posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:15 AM
If I were not a coward,
I would get myself to school, so that I might learn to be a journalist, and earn me a degree.
A network would hire me as freelance, to go and cover the war.
I'd get over there, show my press pass, videotape & broadcast.
If I were not a coward,
I would say this:
Listen -
I'm sick of this war! I'm sick of the killing!
I'm sick of people crying, and people dying, and people not even trying to be nice.
Listen -
I'm gonna take a piece of cardboard, attach it to some wood, and I'm gonna write on it in every language:
and I'm going to walk around and hold up the sign
and I'm going to do my best to walk right in between the two sides fighting
and I'm gonna walk around with that sign and cry from the bottom of my heart to the top of my lungs & I will not stop until everyone who is shooting,
blowing sh*t up, or even thinking about shooting or blowing sh*t up,
If I were not a coward,
I would say
Listen -
we can settle this peacefully
or die trying.
[edit on 29-1-2005 by quango]