It is no special gift, this gift of words we are all writers. We each of us are intricately bound to words, and they to us, making it possible for
mankind alone of the known animal kingdom to weave his fate. We are characters uniquely ourselves in this story called life, and have been given the
gift of interacting directly with the story, via words. The reason why this story has so much evil and problems is because conflict and strife are
interesting from a narrative viewpoint. In a story, atrocities are committed by the author in his story because however detractory the nature of the
act it adds benefit to the story. Of course, from within that story with a narrow viewpoint as a character they cannot easily see this fact...
and of course, evil being evil relishes what 'free' roam it has, unable to do anything the author does not wish, unaware of the futile nature of
existence... or perhaps it is aware, who knows. The point is, though, conflict is what draws readers to the story, what gives the story context and
meaning. When the main characters battle against evil, we cheer for them and root for them, when they triumph we triumph with them, when they are
defeated we cry for them... would you have ever read harry potter if there were no voldemort, no death eaters? No, because there would have been no
'boy who lived'! Just as no story is interesting without conflict, no story is satisfying without resolution to that conflict...and my friends this
story called life is one where good always triumphs in the end. This story is about redemption, about the struggle that good faces surrounded by
iniquity and corruption: in the world and ourselves. We all yearn for freedom, and for light, and the only way for us to achieve either is to unite in
the struggle to be free to do what is right.
This is a love story, about family and friendship and cooperation and lerserverance against all odds. As with the best of stories, as with harry
potter, the backdrop for the story to be set against is corruption and iniquity. And beauty, my friends, strength is found in acting despite these. My
friends have you ever felt a call to create? An urge to draw, or write, or build? Follow these urges, for they are at the very core if life. These
urges are why I am Daniel, and lucid warrior, why this couch is this couch, why evil is evil, why anything is everything. So don't worry about the
details, too much, and live in the moment trusting the eternal princess, and always always strive for unity, beauty, and truth. Love you
edit on 28-1-2017 by LucidWarrior because: Tear this wall diwn!