I think we need to investigate Ben Swann, not negatively but we need to find what he cannot say and SAY it LOUDLY!
We have something that even the most imagined enemy we could ever think of could never have, we have each other and the ability to empathize and
relate, to spread urgency and importance through emotional means.
We convey knowledge on so many scales and mediums to silence us or even think you can is to be as naive as they think we are.
Look into EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY of this man, he most likely is being threatened because it's cheaper to and paying people off doesn't work as you
would think, it's a much more closed case when you make threats. Most sane people back off for fear of their life or their family and friends.
We are the internet, let's act like it and spread some factual info with some purpose.
There is something to all of this, or else we as the collective public would not of taken notice, we have already felt this truth that there are
innocences reaching out for us to help them, they pleads with god daily for assistance, whether it's in the clutches of a rich DC exec. or politician
or a cult in North Dakota, we owe it to them and our nation and world to help them out if it's true, if it's not, what was lost? You time, which you
pay to this site and others anyways, so put some more purpose behind it.
People need our help.
You don't need to get physical, because being physical before obtaining facts is about as smart as thinking you could get away with these types of
things in the 1st place.
As the Air Force once said " Be educated, dedicated and highly motivated "
edit on 28-1-2017 by Tranceopticalinclined because: (no reason