in this is flawed.

I too have experienced many things on his list. I grew up in "the hood". I have been called racist names, kids would try to single me out because of my color. They would also leave me out. But there wasn't a lot of this, not enough to have any significant impact on my life.

Also, being from the hood had it's advantages.

For instance when I was in highschool I had moved away from the hood but had to go back for a special school for bad kids.

In the lunchroom the hood kids would throw food at the white kid's tables that weren't from the hood. Although my table was all white and no-one from that table lived in the hood, they didn't throw food at my table because I knew a lot of the kids from the hood and they remembered me.

Anyways I agree the logic of the OP is flawed. If you want to succeed there is a path for everyone in the U.S. The thing is people from the hood ARE at a disadvantage but it's not because "white man" is holding them down, it's their own culture.

When you grow up and pretty much all you see around you when it comes to "successful people that have money" , you won't see it as they got it the wrong way , you don't really see being a drug dealer or (insert immoral occupation here) as a bad thing.
Because no one else does either. You just see it as a risk of getting shot or going to prison.

And too many of them accept the risk and go for it because that's all they know. They don't look at education and a career or hard work as a viable option, although it is. Many people do choose the higher road though, but it's just that many don't. And a lot of it has to do with this sort of perpetual desensitized stumbling culture they grow up in.

It has to do with who raised them yes but also just as important is who they were raised around.

When some of them (people from the hood or "thugs") say that they are a product of their environment they are correct. But what they don't understand is when you realize this, when you recognize this, you recognize the problem. They should then therefore take personal responsibility over their lives and deny the negative influences.

Move out of the hood, don't hang out with people that do bad things, don't even talk to them, set goals, work hard, hang out with people that are also pursuing good things in life, believe in yourself, YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. If you are from a bad place yes it is harder to climb that ladder but it just makes it that much sweeter when you succeed!

to all my family and friends still struggling in the hood, it ain't easy, keep your head up and stay focused, and move the hell out asap!

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar

You're being silly, I'm talking about legal rights. When someone believes they deserve legal rights to...let's say...marry, and a smaller group does not...

They believe they are better than the smaller group. More deserving of rights. Equality is not thought of.

I am not speaking to anyone in particular but if this resonates with you and you feel bad for being white, then I would maybe take a step back and align yourself with WWJD.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: veracity

What white Christians feel they deserve special rights? Seen black Christians demand special rights too. The Christians from the ME that are under serious religious persecution and allowed refugee status are not white. They are Arabic. Maybe I just don't know enough white Christians from varying denominations 🤷🏻‍♀️

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: MrSensible

That's a very brave post and I commend you on it, but for real tho, a lot of folks here will chose to remain tone deaf and willfully ignorant of what ever you say, they will dismiss whatever you say off hand and respond with trite well worn comments..good luck on being the bad guy out caste for a day..

edit on 31-1-2017 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: MrSensible

While you kind of have a decent point, let me address your bullet points from the perspective of an average (lower middle-class, like you) white kid growing up in southern-ish California in the 80s and 90s:

originally posted by: MrSensible
*I have never, for even one day in my life, felt that I was being persecuted because of the color of my skin.

There were plenty of places that I went where I was the minority skin color, both in neighborhood and simple things like convenient stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc. There were numerous times where it was pretty obvious that I was being eyeballed and treated differently (as if I didn't belong/wasn't welcome there) just because of the way that I looked on the outside (I even had blond hair and blue-green eyes, adding to my "whiteness").

My family had very, very close friends who are black (I called them my cousins and my aunt and uncle), and we used to go to their house on a regular basis, which was located in a neighborhood similar to where the character Craig lives in the movie "Friday." I specifically remember multiple times where my cousins' friends (who were black) would come wanting to play with them when I was there, and when they saw that I was there, they said something like, "Nevermind, your white friends are here."

*I have never been denied a job and wondered if it was because of the color of my skin.

While I have never been denied a job because of my skin color (to my knowledge), I know for a fact that some places have a certain "quota" that they aim to meet based on racial diversity, and that there have been people of all skin colors, including white, who have been passed over based on that. Affirmative-action type stuff, and it affects more than just jobs.

*No one has ever called me a racial slur.

I have been called Honkey, Cracker, Whitey, White Devil (Sequenchu Ocha?), White Boy, Hauli, and many other things that may not be racial but were because of my skin color.

*I have never been pulled over by a police officer and thought, "#, is this guy going to shoot me?"

I haven't either, but then again, the amount of minorities that do that are basing it more off of irrational concern pushed by unreasonable social narratives than actual statistics based off of reality. But, even though I don't fear being shot by police (mainly because I'm absolutely respectful and conduct myself appropriately), that doesn't mean that plenty of them haven't been harassing in one way or another, or just been plain assholes in general.

*I have never been questioned by a police officer, even though I did nothing wrong.

I have, plenty of times, but more during my misspent youth. I've grown to learn that it is generally a reflection of the company that you keep and how you carry yourself as a human being as to whether or not a police officer has concern to bother you.

*When playing with toy guns as a child, no police officer ever shot me or anyone I know.

And that still holds true for the vast majority of people, including minorities. Again, this is a concern based off of inflated coverage of some incidences, but doesn't reflect reality for most people.

This statement also shows a lacking understanding of the training and the job of law enforcement.

*When I go shopping, security officers do not automatically begin to follow me, even when I haven't done anything wrong.

Plenty of security did that to me when I was young all the way through my teens--must've been the way I was dressed or something. Hell, I even had German security following my obvious American self while I lived in Germany for 3.5 years in many places I would go.

On the flip side of your argument, I know many minorities who have never been treated the way that you describe above. I agree that this type of thing (not being treated that way) should apply to all Americans, but the realities in life don't always conform to ideological/philosophical hopes and dreams. There are myriad reasons why profiling (this really is what you're talking about) certain groups of people in certain areas happens (and is often different) and makes perfect sense. To imply that it's all because of this or that skin tone, or this or that privilege really does a disservice to the discussion and way over-simplifies the issue.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: Spider879

So, if someone differs in opinion (or, like me, shows that not all experiences of being a white person in America are the same), it's a trite, well-worn comment and I'm tone-deaf and willfully ignorant?

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: MrSensible
a reply to: eriktheawful

No, my logic is sound.
In no way does this mean that white people are immune from prejudice against them.I did not say white privilege is real BECAUSE of these reasons. I only said that these are my experiences.

My point was simply that all people deserve to feel this way.

So you've applied these experiences to all people who also have white skin? Irony?

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 02:21 PM
White people being denied work based on their white skin :

Buzzfeed Canada is Looking for Writers, White Males Need Not Apply

Whites need not apply for 'Hamilton' open audition

Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

So, this seems to be a growing problem on the left, where you're trying to use institutional power to discriminate against whites.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 02:22 PM
This whole thread is bunk. You know why? It has nothing do with skin color, it has everything to do with culture.

The dominant culture, the victor, the conqueror, always becomes the norm.

Please show me examples of white privilege in China, Iran, Indonesia, Hawaii, the Philippines.

You can't. You have the winners and everyone else. The winners set the rules, that's a fact of nature.

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