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The Trumpling of the Establishment in Europe

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posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:37 AM
It looks like this Trump thing might be a Western hemisphere revolution

France, Germany and the Netherlands all go to the polls this year and after the battering the EU has had with the Islamic refugee debacle, people have had enough.

And good on them too. I've got nothing against regions of cultural identity, but when we get pushy, violent groups invading our space we need to stand up for ourselves. Something the current western political establishment does not possess the nads to do apparently.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

They tried the union and after waking up it would seem they want no more part of the globalist agenda ran by unelected bureaucrats out of Brussels... Just hope it is not already to late to salvage the established society.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:45 AM
I think the EU is dead.

All i can say is.......

Na na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye!

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

The fact that the various parties from the different nations chose to meet can only be a good thing.

I think that they understand that unity against the threat is the smartest way forward. If all three were elected (who knows their chances) they will be able to present a coherent front to lead the rest of Europe out of trouble.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

What concerns me is are we ALL being manipulated by these elitists?

I voted for Trump. I didn't have much hope he would do much, but I was damned if given an alternative to the standard run of the mill politicians and lawyers I would take it. Yet what I am witnessing is unbelievable! The blow back of swinging too far left is now playing out swinging back to the right, which is expected. However, how far right will it swing? Was the plan all along to get the people to destroy each other so that history will show that humanity needs STRICT guidelines to keep us from destroying each other?

I don't care how intelligent one might think they might be, but these people, pulling our strings, operate at a level of manipulation that is just scary. Look at the whole Social Justice phenomenon we are witnessing. Never in my life would I thought I would live to see people promoting "Love not Hate" while beating the hell out of anyone that disagreed with them, burning down and destroying property just because they feel entitled to do so and I can go on and on. These people just didn't pop up over night, they were groomed by our educational system.

Hell, even before that, parents were seduced by the psychiatric think tanks to stop disciplining their children by giving them spankings. Then it went to every child gets a trophy and again I can go on and on. This didn't happen overnight either. Once again, we as a society were groomed and manipulated to get to this point.

Whom ever or what ever, is behind this is a pure genius or not human to be able to seduce humanity to self destruct as we are witnessing at this moment.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

In a word, yes.

I wish you could all travel to NZ and take a good look at what is happening there. It's a glimpse of the future if we continue down the globalist agenda route.

NZ is an absolute minnow in the middle of nowhere geographically and therefore therefore the most vulnerable to all of this.

Where has it lead them?

To an economic takeover by China. All that remains is for them to land troops (luckily their navy sucks at this point in time) and march into parliament, they already own vast swathes of the country. Even our largest financial group is in their hands now.

Europe is being overrun with an Islamic migration crisis, NZ is pretty much owned by China, Australia is floundering with a massive budget deficit and national debt despite the fact that in 2008 when the global financial crisis hit, it was debt free!

The entire western hemisphere is in crisis. Our only hope now is these once considered radical nationalist parties who have been warning this was coming for years.

edit on 27-1-2017 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

I think there is a double edged sword being wielded over the population of the Western Hemisphere at the moment, which must be RIGIDLY dealt with, if any potential changes to the way of things, are to result in anything other than a swing from centre right, to the far right.

It is important to understand that most of the governments of nations in the EU, regardless of what party happens to be in power, have some significantly right leaning agendas, like making trade and economics more important than their citizens, as does the EU itself. The EU is, after all, a corporatist heaven, where trade issues are considered far longer than morality ever is, and allowances made to large companies and global businesses, over and above the interests of the people, who ought to be the ONLY consideration of any decent leadership cadre.

Many, largely ignorant, dunderheaded oafs in Europe, and indeed in Britain, falsely believe that what is needed is a firm turn in direction, toward a more heavily right leaning, aggressive and "strong" leadership, to counteract what they see as the effects of left leaning government over the years. But look at the Labour Party under Blair, back in the day (one of the things people hold up, to show the weakness of the left). He traded our nation away from under us for corporate gain (a right wing thing to do if ever I saw one, a thing which went against the principles of Labour voters everywhere), to private companies who would never pay the correct taxes, and would wind up being a greater drain on our nations finances than any number of immigrants ever have been. He also went into an illegal, for profit war with his buddy Bush (again, a thing that a left leaning leader would NEVER consider doing, because the principles involved with leftist political thought, forbid the hell out of it), against people who largely speaking posed no actual threat to either country, with the predictable effect of collateral damage causing anger, fury and rage, which eventually would lead to the creation of the IS, and their false caliphate (which, by the way, is controlled opposition anyway).

I voted out of the EU, because I believe that it will be necessary, in order to redirect our nation back to the left, to cut off any support that our current, heavily right wing government, might get from its EU partners, so that they can be isolated and destroyed, being replaced with a genuinely, grass roots, left wing, peaceful, compassionate government, who will not abandon the nations poor in favour of trade, who will defend the rights of religious people, atheists, homosexuals, transgender persons, lesbians, bisexuals and every single defining characteristic of a person under their care. This left shift MUST happen, because if the entire region goes to the right, it will be a matter of time before liars like Trump infest our politics, and if they reach critical mass then we will be looking at extermination policies, instead of deportation policies, and a totally unchecked intelligence community to boot.

I believe only left wing political change can bring about liberty, freedom, and true democracy for my country. I believe to go further right than we already have would be to bring about the death of every virtuous thing that remains in my country, would be tantamount to suicide for three quarters of our population, because many of us are too poor, or too different from the perceived norm, to be permitted to live free, to be at peace, to go unmolested by government or the law under a system more right wing than we have right now, a system which ALREADY victimises those who have little.

There must be a change, and indeed, less elitist nonsense would be welcome. But elitist nonsense is a rich lad who has never worked a solid day in his life, claiming hundreds of thousands in expenses, while voting to take thirty pounds a week away from a disabled person, or a council kicking a depressed OAP out of her house, because she had her son come over to look after her. It is NOT having an eye to civil liberties, it is NOT treating people from different backgrounds equally under the law, these things are NOT nonsense. They are fundamental underpinnings of a society worth being in.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

If you look at Trump, he is neither coherent left or right. And if you think about it, some areas of governance need the firm hand of the right wing while other areas need the softer touch of the left wing.

What he actually is, is a nationalist, like one Mr Putin in Moscow.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:14 AM
Look, in all seriousness, they gave it a go, for 40 years, and it worked to a degree, but you still have a bunch of nations, with their own culture, that honestly, are different enough, to never be together.
You have Sweden and Holland, with only 8-9 million people, and you have Germany and France with 60-80 million people, all with similar, but different cultures, philosophies, even weather.....
The Scandinavians are about as close in "culture" to the Spanish or Greeks, as the Japanese are to the Indians......almost totally different.
Yet only separated by a few hundred miles.
THis is like trying to form an "Eastern Asian Union" comprising of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam etc etc , to us "European" white people, they all look the same, but to each other, they are Vastly different and Vastly different cultures and ideals.
The Japanese even worship a giant Penis, think the wind protects them, and there is a giant lizard living in the sea near Tokyo..

Good on Europe for giving it a shot, but they lost their way, replaced the local Governments and systems with a centralised one in Brussels, that does not allow for the culture differences, and expected everyone to tow the line or else.....almost like Fascist Dictators.....which I would think is the opposite to what the Originally envisaged.
But , I know Nuzink, I know Nuzink, Her Commandant...

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: gort51

You have Sweden and Holland, with only 8-9 million people

i dont know where you get these numbers

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

Wow, the timing.

After reading this thread I just came across this video.

A final warning from George Orwell.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

Nationalism is not a left wing habit.

And you are dead wrong about some things needing a right wing hand, and others needing the left. It is perfectly possible to run an intelligence operation that does not violate the liberty of innocent citizens. It simply is not done, but must be in the future. It is perfectly possible to run a military which is more humanitarian than barbarian. It is just harder, and costs more time, training, and would kick out more failures on psychological or moral grounds. It is perfectly possible to make foreign policy choices which always remain dedicated to the idea of protecting ones interests without causing harm to other countries, unless those countries are already preparing to invade you.

It is possible, it is just rarely done. Under a PROPER left wing government, it would be. This must be the aim. Our government must establish itself as being at least as morally sound as the people who pay into its coffers, must establish itself as being a government which would never consider any action, militarily or geopolitically, internally or otherwise, which would harm either its citizens or their reputation, either in the short or the long term. It must be a government run by and for the people, not by entitled, upper class, low life experience persons such as have infested our countries politics for years. It must be a government which is humanitarian before it is all other things, and considers businesses not as citizens, but as means to function ends, those ends being to provide jobs which people can do in order to feed themselves and generate taxes, so that good works can be done for the good of all. It must be a government which would never allow banks to come before people, never allow monetary concerns to come before morality.

Those are the values I expect from my countrymen, and the values I expect therefore from its leadership. A bastion of morality, decency, fairness, humanitarian concern, and strength. Because it takes more strength to do the right thing, the right way, for the right reasons, than it does to do whatever seems fastest and easiest, just to get by. These must be the values upon which my country moves forward, and if folk in other places want to avoid the hell of tyrants and fascists, they had better cotton on to that idea as well, otherwise, we are all bloody doomed.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Thanks for posting that

That video needs to go viral. Especially those haunting last words...

"The moral of all this is don't let it happen, it all depends on you"

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I think we're on the same page, but just identify the same thing differently.

I actually espoused some of my own personal political leanings, which mirror your thoughts here

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: seeker1963

Thanks for posting that

That video needs to go viral. Especially those haunting last words...

"The moral of all this is don't let it happen, it all depends on you"

Yea, kinda spooked me when I watched it and I don't spook very easily anymore.

"Don't let it happen."

Reminded me of a thread perhaps yesterday when they were talking of Trump dealing with the violence in Chicago. Something certainly needs done and the problem has only gotten worse with identity politics, yet I am not comfortable with say sending in any form of military. Where would it end? Then we have protestors/rioters whom feel entitled to go out and cause harm to property and violence towards those that disagree with them, where will that go? Again, something needs done, but do they really want a police state, because that is what they are asking for.......

Seems sanity has taken a leave of absence with a lot of folks lately.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

In your linked post, you talk about immigration, and you talk about a situation where any one group starts causing trouble for others.

I do not identify with any consideration of that sort.

Immigration, currently, is our responsibility, because our nations government has damaged the region from which the vast majority of immigrants are coming, as a result of a frankly fascistic foreign policy having existed for longer than I have been alive. We would, as a morally founded nation, have to take responsibility for that, along with any consequences arising therefrom. Furthermore, it is not a particular race or religion that has EVER caused trouble, but defective individuals within those societal groups, who bugger things up not just for those outside those groups, but those in them as well. For that reason, only individuals would ever have to suffer for their criminality and troublemaking, not a group as a whole, but ONLY the few who actually pose a threat. Anything else would be unacceptable and amoral.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: seeker1963
You're obviously talking about Chicago there.

That city is a special case. It is basically at war with itself.

I would not advocate the same thing being rolled out nationwide, but if that one place requires martial law to bring it back to being a civilised place again, then why not?

As long as its an isolated case. And that's the key here.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

We'll agree to disagree on that point.

I agree with what Trump is doing regarding refugee immigration.

As his son infamously said:

'There's a bowl of skittles on the table, what if I said two or three of those skittles in that bowl that might kill you. I don't know which ones, just that a few are poisonous. Would you still take a handful?'

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: seeker1963
You're obviously talking about Chicago there.

That city is a special case. It is basically at war with itself.

I would not advocate the same thing being rolled out nationwide, but if that one place requires martial law to bring it back to being a civilised place again, then why not?

As long as its an isolated case. And that's the key here.

Yea, I am just cautious of going there. It does need done, just not sure using any form of military is the answer. I am a firm supporter for the Posse Comitatus Act. A lot of people forgot already, but when the National Guard went to aid after hurricane Katrina, they also confiscated guns from citizens whom had done nothing wrong except try to protect their own property and persons.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 06:15 AM
That made me laugh and angry at the same time.

Now even the female clown and valkyrie Frauke Petry of the nazi party AfD made it to ATS. What times do we live in?
What happened to ATS?

Now these little Hobby-Hitlers had a Nazi meeting, a little Reichstparteitag and this is called "Trumpling of the Establishment in Europe" on ATS??? Really???

Do we still have idiots that follow those Nazis, saying "I am not a Nazi but it must be allowed to say...", using the poor "kick the establishment" excuse to hide their Nazi attitude? Those "left-behind, concerned and enraged citizens" that never ever read the program of the AfD(it´s hard to read being drunk and yelling Volksverräter, Sieg Heil and that stuff), what describes nothing less than a new manchester capitalism. Yeah, those AfD Nazis must be the saviours for the "left-behind, concerned and enraged citizens".

Which suffer now, as they say. So they would be happy to suffer more if their idols would be in power? As i said, they never even read the AfD program, didn´t understand it or don´t care, because they only use the allegedly democratic party AfD to cover their Nazi attitudes. Because AfD voters are "never Nazis, but"´s. In reality their followers are 99,5% Nazis. But those ones that have no guts to be a Nazi in public, no guts to be a voter of the NPD, that doesn´t hide that is a nazi party. AfD voters are cowardly hiding "undercover Nazis". Nazis that can´t even stand for their own attitudes in public.

If i would be that dumb to follow a party to kick the establishment(a politician or party becomes establishment, corrupted in the first second of it´s existence as politician and party) and i would be a Nazi(or a Leftists, or whatever), i would be proud to show it to everbody. So that my enemies can spot me, i wouldn´t hide, i would fight. Cowards hide! I wouldn´t try to give ma democratic paint if i wanna destroy democracy, because thats kind of schizophrenic.

It seems to be a german problem, that many people are cowards. I mean, if i see a "Nafri" grabbing my girlfriends a$$, i don´t cowardly run to the, for whatever reason, cowardly german police and bet for help, leaving my girlfriend behind. I wouldn´t try to call the police. I would grab the "Nafris" nuts and turn him upside down, to reach his face better with my feet. The same i would do with everybody that harms me, my family and my friends, might it be "Nafris", might it be Nazis, might it be the police. If somebody makes mistakes in front of my eyes, he has to pay instantly. If german men(that generation metrosexuel) wouldn´t be wimpy like they are, things like NYE 2015/16/Cologne could never happen. But people that don´t see, hear and say anything to what happens around them, except it would have negative effects to only their very own car, their very own wallett, their very own house make such things possible.

We have even people that let others die from a heartattack, while they walk about them to get money from the cash machine. Or pass a guy that fell out of his wheelchair, without helping him, acting as they never saw him. Because many german people only care for themselves. For me this the same kind of being a coward like hiding that one is a Nazi, or a radical leftist, or a "radical hippie"...

I am drifting...
I don´t think that (middle-, the more civilized)europe has enough idiots to bring Nazis into power. I mean, we can watch what happens to countries where little Trumps are in power, like in Poland, like in Hungaria, the people slowly have enough of that Hobby-Hitlers, Hobby-NSDAP´s. Didn´t need a long time for them to realize that "their saviours" are not their saviours, but now they have problems to get rid of them again. Spirits that I've summoned My commands ignore...

We can watch how one of those new saviours speeds up the fall of the imperium americanum, it´s like a comedy movie, watching it from here, from over the seas. And another wonderful example of what happens if you wanna fight fire with gas.

That´s the reason why the european Hobby-Hitlers on that meeting, that was accompanied by protests,made the Trump. Separated the journalists, those that could report that AfD reality in a way that shows the people that the AfD is nothing more than a new and cowardly hidden wannabe NSDAP, weren´t allowed on that meeting. The problem for the Hobby-Hitlers is, the whole world is laughing exactly about this behaviour of Trump. Even rightwingers here laugh about that childish behaviour. And "our great Hobby Hitlers" try to copy this behaviour, and guess what happens. Even rightwingers start to laugh about the AfD. Because on the other side, Frauke Petry and Beatrix von Storch leave not one political talkshow, if they are invited, to spread their nazi attitudes, in the disguise of a demcrotic behaviour. Schizophrenic, didn´t weh ave that already?

In Germany, "our rust belt"(where obvisiously the people live that vote for such saviours) is too small. And even there just some alcoholics and the regulars "No Nazi, but"´s would vote for them, but that´s not enough. Most of us live, since decades, together with muslims, with people from around the around. They are our neighbours, our working colleagues, our friends, became often even our family. But in the very rural parts of germany, where people live in their little towns, separated from the rest of the world, in their own echo chambers, there the AfD could fish some votes. But even there the people are educated enough, not to blind to see and learned from our past, so it wouldn´t be enough votes to achive anything in germany.

To make it short....

It´s just sad to see that Nazi propaganda on ATS is disguised as "kicking the establishment in the a$$"!

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