posted on Jan, 20 2017 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to:
I'm sorry....I see you haven't come back but what did you expect from this inflammatory post?
I'll give you a that old Choose Your Own adventure book
You find yourself at a cross roads. You've posted an inflammatory thread with no basis in reality. You're approached by a large man wearing a Guy
Fawkes mask waving a pansexual pride flag. He asks you, "What answer do you seek? Do you seek the answer of the ages or the answer of the foolish?
-If you choose the smart answer, go to post A.
-if you choose the silly answer, go to post B.
(and don't pull that BS where you keep your finger on the last page
Post A - Chances are, a lot of this is a relic of the older days of forums. When older users, previously used to pen pals and letters, in the early
days of forums, message boards, and node-driven boards used to post, they did not have a screen name. So often they would make up a handle much like
someone who likes CB radios would make a handle. After posting, they would place their handle at the end so multi-user dungeon players and board
members would know who wrote it. So it would simply be a way to say who wrote what. In which case it has carried over into the newer days in the 90's
and early 2000's when the popular thing was to brand your post by actually making a graphic "signature" with their name with a picture,character, or
phrase or something. The signature was automatically placed after post. Now it's just simply the name. It's a relic and really not that big deal
Post B - Because it's REALLY funny to know it annoys someone. So now they are going to do it even more.
(rap music and record scratch)
wicky wicky wahhhh
Kyo to the Zero....
peace out
edit on 20-1-2017 by KyoZero because: (no reason given)