posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to:
Seem late to the party. This 'news' broke (according to the voice in the YT vid) on January 20, 2017. For all the screams of 'fake news', 'false
news', and/or 'alternative facts', you'd think that posting something from Political Insider - an unabashed, unfettered conservative media outlet with
significant bias (after all, all media is bias during this political zeitgeist) - would have registered with you as, maybe, just maybe, this is not a
true rumor, let alone a true story.
This election clearly exposed CNN as a liberal mouthpiece. MSNBC never hid from their bias. Mother Jones and the Weekly Standard aren't afraid of
their slant. But once upon a time, CNN was considered a neutral arbiter of the truth, but that is no longer the case and I saw it unfold with my own
If we want an honest media, we should start by acknowledging these biases and hold their feet to the fire. Absolutely. But it doesn't help any one
who is concerned with an honest accounting of the day's news, when you perpetuate nonsense such as the imminent divorce of the Obamas' as is stated in
your OP vis-a-vis Political Insider's 'reporting'. The media has becoming increasingly partial, but that doesn't mean that we pick sides and declare
war on the others...maybe, just maybe, we can see through the BS and call them out on it, hold their feet to the fire, and demand the press fulfill
their incredible mission protected in the very first Amendment to the Constitution - posting this 'fake'/'false' news about the Obamas after they're
civilians (just like the rest of us) does nothing to help the situation. It only diminishes the incredible mission the press were given by our
forefathers and makes the USofA less than it's best self.
Don't forget - no matter who tells you 'Americans are ignorant and warmongering and deluded about "American Exceptionalism" (another thread, but this
school of thought is spot-on -- "American Exceptionalism" is a GREAT thing) - we are the greatest nation on Earth and we NEED a press that represents
that TRUTH.
What you linked doesn't represent the TRUTH, nor does it facilitate a press/media that is interested in discovering the truth.
edit on
29-1-2017 by BeefNoMeat because: addition
edit on 29-1-2017 by BeefNoMeat because: Obama's to Obamas