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Trudeau cabinet on retreat to prepare for Trump presidency

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posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 09:44 AM
The hard reality for Canadians is that they swung far left a year ago, with the election of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party, just as the American political pendulum was starting to swing back to the right - after 8 years of Globalism First/America Last Barak Obama, and culminating in the election of Donald Trump.

Trudeau, as the idealistic globalist feminist (whatever that means) babe in the woods that he is, thinks that he will be able to smile and selfie his way into Trump's good graces, and gain trade concessions because of the long history of cooperation between Canada and the United States.

News flash's a new day baby! Trump wants jobs, jobs, jobs...and he wants them to come from everywhere. China, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, India - and yes, even from Canada.

Up to now, Trudeau has had a relatively smooth ride guiding Canada's relations with the U.S., thanks to being so simpatico with Barack Obama -- natural allies on climate change, with a close personal relationship that oozed brotherly affection.

So far, the Liberals have taken a wise approach in reaching out to the Trump's transition team, "in order to begin conveying the importance of our economic partnership and the American interest in maintaining it," said Roland Paris, Trudeau's former foreign policy adviser. But now the real work starts with Trump taking over the White House.

Trudeau Trying to Beef Up US/Canada Trade Team

The fact that Canadian labour rate/laws, environmental standards, legal system, banking systems, energy costs, etc. stack up pretty "fairly" with the US experience, and that Canada has a lot of natural resources that will be useful to a US manufacturing resurgence, will put Canada on a much better footing than Mexico - if Trump is going to take a "Fair Trade" approach.

But Trudeau is going to need to understand that, under the Trump Administration, Canada is going to have to trade on the basis of equal value/opportunity - not expect to be handed sweetheart deals just because we have always been friends and neighbours.

“It’s very clear to myself when I speak to business leaders here in Davos, when I met with automotive executives and business leaders in Detroit, having open borders benefits both Canada and the U.S.”

Trump’s spokesman recently stoked fears when he said Canada’s automotive sector may not be spared from a border tax.

(Former Canadian Prime Minister) Harper called Trump “a candidate without precedent in American history” who rejects the long-held notion that “America alone must accept overarching responsibility for global affairs.”

Harper said many in the world may not like this inward foreign policy shift, which will focus on narrowly defined U.S. economic interests.

...“It will work with friends and allies on shared interests, but only when such friends and allies are prepared to bring real assets to the table,” he said. “That, by the way, is going to apply first and foremost to Europe.”

Don't Expect a Friend Concession Mr. Trudeau

Trudeau is going to have to, at some point, give his head a shake and back away from his commitment to shackle Canadian businesses (and the population in general) with a National Carbon Tax...which is somehow supposed to contribute to solving Global(ist) Climate Change - and as are Provincial Liberal Governments, like in Ontario, who are now instituting additional "Cap and Trade" tax schemes.

He will also need to back away from his headlong commitment to "Free Trade" deals with the EU, China and the TPP...with the US putting protectionist barriers in place with all of these trading partners - Canada will end up being a dumping ground for excess production (primarily from Asia) capacity, which would decimate an already severely weakened Canadian manufacturing sector.

In the overall, I expect that Trudeau is going to find himself in way over his head, in dealing with the new American reality - and unless he toughens up, and backs away from his "sunny ways" utopian view of the world, he is going to make a real mess over the next 3 years...a mess that maybe not even Kevin O'Leary will be able to clean up.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 09:54 AM
There is a price to pay for making the majority feel like, and treating it like a disenfranchised minority, and the Canadian political establishment, along with that of many other western nations is about to find out just how high that price is.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

I expect he will make a move on this part .

MOSCOW – Chrystia Freeland, a leading figure in the Ukrainian and Canadian campaigns against Russia, was promoted last week in Ottawa to become Canada’s foreign minister. She is now one step away in her plan to replace Justin Trudeau as prime minister, sources in Ottawa, Washington, and Moscow report. She was sanctioned by Russia prior to Trudeau making her foreign minster .Cant sit at the table if you are not allowed in the room . John Helmer, has a good bio on her .

Chrystia Freeland (lead image), appointed last week to be the new Canadian Foreign Minister, claims that her maternal family were the Ukrainian victims of Russian persecution, who fled their home in 1939, after Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin agreed on a non-aggression pact and the division of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union. She claims her mother was born in a camp for refugees before finding safe haven in Alberta, Canada. Freeland is lying.

eta...and OP please do not make Kevin O'leary a kind of Trump equivalent . I think Canad can and must do better the Kevin O'really .
edit on 22-1-2017 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-1-2017 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 10:22 AM
America needs our resources and 35 states have canada as their #1 export destination. I hope my country grows balls to and demands better trade deals too.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: CulturalResilience
There is a price to pay for making the majority feel like, and treating it like a disenfranchised minority, and the Canadian political establishment, along with that of many other western nations is about to find out just how high that price is.

Absolutely true.

The hard working people of the United States and Canada, over the last century and more, built a pair of economic powerhouses...and in the process, building strong and stable societies, governmental and legal systems.

Then the Liberal-left Globalists started taking over (aided by well-meaning Social Conservatives), and hard selling an obligation to be all things to all people around the world - open up our borders to people and products, give away our strategic manufacturing capabilities to other nations, promise to cut emissions and tax carbon (while the worst polluters, like China, got a free ride) to champion the Clinate Change crusade, allow Domestic Policy and Laws to be shaped by Globalist forces at the UN, turn a blind eye to the enemies of our way of life (and for the most part sit back and watch as they spread across the Middle East, Africa, Asia and now Europe).

The Brexit decision, and the Trump election - and similar protectionist changes to come - were/are inevitable...just like it was inevitable that we would have to finally react to the "creep" that originally was Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperialist Japan and Soviet much as many wanted to keep their heads in the sand, and live within the fantasy that none of that was going to affect us here in North America.

The time has arrived that nations like the UK, the United States, Australia - and Canada - say that, sorry, we need to take a different approach before we become the 3rd World.

I doubt, however, that Justin Trudeau will be able to be the needed fact he is very much a functional part of the contagion.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
a reply to: mobiusmale

eta...and OP please do not make Kevin O'leary a kind of Trump equivalent . I think Canad can and must do better the KO .

I might be proven wrong, but the way things seem to be shaping up in the race for the Conservative Leadership, Kevin O'Leary looks like he will get the nod (none of the other candidates have the "star power" of O'Leary).

And...since, by the end of his mandate, I believe that Trudeau is going to be laid bare - and Canadians in general are not going to want to support another term for him...O'Leary would have to be seen as the front runner to replace him as Prime Minister.

KO, is a straight-talking, business-oriented billionaire with a high recognition factor due to his many years on TV...all like Trump. But, I think that he has a lot more polish...and is less prone to brash (and/or false) statements. I also think that he would be far more successful "toe to toe" with the Donald, than Trudeau could ever dream to be.

If there are better candidates out there, they had best show up pretty soon and challenge Kevin for the PC Crown...

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 10:44 AM
It will be cool to watch Canada swing back hard to the right next election.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

I don't really like any of the three parties ,not after they stood shoulder to shoulder on the Ukrainian coup . But like you said that someone has to show up and soon weather a new Liberal leader (doubt it) Conservative (probably O'really lol ) or a NDP leader (like a Layton ) time will tell but I think we are on the same page as far as Justin goes . He has too much back peddling to do and that will hurt the brain washed people that helped to get him into power . Do you see the Green party staying alive just to help split the vote in the next election ?

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: jellyrev

It will be cool to watch Canada swing back hard to the right next election.
I don't think you will see that ..Too much bad taste of the Harper years and besides Canada is more of a middle of the Road . Justin got in because it was a kind of protest vote . The right has a decent base but not one that can swing the majority their way , at least not for awhile . Alberta provincially is a kind of wake up call for the right nationally.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: jellyrev
It will be cool to watch Canada swing back hard to the right next election.

It's gonna happen. Unless they want to turn into a colder California.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

I like how this is being interpreted in the US.

That our Prime Minister would take every one of his cabinet members to a retreat, just to 'prepare' for Trump lol.

But Trudeau is going to need to understand that, under the Trump Administration, Canada is going to have to trade on the basis of equal value/opportunity - not expect to be handed sweetheart deals just because we have always been friends and neighbours.

Our current trade deals with the US, mostly hurt Canada for a lot of different reasons. I"m sure our Prime Minister is just as interested in a level playing field.

Canada weathers change better than most countries in the world when there's a huge crisis, or a huge paradigm shift.

We'll be just fine - Trudeau doesn't have to change a thing, other than to take a hard stance FOR Canadian values and policies and not let himself be bullied by a Trump admin.

Although, he's going to have a lot more to deal with down south, and overseas than from Canada. Trump might find himself short on international allies, and Canada will be a very good looking partner to have.

As for Kevin, he's a social libertarian mixed with a fiscal conservative. I can go with that.



posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

Anyone who is for, will move forward with, has plans to implement, ect, ect, a carbon tax is a CROOK.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Slickinfinity

Additionally, the Trans Mountain Pipeline will be built and will be exporting oil to China, so we will have lucrative trading partners other than the Americans. Also, 9 million American jobs depend on Canadian oil exports, so who will have the upper hand in the trade talks?

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
a reply to: Slickinfinity

Additionally, the Trans Mountain Pipeline will be built and will be exporting oil to China, so we will have lucrative trading partners other than the Americans. Also, 9 million American jobs depend on Canadian oil exports, so who will have the upper hand in the trade talks?

Get America to invade Canada for resources after Americans deplete their own with outdated technology. Good luck trying.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Logarock

It seems there has been a carbon tax in B.C. for some time now and it is a success.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I am on the fence with Kevin but if we end up needing a fiscally charged hard a**, he's the guy.

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

It seems there has been a carbon tax in B.C. for some time now and it is a success.
Seeing the whole premise on CO2 is to address temperatures and climate change the results could be quantified . How does BC make the claim of success ?

eta a rebuttal to the piece you linked is in this comment .

Diana Daunheimer • 20 days ago A fact is something that truly exists or happens and making a factual statement requires evidence. The facts stated here not only have not occurred, they do not have the proper evidence to support them. Fact #1: The Carbon Tax will cost 60% nothing at all. This "fact" is not supported by evidence. The Bill 20 Fuel Tax only began on Jan 1, 2017. Is there data to support this statement? No. To further, one must submit their tax returns to receive a rebate. Has everyone entitled to a rebate done so? Likely not. As well, it is obvious there will be externalized costs to this tax, school districts, municipalities, charities, transit, provincial air travel, all businesses will be passing on the tax to consumers. To suggest that the populous will not feel the burden of increased costing in numerous facets of every day life is defying all economic logic.

Fact #2: All money raised by the Carbon Tax will stay in Alberta. Is that so? Where is the evidence? If the Government of Alberta signs a contract with a multinational company to install renewable energy, or implement CCS, using Bill 20 fuel taxes, does all the money stay in Alberta?.....

Fact #3: Taxing carbon is not a new idea. Perhaps, but taxing fuel, and using it for a non-revenue neutral program is, which is what Bill 20 does. It is not a carbon tax, as carbon is not being taxed, fuel is, and the revenue can be used for general operations. This is a sales tax, guised as environmental policy. .....

Fact #4: There's no time like the present. For what? To fail on emissions reductions? There is no mandate in Bill 20 to reduce emissions and no qualifying or quantifying measures to ensure the Act achieves its advertised purpose, reducing emissions and mitigating climate change.

Fact #5: The Carbon Tax will not unfairly harm industry. It won't harm industry at all. Read Bill 20. It has numerous direct exemptions for the oil and gas industry. .....

To further, numerous truths were omitted from the discussion, such as Bill 20 enshrining warrantless search and seizure on Albertans, industry exemptions from the fuel tax and the utter failure of the Act to address actual reduction of emissions. Here are links to the legislation and MRR, where the exemptions and other factual details can be verified.

edit on 22-1-2017 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

edit on Sun Jan 22 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed overly long quote IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I am on the fence with Kevin but if we end up needing a fiscally charged hard a**, he's the guy.

I didn't really have an issue with Harper's economic policy, he is the reason we did so well post crash, even a jaded man who hates him like me can admit that.

The overall problem was his social issues stances and climate stances. He's an old Draconian member of the Western Alliance Party. He was never a Conservative really.

So if Kevin can mostly keep his mouth shut about things that aren't economic and don't affect him personally and speak words of support for the right issues at the right times, he'll be a shoe in and the next election won't be a read sweep.


posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

Great analysis!

Fact #1: The Carbon Tax will cost 60% nothing at all. This "fact" is not supported by evidence. The Bill 20 Fuel Tax only began on Jan 1, 2017. Is there data to support this statement? No. To further, one must submit their tax returns to receive a rebate. Has everyone entitled to a rebate done so? Likely not. As well, it is obvious there will be externalized costs to this tax, school districts, municipalities, charities, transit, provincial air travel, all businesses will be passing on the tax to consumers. To suggest that the populous will not feel the burden of increased costing in numerous facets of every day life is defying all economic logic.

Fact #2: All money raised by the Carbon Tax will stay in Alberta. Is that so? Where is the evidence? If the Government of Alberta signs a contract with a multinational company to install renewable energy, or implement CCS, using Bill 20 fuel taxes, does all the money stay in Alberta?.....

Fact #3: Taxing carbon is not a new idea. Perhaps, but taxing fuel, and using it for a non-revenue neutral program is, which is what Bill 20 does. It is not a carbon tax, as carbon is not being taxed, fuel is, and the revenue can be used for general operations. This is a sales tax, guised as environmental policy. .....

Fact #4: There's no time like the present. For what? To fail on emissions reductions? There is no mandate in Bill 20 to reduce emissions and no qualifying or quantifying measures to ensure the Act achieves its advertised purpose, reducing emissions and mitigating climate change.

Fact #5: The Carbon Tax will not unfairly harm industry. It won't harm industry at all. Read Bill 20. It has numerous direct exemptions for the oil and gas industry. .....

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower

We'll be just fine - Trudeau doesn't have to change a thing, other than to take a hard stance FOR Canadian values and policies and not let himself be bullied by a Trump admin.

Idealistic thinking maybe, but I do not see the world bowing down to Trump.

For one thing - - he has exposed himself as an egotistical, narcissistic, thin skinned, ill-prepared, buffoon.

He can't just push his way in, leave carnage, then call his lawyers to clean it up.

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