posted on Jan, 21 2017 @ 12:49 PM
Like my title, I am doing a happy dance.In the past 6 weeks I have lost 15 pounds.
I am not starving myself on any type of diet,no carb counting or eating only certain
types of food.
I started a job back in mid-december and my work is physical.In just doing my job,
getting off of my sofa and computer desk,I started to lose a few pounds.To keep
up with the weight loss and my goal to keep it off.I have been doing the following.
I eat a high protein breakfast and drink a glass of grapefruit juice.For lunch,I have
been drinking a high protein chocolate milk beverage and water.For dinner,I have
been eating any type of meat and salads,including pasta salads,only in smaller portions.
Once a week,I will have a sandwich with chips and a beer,or have french toast,or
a slice or two of pizza,a Little Debbie snack cake...just not too much!
With too many fad diets,there are restrictions on food types.Yes, you will lose
weight,but you will probably gain it all back.You should never deprive yourself from
eating your favorite foods.I had learned the following many years ago and now I am
going to apply it to my life...
Breakfast time,you should eat like a king,lunch time like a prince and dinner time like
a pauper.I should be at my goal weight by early summer.