You know, you gotta love Putin for his straight talking style.
He denies any knowledge of a dossier held on Trump, saying that the supposed visit was 5 years ago when Trump was nothing more than a rich American
business man visiting Russia.
As the question is asked by the reporter the grin on the leader of Moldova's face is priceless. You can tell Moldova thinks this is a huge joke not to
be taken seriously at all.
But it gets better than that..... Putin says, and I roughly quote 'Trump was surrounded by beauty queens, why would he turn to women of low moral
standing (prostitutes) not that I am not saying our prostitutes are not the best in the world'
Man, can you imagine Trump and Putin in the same room - comic genius!
edit on 24-1-2017 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)
I agree with him completely. And you gotta love the venom that's spewed his way by the morons in our country while he's one of the most rational
leaders in the world.
And that prostitute comment....a man that's after my heart hahaha