posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:07 PM
Hi all.
I was around six or seven years old when this incident happened, but I still remember it fairly clearly. It was, after all, rather unusual.
I was at my apartment with my grandmother watching the birds outside of my window. After a period of time, my grandma left to go to the restroom and I
continued watching.
A few seconds after she left, I saw a large bright reddish bird fly from the left of the area I was watching (though it seemed like it was out of
nowhere) to the right of same in a rather graceful manner. It then doubled back to the left and then back to the right, vanishing back into the
nowhere it seemed to have come from with a slight glint of light.
When my grandmother came back, I didn't tell her about the incident.
For my younger life I figured it was just a robin, but thinking back on it I didn't notice any of the black areas on the bird like typical robins
have. When I heard about the legend of the Phoenix, I jokingly thought that perhaps that was what I saw. Now...well...I'm wondering, to say the
If it makes any difference, it was autumn in central Minnesota when I saw this bird. It was also around the time that my father was at a nursing home
dying, if that makes for a reason to possibly connect seeing this creature with spiritual reasons.
Any thoughts would be helpful. =)