posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 08:44 AM
... but what about the "How" ...?
Scott, I just finished listening to your excellent interview
with the great George Knapp from several days ago.
Fascinating stuff, needless to say.
But, although it wasn't the primary reason for your appearance on the show.
while the completely plausible idea of the Great Pyramid being a seedvault
[like, as you astutely pointed out, the one buried underground in Norway],
of sorts was put forth, still, to me anyway, the even greater questiom
moreso than the "what"s & "why"s, of just how they were built wasn't broached.
In the course of your research, did you ever come across any interesting,
heretofore unpostulated methods of just how in God's name these gargantuan
structures may have been, using nothing more than human muscle power and
materiél native to that locale, put together in the first place? Thank you!