That made me laugh and angry at the same time.
Now even the female clown and valkyrie Frauke Petry of the nazi party AfD made it to ATS. What times do we live in?
What happened to ATS?
Now these little Hobby-Hitlers had a Nazi meeting, a little Reichstparteitag and this is called "Trumpling of the Establishment in Europe" on ATS???
Do we still have idiots that follow those Nazis, saying "I am not a Nazi but it must be allowed to say...", using the poor "kick the establishment"
excuse to hide their Nazi attitude? Those "left-behind, concerned and enraged citizens" that never ever read the program of the AfD(it´s hard to read
being drunk and yelling Volksverräter, Sieg Heil and that stuff), what describes nothing less than a new manchester capitalism. Yeah, those AfD Nazis
must be the saviours for the "left-behind, concerned and enraged citizens".
Which suffer now, as they say. So they would be happy to suffer more if their idols would be in power? As i said, they never even read the AfD
program, didn´t understand it or don´t care, because they only use the allegedly democratic party AfD to cover their Nazi attitudes. Because AfD
voters are "never Nazis, but"´s. In reality their followers are 99,5% Nazis. But those ones that have no guts to be a Nazi in public, no guts to be a
voter of the NPD, that doesn´t hide that is a nazi party. AfD voters are cowardly hiding "undercover Nazis". Nazis that can´t even stand for their
own attitudes in public.
If i would be that dumb to follow a party to kick the establishment(a politician or party becomes establishment, corrupted in the first second of
it´s existence as politician and party) and i would be a Nazi(or a Leftists, or whatever), i would be proud to show it to everbody. So that my
enemies can spot me, i wouldn´t hide, i would fight. Cowards hide! I wouldn´t try to give ma democratic paint if i wanna destroy democracy, because
thats kind of schizophrenic.
It seems to be a german problem, that many people are cowards. I mean, if i see a "Nafri" grabbing my girlfriends a$$, i don´t cowardly run to the,
for whatever reason, cowardly german police and bet for help, leaving my girlfriend behind. I wouldn´t try to call the police. I would grab the
"Nafris" nuts and turn him upside down, to reach his face better with my feet. The same i would do with everybody that harms me, my family and my
friends, might it be "Nafris", might it be Nazis, might it be the police. If somebody makes mistakes in front of my eyes, he has to pay instantly. If
german men(that generation metrosexuel) wouldn´t be wimpy like they are, things like NYE 2015/16/Cologne could never happen. But people that don´t
see, hear and say anything to what happens around them, except it would have negative effects to only their very own car, their very own wallett,
their very own house make such things possible.
We have even people that let others die from a heartattack, while they walk about them to get money from the cash machine. Or pass a guy that fell out
of his wheelchair, without helping him, acting as they never saw him. Because many german people only care for themselves. For me this the same kind
of being a coward like hiding that one is a Nazi, or a radical leftist, or a "radical hippie"...
I am drifting...
I don´t think that (middle-, the more civilized)europe has enough idiots to bring Nazis into power. I mean, we can watch what happens to countries
where little Trumps are in power, like in Poland, like in Hungaria, the people slowly have enough of that Hobby-Hitlers, Hobby-NSDAP´s. Didn´t need
a long time for them to realize that "their saviours" are not their saviours, but now they have problems to get rid of them again. Spirits that I've
summoned My commands ignore...
We can watch how one of those new saviours speeds up the fall of the imperium americanum, it´s like a comedy movie, watching it from here, from over
the seas. And another wonderful example of what happens if you wanna fight fire with gas.
That´s the reason why the european Hobby-Hitlers on that meeting, that was accompanied by protests,made the Trump. Separated the journalists, those
that could report that AfD reality in a way that shows the people that the AfD is nothing more than a new and cowardly hidden wannabe NSDAP, weren´t
allowed on that meeting. The problem for the Hobby-Hitlers is, the whole world is laughing exactly about this behaviour of Trump. Even rightwingers
here laugh about that childish behaviour. And "our great Hobby Hitlers" try to copy this behaviour, and guess what happens. Even rightwingers start to
laugh about the AfD. Because on the other side, Frauke Petry and Beatrix von Storch leave not one political talkshow, if they are invited, to spread
their nazi attitudes, in the disguise of a demcrotic behaviour. Schizophrenic, didn´t weh ave that already?
In Germany, "our rust belt"(where obvisiously the people live that vote for such saviours) is too small. And even there just some alcoholics and the
regulars "No Nazi, but"´s would vote for them, but that´s not enough. Most of us live, since decades, together with muslims, with people from around
the around. They are our neighbours, our working colleagues, our friends, became often even our family. But in the very rural parts of germany, where
people live in their little towns, separated from the rest of the world, in their own echo chambers, there the AfD could fish some votes. But even
there the people are educated enough, not to blind to see and learned from our past, so it wouldn´t be enough votes to achive anything in germany.
To make it short....
It´s just sad to see that Nazi propaganda on ATS is disguised as "kicking the establishment in the a$$"!