posted on Jan, 24 2017 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to:
My friend and I went into a really nasty flash flood in the south about 8 yrs ago and saved an old black lady from being washed into the Wolf
Even though I'm deathly afraid of snakes(that I could see in the flood mixed with branches and all forms of trash),I jumped in with my friend and we
got her to the rescue units and called it a day.
One week later I was attacked by 5 or 6 black guys (I distinctly remember one of them saying "kill that white m********r") one night that I was
walking back from the gas station.I barely escaped with my life.
One split my head open with a bat (while the rest were busy kicking and punching me-trying to beat me to death)my ribs and shoulder and leg were
messed up-I still feel it "tinges" from time to time.
I ask myself if that was karma for saving the old black woman's life?
I was almost very painfully killed for being white and buying some trail mix and chips to enjoy with the new Clive Cussler book that came out at the
What you are seeing is not hatred-just the blinds being pulled away.
edit on 24-1-2017 by angryproctologist because: qwerty
edit on 24-1-2017 by angryproctologist because: (no reason