posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 02:27 PM
Oddly enough, I was walking home across that very bridge from school taking pictures on my cell phone (Thursday) and I didn't really notice anything.
Quite a coincidence, though.
I do remember the sun being particularly bright and me still freezing my tukus off, though. Here are the pics from my cell phone:
Seriously, if there
was something, I will be
pissed that I missed it. I doubt I need to explain why. I was actually going to take a ton
more pics that day too, but people were looking at me like I was a tourist and god forbid I feel like a tourist...
As you can see from that second pic though, the sun was a lot brighter and "larger"(?) than usual, I will say that. I didn't realize we started
calling the sun a "glowing orb" though.
Mareterna: Do you have a link to that picture and story as it appears on the website? I couldn't find it there.
Edit: Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if Bill Cowher [Steelers' Head Coach] ended up missing.
[edit on 29-1-2005 by Lartsa Cleargleam]