I contend that we need a new major political philosophy which speaks to a large part of society which is ignored and to contend with the two major
political parties which currently exist. Rather than rely on slanted beliefs which come from the left or right, we need a balanced and realistic
perspective which relies on facts and logic to reach conclusions.
I've written bad and good threads about Trump, because I agree with him on many points but also disagree on many other points. Rather than kneel
before him and portray him as the savor of the world, it's important to realize he's just a man, and no man is perfect. However it's also crucial to
realize Trump has many plans which do go against the "status quo".
For example he wants term limits on all members of Congress, he wants to reduce government spending by shrinking or totally killing off unnecessary
government departments, he wants to reduce the over-regulation which harms the economy, he wants to make it much harder for government employees to
become lobbyists after they leave government service.
Furthermore, he is taking a hard stance against MSM propaganda and a hard stance against terrorism. Instead of fighting proxy wars which support
terrorist groups, the U.S. will now fight with other world super power such as Russia to destroy the terrorist groups in Syria and other places. They
are putting petty differences aside and doing what is necessary.
On top of that he wants to reduce taxes for the middle class and create more incentives for businesses and manufacturers to operate from the U.S.
instead of another country. He also has a healthy skepticism when it comes to controversial topics such as vaccinations, he asks questions instead of
simply towing the mainstream line with unquestioning faith.
It's for those reasons and many others that I have come to accept Trump and see the good in this situation instead of just the bad. However there are
still many aspects of the trump administration which have me concerned or angry because they totally contradict his other principles or it's just not
something I believe in, such as his religious leanings.
Whether you're on the left or right, there's a very good chance most of the people who represent you are religious to some degree. As a result, that
very large group of people who call themselves agnostic or atheists feel totally ignored and unrepresented. These religious beliefs often lead to
other questionable policies which inhibit liberty and freedom.
For example the ability for a women to get an abortion is undermined, the ability for gay couples to get married is hindered as much as possible,
nations such as Israel which do evil crap all the time constantly get a free pass, the freedom to use natural drugs such as marijuana is constantly
thwarted and the users are treated like hard criminals.
It would be unfair to say everything Obama did was terrible, just look how far the legalization of marijuana in the U.S. has come in the last 8 years.
Now there's a chance much of that work could be undone by Trump and Jeff Sessions. It seems very hypocritical to run on a platform promoting freedom
and restoring power to the people, while wanting to restrict certain freedoms.
That is why I strongly feel the need for a third major political party which takes a more balanced approach by drawing on the wisdom of both the left
and the right. This new "Realist Party" would have a strong emphasis on liberty and freedom, while also emphasizing the separation of church and
state, with a preference for cold hard facts over emotional bias.
The facts are, marijuana is less harmful than other legal drugs with the government taxes, it's a natural plant that has existed since the dawn of
time, and it has many proven medicinal purposes. Logic then dictates it should be ok to for personal use, especially in the privacy of ones own home.
Principles of liberty say it's fine if it's not harming anyone else.
See how easy it is to reach a conclusion when you're not bogged down by artificial arguments of morality which have no realistic basis? This is what
we need, a political party which sees things for what they are and not what they want them to be, a party which understands how to balance republic
and democratic principles without creating a nanny state or fascist corporatocracy.
edit on 22/1/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason