posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 11:03 AM
do i believe in aliens ? YES ther is to much evedence mounting to think otherwise , also the goverments world wide are not totally honest,
and objects found that would suggest truth of life origins have a habit of being found then disappearing,
also our genetic make up does not make sense we have less DNA than apes and yet are more advanced , and ata point our DNA appears to overlap....two
strand overlapping almost to suggest that some kind of manipulation of the DNA has taken place .
Then if you search all over the world there seems to be very simular stories of gods [aliens] visiting the earth all told at the same time but by
unconnected cultures at a time when mankind was thought to be at his very begining ,
Another thing to think about some of the names of very early human cities eg bab ilah niah [babilonia] translates in arabic to intended gate of the
god... strange mesah pato niah [mesopatania] intended afternoon place , sumariah intended payment [ for what i ask ]
There is then the artifacts found under the paws of the sphinx in egypt
look up akasha anu and the rainbow people 1995
you will find the above top secret osiris miranda korth site has the same names reoccuring in both sites ,
you could also check out sumarian tablets iraq found in babilon just to many coincidences , even bemuda triangle atlatis connection is this a
possable potal ? there is an american base very near for what pupose ?
hope this gives you some food for thought , all the best fiona