posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 04:19 AM
Did you ever have one of those dreams which was so close to reality that when you woke up you weren't really sure what was a dream and what was
reality? Nothing bizarre and fantastical happened, it was just a dream of an average day (an average week in my case) which so closely paralleled
reality, with only subtle differences, that upon waking you had to consciously review events to decide which ones actually happened and which ones
were part of the dream?
I had such a dream recently. I guess by the time I had fully woken up and was completely about my faculties it became fairly easy to sift through the
various events and decide which ones belonged where, but it was a different story before I'd fully woken up. In my half-awake state shortly after
arising I'd sat there rubbing my eyes and questioning the nuances of the preceding days. What was really strange was at one point I actually had to
check the calendar to make sure I was thinking about the correct week. Somehow it felt like things had shifted exactly one week; I had the day right,
but was questioning the week. It seemed like a week may have elapsed / gone by, when it really hadn't.
I guess the strangest part about the dream was...that there wasn't really anything peculiar or strange about it at all! I'm sure you know those
dreams where everything seems normal for the most part...except you can fly (or see through walls, or your dog can speak fluent Mongolian, or some
such). You know the ones, where everything seems business as usual except the car dealership who's giving you a hard time suddenly turns into a
hot-dog vending stand and it starts raining Snickers bars...oh, and there's (3) Moons. Stuff like that. Those ones are pretty easy to unscramble.
It's the ones where you're at work, have several meetings with no particular outcome (good or bad), nothing outstanding one way or the other
happened; the days kind of slog by one after the other (and you don't have any magical super-powers). Those are the ones which are harder to sort
out. You wake up an today is pretty much just like yesterday, or last week.
I tend to remember dreams in great detail, and I've been told this is fairly atypical (I'm not a psychologist, nor do I play one on TV, but this is
what I've been told). Consequently, I take notice of things which happen in dreams (in some strange sub-conscious way). It's almost as if when
I'm asleep I can tell when I'm dreaming so I look for certain queues to confirm it. One thing I've noticed which is a dead giveaway (at least in
my dreams) is writing on things like signs and text. In a dream all the fonts and formats look like I'd expect, but the letters make no sense.
I've even done double-takes (in my dreams) trying to study something and understand why I can't read the words, even though I might know what they
mean. It's weird, I know.
Anyway, rather than blathering on; did you ever have a dream which was so close to real events in your life that you wondered if real events were part
of a dream and vice versa?
I did. And what was "strange" about it was...there wasn't really anything "strange" about it at all.