First, realize that I am sitting in the crowd, speaking my mind - I am not on a pulpit and I do not in any way see myself above my fellow citizens, we
are equals and I hope to hear your suggestions to your fellow citizens as well. May you reflect, think, ponder, and proceed with such suggestions with
care, I am not as interested in participating in a mud pit discussion as those are all too common, and even fill the main page of ats for now. I
desire a civil discussion and open minded debate, a discourse, an exchanging of thoughts and expanding of minds.
So, without further ado, here's what's on my mind:
Liberals/Democrats - more progress has been made for minorities and those less fortunate in the last last few years than in a long time. Keep pushing
for things like equality, fairness, social responsibility for those less fortunate, and other things like environmental protection and freedom for
others to immigrate here - these are not bad things to fight for, just realize that the way you present these ideas matter in a huge way. Representing
these issues in the wrong way, with the wrong tone, angrily and hastily will only stop or prolong this progress you hope for. Have open discussions
with the opposite party and realize that compromise is not a swear word. Plans to help those in need can be statistically proven to be a financial
gain, for instance - and presenting this fact will result in unity on key issues.
Conservatives/Republicans - if there's any time to prove your party has good ideas, and can heal this country in ways, now is the time to show it. The
whole government is Republican right now, and the new president is a very rich man who knows business very well, if your trickle down economics could
ever work, now is the time to prove it. Create an economy like that we haven't seen in decades, prove business and ethics are not antonyms, bring jobs
back to America and prove those things which you advocate for to be worthy of being a part of this nation. Realize that your religious ideals may not
be agreed with, and compromise is a key word moving forward, and will help our nation progress. Realize that those that you see as your enemy could
very well hold the key to solving the issues that you care about most - think of prohibition here, banning something is not the answer, and will only
cause a rise in ambiguous morality-based crime rate and consequently incarceration, which only burdens our country more and does nothing to help the
situation you desire.
Both sides- realize that there are issues we may never agree on, but that finding commonality on issues is almost always possible, and from that
commonality, progress can then be possible. We are not opposites, it's not simply black and white. I would be interested in discussing some of these
topics so if you have any topics you'd like to bring up, go ahead and I'll try finding the commonality and the win, win situation.
So, what's on your mind?
P. S. - I truly hope for some good answers here, usually threads are littered with one liners, jokes, trolls, off topic messages and I simply ask that
you make an attempt at a sincere reply. Thank you.
edit on 20-1-2017 by deadlyhope because: (no reason given)