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United states' contract with Aliens?

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posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 04:20 PM
I was just wondering if anyone else has read the "Lecture about the Alternative 3 video, Majestic 12 and the Secret Government" document in the extra terrestrials section, and if so what do you guys think about it? can all that be true? im about halfway done reading it and what i have read so far has me shocked and appalled! how is it possible that we are in a contract with aliens? well im gonna get back to that article, just want to know what all of you think. this is my first post by the way.

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 04:24 PM
would you rather we entered into a contract? or russia. or china?

brings some food to thought....

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 04:59 PM
I don't really believe any of it either. What are the odds of the goverment keeping it secret from the world for all these years?

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 05:04 PM
I would say the odds seem to be self-evident.................meaning: quite good.


posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Ipsemet
What are the odds of the goverment keeping it secret from the world for all these years?

LOL. At least odds on if it's true.

Looking at the state of the world - would you tell?

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 05:10 PM
@ Leveller


posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:03 PM
i agree with seekerof becasue the odds have been pretty good. and it might not be true if they are hiding it and u ask why think of it like this people who have their religions would go crazy, all sorts of people could cause mass hysteria, and if they are in a contract maybe thats part of it to keep it on the hush hush

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:12 PM
Rest assured there is indeed a contract, well over 400 years old, and completely invisible. I dont know that this contract has anything to do with aliens, but it certainly does exist between members of the Cabal... The end goal has yet to be reached or revealed... However, I think it will be by the end of the year...

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:23 PM
obviously some kind of contract. Think about it.... From almost all available early sources, alien visitation was deemed a threat. Then, the attitude in the documentation changes around the mid 50's. While I disagree with some of the claims does seem that some kind of arrangement was reached, and then, later, broken by the EBE's or us.....then, some kind of resolution, whether it was a stalemate, or patching up of the agreement. From what I've pieced together, my theory is that we originally shot down several craft in the late 40's. (They simply weren't expecting attack). Shortly thereafter, they felt the need to demonstrate that they were now immune to such attacks, and it was then that a meeting, and agreement was arranged. After a time, we managed to perfect weapons that at least put us in a position to threaten costly resistance...some disagreement ensued, but was then resolved, and limited cooperation continues to this day, albeit without the constant threat of an easy invasion.

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:39 PM
I would say our technological and social history since we have been able to record it has proven we have made contact.

My logic dictates that at least one species of ET has probably visited Earth.

We don't know if they're still here though.
They might have left.
They might not come back.
They might still be here.
They might be waiting for us to do something.
They might want to hide for the now.

I do believe that we aren't being given enough information by our government though.
If they were completely open with us we would have to deal with it and that could be hard. But the confusion created by governement policies is painful so maybe they should ease up a little.

If the worse comes to the worse and we find out that we are alone, we will need to unite as one people to go find friends.
Maybe that would be the best thing ever to happen to mankind.

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 07:33 PM
It could simply be that they don't want to admit to the public, that there was a time when they sold us out?

Not that they had a choice at the time...but the act remains....(possibly, of course...)

Would you want to admit to the electorate that you don't have complete control of the situation, and that our airspace can be penetrated by unknown, possibly hostile beings, almost at will? I wouldn't....

I have little doubt as to the reasons for continued secrecy....

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Would you want to admit to the electorate that you don't have complete control of the situation, and that our airspace can be penetrated by unknown, possibly hostile beings, almost at will?

Who cares? Unless they're hostile would you really care that they invaded our airspace? Would you really care that they hid from you or that our governments had to hide that information?
If they're there and our government knows but isn't telling, it's very probable that they want to stay hidden.

If they're there and they're hostile it's probable that they could have taken us out ages ago.

Even if they're hostile, who cares? If they give me the chance to choose slavery and go with them or to live here as a king, I would go with them.

As long as they don't destroy or imprison my mind I could'nt care less.

Isn't our future about getting off this rock?

But isn't it a massive "IF" they're hostile?

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 07:55 PM
That's just it... Maybe you feel that way, but most would panic. A person is smart...people, are stupid. It may be difficult to hold on to power after such a deception and sell out were revealed. Don't think they are thinking of us here....they sold us out once, and they'll do it again if it means holding on to power. And THAT is the key. They feel that if it comes out, they may lose power, and that alternative, isn't acceptable....

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 08:05 PM
I agree with the fact that they might not be as hostile as we think they are.
As highly evolved as they are, If it were in thier desire to turn us into a slave race, why would they not hundreds of years ago.
The aliens presence has been felt since the dawn of mankind.
What are they waiting for?
Why would they wait thousands of years for us, to turn us into a slave race?
And is mankinds slavery a common thought among all aliens species, not only the greys.
Just a thought

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
It may be difficult to hold on to power after such a deception and sell out were revealed.
They feel that if it comes out, they may lose power, and that alternative, isn't acceptable....

If the men who hold power have sold out, it's likely that they dont hold power any more. A different species would now be calling the shots.

It wouldn't matter if we knew of their existence or not unless you assume that these ETs aren't powerful enough to control us.

I don't see a sell out.

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 09:37 PM
An assumption. It could just be that they aren't as far past us as you may think... We're just an invention or two away perhaps? And, just because they've managed to come up with a stardrive of sorts, doesn't automatically make them benevolent gods or something. As for the visiting through time, there are many possibilities here, not the least of which is various races visiting and observing. Hostile intentions don't necessarily mean they are looking to colonize us, make us a slave race, etc. There are many possibilities here.

Even the descriptions of the craft interiors and mechanics seemed to have evolved slightly over time. Granted, it could just be that our understanding of what we were looking at was what evolved, but from reading the available documents (and sorting out the obvious frauds), it appears that they too are advancing their technology....which implies it's never perfect....

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 12:59 AM
Which year are we talking about

I haven't read the report yet and hope to get to it latter this week but who knows wheather we are in or not.

It wouldn't suprise me if the government's around the world did do something like that.

It also worries me that they might do this without thought of future generations being "sold " into slavery.

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 01:11 AM
This is almost going into a topic of its own: "Why are Aliens visiting this planet?" or something along those lines. Thats a whole lotta theories within itself.


posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 01:21 AM
I take it none of you have heard the one where WWII was the secret war to steal tech from the Germans, because they're testing was far more advanced ? It was said that all the espionage was due to the simple fact that they wanted it to be as "hush hush" as possible. Also the atrocities haveing been linked to human exsperaments were heavily involved with genetics and altering of genetics...(sound familiar?!)

[Edited on 26-6-2003 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 01:42 AM
I do believe that the US and maybe a lot of other countries have allied themselves with other nations against the alien invaders, as of right now, maybe the two species have a cease fire agreement.

Leveller -

Who cares? Unless they're hostile would you really care that they invaded our airspace? Would you really care that they hid from you or that our governments had to hide that information?

I agree, there is no better truth than a lie.

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