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Preschool conspiracy

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posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 03:52 AM
Lately I've noticed an onslaught of TV commercials advocating preschool. They claim it's the catalyst for everything from keeping kids in school, out of gangs, off drugs and out of prison, to higher IQs, higher education and higher paying jobs. How impressive!

To gullible parents, I say thats blatant propaganda!

The objective of preschool is an insidious one aimed at molding pliable tots to conformity. At school kids are taught what to think, how to act and what to feel. They also learn intolerance for all those who stray outside the herd.

I'm dumfounded by the shocking medical conspiracies uncovered in alternative health newsletters. One such report, by Dr. Jonathan Wright, revealed how schools receive $1,000 in federal funds annually for each kid on Ritalin. Hyperactive children tend to be very bright and high-spirited. Yet when teachers recommend drugging them, parents are forced to comply or face explosion. The same is true with the "ever-increasing" vaccinations now mandatory to attend school.

Drugs for Hyperactivity dulls the senses and the minds of our children. Vaccinations cause death and neurological impairment to 1000s every year. Some believe the're responsible for the lower IQs of the average child today and not the schools! Who knows!

It seems most people today are complacent and allow themselves their ignorance. Do they even want to know what's really going on? I doubt it. More and more, we are all products of mind control.

Beam me up Scotty!

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 07:38 AM

Vaccinations cause death and neurological impairment to 1000s every year.

Really now? And how many deaths and impairments - neurological and physical - do you suppose the diseases these vaccines now prevent, caused in the past?

Some believe the're responsible for the lower IQs of the average child today and not the schools!

Some believe they're responsible for the lower rate of infant mortality today too!

Pre-schools provide children with a head start in education, in an encironment where they can learn to interact with other children, express themselves creatively or even learn to read and write. They are entirely beneficial.

Children conform under peer pressure. They are indeed to an extent taught what to think rather than how to think for themselves in elementary education, and this is very wrong. They are forever told thart there is only one right answer and are alienated if they don't get it, particularly if a teacher no more mature than the children decides to hold a grudge against one of them. However, children themselves alienate each other for being different. It is this childish mentality which breeds conformity more than anything that is taught in the classroom.

As for "hyperactive children" I agree with you whole heartedly. There are no hyperactive kids, just lazy teachers.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:24 AM
I have NEVER heard of anyone be so opposed to preschool!

Two of my 4 children attended a fantastic preschool that gave them strong academic backgrounds AND let them be the 'free-spirits' that they are. They started Kindergarten at the top of their class academically (almost at 1rst grade level) thanks to preschool. AND they both started Kindergarten with their free spirits in tact ... refusing to sit still at carpet time, blurting out answers to questions without raising hands, constantly questioning things, etc. Preschool is a tool for child conformity? I think not and I have living proof!

Nobody can strip a child of their free spirit. And a child with ADHD sometimes NEEDS medication in order to allow their brain to focus so that they CAN learn. But that really has nothing to do with preschool. Children in preschool are too young to be diagnosed with ADHD, and 99% of the time Kindergarten is too young to diagnose them as well.

The problem does not lie with preschool. Children NEED preschool. It is good for them academically AND socially.

If you want to find fault in something, find fault in the litigiousness (sp?) of our society. Half of the playground equipment at the schools have been taken out because of children getting hurt and parents sueing. Things like jacks are not allowed at school because they are 'dangerous'. Children are being stripped of any and all common sense because of all the laws that have replaced games and playground equipment. Teachers have parents breathing down their necks and class sizes that are almost too big for them to handle. They have standards that they have to teach around and do not have time to spend on children who are acting out or not conforming so they send the child off to be diagnosed with a learning disorder so that the child will get some extra help from another staff member who is more qualified to deal with a 'free spirit'.

My 3 1/2 year old twins will be starting preschool in the next few months and I'm very thankful that I can afford to send them. I come from a family that values education AND values creative thinking. I believe preschool should be made available to ALL children, not just those whose parents can afford to send them. THAT is the biggest problems with preschool.

All 4 of my daughters are exceedingly bright (the older two had IQ tests and have IQ's that fall just 2 points short of genius) and I can guarantee you that if I WANTED them to conform for the schools, their peers, their soccer coach, etc. they would not and more likely, could not. So, rest assure that there ARE children in the world that are not conforming and do not just accept things without question, and some of those children even attended the dreaded preschool that you fear so much!


posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 09:11 AM
Homeschool if you can.

"Brittany is one of 11 Georgia State students enrolled this semester who had listed high school as home-school as an incoming freshman. According to the Office of Admissions, these students scored an SAT average of 65 points higher than the 1094 average, which is the highest on record of incoming freshmen"

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by dollmonster
Hyperactive children tend to be very bright and high-spirited. Yet when teachers recommend drugging them, parents are forced to comply or face explosion.

This is indeed alarming.

I will proffer however, that in some communities, the children who come to school at age six or seven have been so deprived of primary socialization that the schools have a nearly impossible task of imposing any kind of discipline or structure on the children, at all, not to mention the fact that they often lack even basic knowledge upon which an education can begin.

It is true that one of the purposes of education is to create orderly, responsible adults, but this is hardly a bad thing, in and of itself. The problem with our current school system is that it has had its mission expanded so broadly to compensate for the absence of parents or parenting that it can no longer do effectively what it was originally intended to do: teach the three "R's."

[edit on 05/1/30 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 03:39 PM
i personally will homeschool my child

ive been to college and i have a massive collection of textbooks already on virtually any mainstream subject u can think of

from beginers math all the way thru calculus an physics
plenty of novels and non-fiction books to read
plenty of history books covering just about any culture or civilization u can think of
and not to mention the mass amount of science books i have on hand

a virtual library it is

basically my child will probably get a Better education because i home school her

BUT i do NOT suggest this for the "average person"
the average person SHOULD enroll their child in public school because,
the average person is an Idiot

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
BUT i do NOT suggest this for the "average person"
the average person SHOULD enroll their child in public school because,
the average person is an Idiot

Roughly 67% of the population has a "normal" IQ, that is falling roughly one standard deviation above or below the mean. With a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 that would mean 85-115.

How one interprets that is a personal matter.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:26 PM

BUT i do NOT suggest this for the "average person"
the average person SHOULD enroll their child in public school because,
the average person is an Idiot

Home schooling is NOT for everyone. There are plenty of very bright people (my husband and myself included) who know that they are NOT cut out to be teachers. Having books and knowledge is a very SMALL part of teaching. I would hope that before you go around calling the 'average person' an 'idiot' you would understand that there is a lot more to teaching than just what is in your head and your library!


posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i personally will homeschool my child

ive been to college and i have a massive collection of textbooks already on virtually any mainstream subject u can think of

from beginers math all the way thru calculus an physics
plenty of novels and non-fiction books to read
plenty of history books covering just about any culture or civilization u can think of
and not to mention the mass amount of science books i have on hand

a virtual library it is

basically my child will probably get a Better education because i home school her

BUT i do NOT suggest this for the "average person"
the average person SHOULD enroll their child in public school because,
the average person is an Idiot

Maybe you should let the experts teach your kids spelling, punctuation and English grammar.

BTW, What college did you graduate from?

[edit on 30-1-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 08:22 AM
The idea is that every person has his predisposition. For example, some are talented in arts, other in music and they consciously and subconsciously are following they predisposition.

If someone has a predisposition to be a 9 to 5 working sheep he would fit very well in a place ( school ) where he will be disciplined, told that he is an empty place, that he has to listen and accept what teachers tell him as the only correct version, that life is hard, etc, etc.

Yet it appears that most of today kids do have a predisposition of being a Charismatic Personality, rather then a sheep. They tend to think on their own, question authority, their thinking "processor" is much faster then the teacher's ( therefor the teachers have to drug & drag them to their level ) , so they do not fit into that kind of sheep-making school.

Now imagine a Charismatic Personality, a oil tycoon, for example, sitting in his office. A school teacher, with all her inner conflicts, complexes and fears comes in and start teaching him "right from wrong". Won't he be "questioning authority"???

>> My 3 1/2 year old twins will be starting preschool in the next few months...

By the way, try an experiment. Take two playing cards of a different color and ask the, which card is red and which back. Then try asking them, for example, to find a king card among few with numbers.

[edit on 31-1-2005 by bratok]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 10:40 AM
quote "Maybe you should let the experts teach your kids spelling, punctuation and English grammar.
BTW, What college did you graduate from?"


funny point eh?
but seriously; i didnt think my spelling punctuation or grammer mattered at all Online Forums....what are you acting as my English teacher now

im Not being graded on this and so i dont use spellcheck or even attempt to correct anything

anyways my wife is the English major....i never was a big fan of English
thats her job; to teach English

"BTW, What college did you graduate from?"
Texas Tech University
i know i know, its only a moderate college
some of my professors were brilliant
but most were 'average'

so my 'higher' education was only Moderate
i didnt go to harvard or yale by any means....

but for that matter
just because a college is more "reknown" or "more expensive"
doesnt nessasarily mean its a 'better' university

but anywho
i still maintain that the average person is an idiot
because well
they are

anyone who seriously lives by what E! Entertainment or Oprah says; is an idiot; and that covers the average american's daily TV dosage

if you want to argue about it
by all means lets do it

id argue all day and night that the average american is an idiot
but of course 30% or so of americans are actually very intelligent
and id even say they are more intelligent than myself; because they Are

but im actually Surprised to see someone defend the average americans intelligence
i live in america; texas of all places; so i would know as a fact that the average person is a stone's throw away from being braindead

and if you think Im an idiot?
well call me average and im still correct in my assertions
so anyway you look at it
average person = idiot

[edit on 31-1-2005 by muzzleflash]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 11:59 AM
>> id argue all day and night that the average american is an idiot

Why to tell an idiot that he's an idiot? Let him believe that he is the most important men on earth, if it makes him happy!

Idiots cause much more trouble when unhappy.

[edit on 31-1-2005 by bratok]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 12:14 PM
I am all for serious pre-schooling , the mind of a young child is much more open for learning new things than older children. Also it's good that children can learn about "good" and "bad" behaviour early on, because it's very hard to change the mind of child if it only learned bad behaviour at home. Nearly all complexes and sycophant stuff we pick up in early childhood and adolescence, wich we carry with us for the rest of our lives, hardwired in our neural networks.

I am sure that if I had pre-schoolling I would have been a more balanced person.

[edit on 31-1-2005 by Countermeasures]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Maybe you should let the experts teach your kids spelling, punctuation and English grammar.

beat me to the punch.

I would never want to rely on my patience and understanding when attempting to give my children an education on subjects that I do not have any experience teaching. Since I have never met anyone that was home schooled all I can say is that you do what you think is best for your child and your household.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 01:09 PM
even if you do homeschool your child;
make sure to give them opportunity to get into sports and activitys like that
baseball basketball football whatever
they need friends

it would be great to take your kid out around town and show them City Hall; Courthouse, Water Treatment plants , Energy Plants, everything that makes society work

giving them this type of exposure really educates them to how the world operates and functions

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
I have NEVER heard of anyone be so opposed to preschool!

Two of my 4 children attended a fantastic preschool that gave them strong academic backgrounds AND let them be the 'free-spirits' that they are. They started Kindergarten at the top of their class academically (almost at 1rst grade level) thanks to preschool. AND they both started Kindergarten with their free spirits in tact ... refusing to sit still at carpet time, blurting out answers to questions without raising hands, constantly questioning things, etc. Preschool is a tool for child conformity? I think not and I have living proof!


Ha! Kindergarten at the top of their class, thats a good one!

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by dollmonster
The objective of preschool is an insidious one aimed at molding pliable tots to conformity. At school kids are taught what to think, how to act and what to feel. They also learn intolerance for all those who stray outside the herd.

But isn't that all levels of education in the US? There is a big difference in being taught WHAT to think and HOW to think. It seems to me that original thought is not fostered in america's system as far as my experience is concerned. After all tests these days are more about the regurgitation of 'facts' then creative thought.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
but seriously; i didnt think my spelling punctuation or grammer mattered at all Online Forums....what are you acting as my English teacher now

im Not being graded on this and so i dont use spellcheck or even attempt to correct anything

Well maybe to some people they don’t, like slackers and the like, but when all I have to judge a person by their ideas and the method in which they express those ideas, it matters to me.

I’ll admit that I misspell myself. I am not the grammar Nazi, but it isn’t that hard to capitalize and punctuate properly.

It just looks bad when you don’t, that’s all.

BTW, no insult was intended, I just found it funny that your writing style seemed to conflict with what you were saying.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
"BTW, What college did you graduate from?"
Texas Tech University
i know i know, its only a moderate college
some of my professors were brilliant
but most were 'average'

How the times have changed...

For the record, I'm also a Texas Tech graduate, though not a recent one. I had some excellent professors and certainly they held my toes to the fire when it came to writing skills. I also learned a lot about research in my time with the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Math also had some superb professors -- Tech was one of the leading schools for some of the early image recognition programs.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i personally will homeschool my child

ive been to college and i have a massive collection of textbooks already on virtually any mainstream subject u can think of

Homeschooling isn't such a bad idea, but it is not as simple as having textbooks. You have submit a curriculum to the State, and they have every right to come to your home and inspect your teaching practices.

On another note, another factor that would keep me from homeschooling, is that my child wouldn't have a social life with others of her age; she would miss out on the dances, clubs, and other activities that a school environment provides.

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