posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 06:39 PM
New age, new means of controlling the masses. Unlike the days when religion ruled the World, and the majority of people feared their own shadow, these
days, people are actually less ignorant and have a little better understanding of the World. I'm still shocked that religion has such a strong
following still, but we do have to take in to account children being brought up not to question their religion (ie. kept ignorant).
These religious families have on average two/three kids, who are then brought up to adhere to their religion and not question it. Most of these
so-called religous children haven't even seen or read the Bible or Qu'ran. I know many Christian people too, who don't read the bible, pray or
attend church, even muslims admit to not reading the Qu'ran, praying or attending mosque, but they still insist on being called muslims.
The dogmatic religions are finally dieing out and are being replace, it's just weird why people insist on being called Christian or Muslim, when
probably 7/10 don't even follow their proclaimed religion,