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President Trump Signs Order to Cut Business Regulations

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+2 more 
posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:39 PM
Another campaign promise is coming true. Cutting regs.... If law makers want another reg from now on, there will have to be 2 other regs removed. Go Trump...

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:42 PM
I'm a small business owner, I've taken to running in the gray areas a lot because of all the regulations. A man made a criminal due to government over reach and an ever tightening noose

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: WUNK22

Exactly. People too often only associate business with Wal-Mart and McDonalds and forget small business entirely.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: WUNK22
I'm a small business owner, I've taken to running in the gray areas a lot because of all the regulations. A man made a criminal due to government over reach and an ever tightening noose

Me too, I ran my business for twenty years and they still want me to have to go for training every time I update my license. The training addresses new regulations that actually aren't doing anything other than making things take way longer. They have gone overboard on so many things that people cannot afford to hire someone to work on their old home anymore.

I suppose they will be passing new laws that say all workers need to wear latex gloves and surgical masks when working on people's houses or coming in to do an estimate in the future.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: seasonal

I am Sure you will eventually have someone comment in this Thread Opposing the Cutting of Government Regulations that Harm and Impede Businesses in the U.S. because they Believe the Liberal SPIN that they are for the Good of the Country .

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 01:00 PM
Great! I have a UK small business most of its income though comes from San Francisco... I'd like to consider a US branch or relocation at some point before I kick the bucket... Trump's interest in successful businesses is one of the things that initially got me interested in him. Orders like this invigorate me again to invest in a US based business. And the prospect of expansion looks a lot better for the US now than it does for UK small businesses that's for sure. So this must be welcome news for small business owners in the US. And as I say, some of that potential prosperity seems to have rubbed off on someone like me across the pond. "Should I sign it?" haha
Flag for your thread cos its important news!
edit on 30-1-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: markymint

The economy in any country is very important. In the US the politicians have ignored the middle class since Reagan took office.

It is high time a politician stops adding regs that large corps love, they can and do deal with them. But a small business can be put out of business with a stroke of a pen.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: seasonal

I don't have a business but I always try to buy in small business. Sadly, many of them had to close for obvious reasons. Really happy for you guys with own business.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Trueman

Huge businesses love regs. They lobby for regs. The regs kill small businesses. This is another good move by Trump.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 01:49 PM
In 2013 we averaged 56 regulations issued for each law that was passed, and each of those regulations has the force of law.

That`s a huge problem!

laws are enacted by people who were voted into their positions to represent the people.

regulations are issued by people who weren`t elected to their position, they were appointed, there is no input from the duly elected representatives of they people, or even a vote on those regulations. regulations are issued by people who have no accountability to the people.

since regulations have the power of a law,in 2013, for every law passed by the elected representatives of the people
56 "laws" were enacted by people who were not elected by the people.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Tardacus

That is a problem. The EPA while being really important, can and has turned into a pain the ass.

It seems good things go bad and no one had the icicles to trim away the unintended power/man power. I think Trump is the guy who will trim things.
edit on 30-1-2017 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:28 PM
I had started a thread about this earlier. Plenty of excuse making from the usual suspects.

Trump - Eliminate 2 Regs for Every 1

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: seasonal

From my memory, it was the deregulation that Reagan put into effect that was suppose to allow the hidden hand of capitalism to soar. That once those regulations that he struck down, the trickle down theory would blossom and all boats would be lifted. Yes? But was that the case? No

What that did was to unleash the power of the corporations, to allow them to lobby and bribe at a larger degree. To allow them 'personhood'. And what do we see now? We see massive consolodation of wealth and power into the hands of just a very few men and famalies, as a direct result of that deregulation.

How is it that you state that huge businesses love regulations. That they lobby for regulations. Just how does that work. The only way I can see is that they might want regulations on others and not themselves. From my perspective small businesses in the US are no longer the heart of our nation. Small businesses are allowed by the major corporations to act as the shock troops between the corporations and the freedom of citizens. Small business struggles not so much because of government regulations but rather because of the small amounts of capital that are allowed to it because that capital is locked up in the coffers of the wealth. The small business owner rightly claims bias against them, and the people agree and help to remove those regulations, the removal of which helps more than just the little business, it also takes any and all regulation on corporate ownership of the whole country and allows them freedom to march unimpeded through our economy.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: seasonal

So now you will have the entire Executive Branch spending all its time looking for regulations it can excise. They won't actually excise them until they get around to coming up with new ones to replace them with. This could actually get pretty funny. For example, they might ditch the paperwork for acquiring new toner cartridges and a regulation about who gets to use the fifth floor washrooms in exchange for a new cap on SO2.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Trump did say in the video that small and large businesses re different. I have no idea what he meant. We will have to see on that one.

Large corporations already have a hazardous waste specialists. If suddenly antifreeze is considered a aquatic poison and needs a whole new realm of regulations, would a large franchised oil change corp handle it better than a small one building oil change business?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:45 PM
I'm still on the fence with Trump some things he is doing I like others not so much.
But for some time I have had aspirations of running my own business and being my own boss
one of the things though that has held me back is all the fear of the red tape and crap you have to go through.
Hopefully for smaller business and entrepreneurs he makes it easier for them to pursue their dreams.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: SolAquarius

Red tape depends on the business. I have 2 small businesses, while there are licenses, in the area of excessive red tape, I haven't seen it.

Again it depends on the business.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: seasonal

Yeah I admit I don't know a great deal about it. I guess it is more of a fear that I have of red tape. Im still researching plans for a business and what it requires. Maybe when I take my first steps I will find my fears to be silly surly there will be challenges but not what I think. I see friends of mine pursuing small business on the internet. For example a friend of mine has extensive knowledge on cigars he created a website for cigars that appears to be much better then any of the regional competitions website he works for a tobacco store so he is passionate and knowledgeable about cigars and I can only see him succeeding. His enthusiasm is contagious and has made me want to work towards the goal of my own business.
edit on 30-1-2017 by SolAquarius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: seasonal

From my memory, it was the deregulation that Reagan put into effect that was suppose to allow the hidden hand of capitalism to soar. That once those regulations that he struck down, the trickle down theory would blossom and all boats would be lifted. Yes? But was that the case? No

What that did was to unleash the power of the corporations, to allow them to lobby and bribe at a larger degree. To allow them 'personhood'. And what do we see now? We see massive consolodation of wealth and power into the hands of just a very few men and famalies, as a direct result of that deregulation.

How is it that you state that huge businesses love regulations. That they lobby for regulations. Just how does that work. The only way I can see is that they might want regulations on others and not themselves. From my perspective small businesses in the US are no longer the heart of our nation. Small businesses are allowed by the major corporations to act as the shock troops between the corporations and the freedom of citizens. Small business struggles not so much because of government regulations but rather because of the small amounts of capital that are allowed to it because that capital is locked up in the coffers of the wealth. The small business owner rightly claims bias against them, and the people agree and help to remove those regulations, the removal of which helps more than just the little business, it also takes any and all regulation on corporate ownership of the whole country and allows them freedom to march unimpeded through our economy.

Businesses like to use regulations to keep out competitors. They lobby politicians under the guise of consumer protection, but the reality is that they are trying to squash competitors. You see a lot at the local level. I know locally, we have some issues where local restaurant lobby has been trying to regulate food trucks out of existence. Larger well known cases are car dealer lobby trying to squash Tesla's sales model. Uber has been fighting taxi lobby in every major city.

Big businesses can absorb costs of regulations more easily than smaller companies. They also lobby so that many regulations don't apply to them, but do to smaller competitors. We see this in the finance industry a lot. I work in mortgage finance. Big banks got carve out exemptions from a lot of onerous regulations in Dodd-Frank that apply to smaller independent lenders.

Regulations should not be written in stone. They need to be evaluated from time to time. I think this approach is good because it forces the agencies to self-evaluate which regulations are working and which aren't. If the regulations are important, they won't eliminate them. If they aren't important, they will choose to eliminate them to pass something else that is perceived to be more important.

These bureaus never actually stop to evaluate effectiveness of a regulation. They never really say is this doing as intended OR is it just creating additional paperwork? These bureaus exist to create regulations, so that is what they do regardless if said regulations are effective. This is how they justify their existence. None of these agencies ever just say "Things are going fine, we don't need any new rules, let's just enforce the ones we have..."

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: SolAquarius

If done correctly a small business will reward you many ways. If you are talking about a web based business, the red tape is very small.
I have a web based and a small property dev. company. Both have a minimum of reg tape.

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