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A Reason for individual alien contact?

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posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:32 AM
Hi folks,

Try to imagine, that you are contacted by aliens individually. Either for friendly, or hostile reasons.

My question is: what would be a specific reason for you, that would enable an alien contact between you and an alien race? What species would you prefer most, and which are the most likely to contact you?

This thread should be based on the ATSers' imagination, therefore please avoid actual stories and conspiracies.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:20 AM

My understanding from my alien contacts is that personal contact with individual humans is never random. The particular humans who have personal contact are related by spirit to the alien beings they have contact with, and may meet other affiliated races as well. This is a permanent relationship whether the human is actively participating in courses or not.

Ten percent of the humans who have personal alien contact are directly related by spirit, meaning they used to be in life in another race on another world before. The rest of the humans who have personal contact are offspring of the ten percent.

There are rare exceptions when a human who is not related has ongoing personal contact. There are rare exceptions also when brief contact is accidental.

The basic reasons for the rules of related-only contact are due to jurisdiction of the alien races. They would work with any human who is willing and able, and these opportunities will open at some a point of diplomacy between our worlds.

Right now, among all related humans, few are willing or able to accept ongoing alien contact on an open physical level and in a productive, true way. So most contact must remain by spirit only, and the human, by choice and necessity, remains relatively unaware of it.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:22 AM
Ok if Imagination is allowed. Id love to meet Speilbergs ET ! He could give me some tips on my bonsai. Hes a botanist afterall!

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:05 AM
You can't very well keep your presence a secret if you tell everyone, which is why contact is on an individual basis. Secrecy is everything to them.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:12 AM
(Trying to explain my view of how human nature determines why the aliens hide... and why they work with certain people, not trying to explain the conspiracy.)

When the aliens get caught making themselves seen, they get attacked by earth authorities by reputation, and by body whenever possible. Crimes can be committed or staged, and then used to frame the aliens who were seen in the area. More easily, individuals who work with them are under threat, which is the most effective blackmail to the aliens to stay away. The general public assumes and is taught that the aliens are not real, and also that they are monsters and evil demons, and also that anybody who believes "silly nonsense" has social, professional and political cooties and is excommunicated. Natural human fear and confusion is used and manipulated against our ideas of all other life.

When a human begins to realize he has contact, he tends to believe what he has heard and is taught by humans about it, and not pursue the reasons and meanings himself with his alien contacts. If he seeks help from popular names, what he finds takes him further away. He has been taught not to trust the unknown, and especially not anybody alien, not even humans alien to his own race and nationality. We don't even understand or trust our own kind, and that is why we will war. Education-- getting to know what is unknown, or alien, is the only antidote to prejudice.

It is very difficult for the alien races to find humans who can or will accept contact, and who would put themselves and their careers and their families on the line. Whenever the aliens show up, publicly or privately, it effectively lends evidence to all the propaganda. It's a setup. The place is surrounded and the crowd is waiting for the accused to make an entrance. Whatever circus is prepared is what will erupt.

The longer the aliens stay considerately hidden while planting curious signs and sightings, the longer time is proving they are here but no threat, contrary to the humanistic propaganda. The longer they hide, the more time they afford individual humans to get to know them themselves, and those people can then help others understand what is going on.

"Many" more humans have contact than most would ever imagine. But only certain kinds of people, in certain life situations can or will accept alien contact, and can or will participate with the aliens, and can or will speak out about it for the sake of educating others.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
It is very difficult for the alien races to find humans who can or will accept contact, and who would put themselves and their careers and their families on the line.

But only certain kinds of people, in certain life situations can or will accept alien contact, and can or will participate with the aliens, and can or will speak out about it for the sake of educating others.

Very interesting.

I wonder, how those people think, who accept the presence of aliens, and participate their teachings. I also think, that way too many people are under alien survelliance without knowing of the contact, and are being taught many interesting things.

This could explain the presence of psychics, healers, predictors, and other interesting "gifted" people, who are actually implanted and observed through their life. The reason why coverup is not possible could be because they are programmed to avoid certain things, like doctor or certain knowledge.

But I highly doubt, that eg a girl at age of sixteen would "become" a healer, and actually does heal people, and IS accepted by the entire community because she can heal by simply thinking of it. And I am not talking about all the hocuspocus going on around the world, just some "gifted" people with REAL unique, accepted useful abilities.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:54 PM

Humans have "great" abilities of spirit. Some humans can use their abilities in the physical state more than others. Most are relatively unaware of their abilities even though they live an active spiritual existance paralell to their physical one.

Advanced races have advanced abilities, some same and some unique. Humans who are spiritually related to advanced life, have some degree of advanced abilities of their original race. However, they are human now and still do not have ready access to their spiritual abilities.

Most who claim to be mediums and psychics and healers are fakers. A little bit of psychic ability, intuition, practice and drama is all it takes to fool needy people who know in their hearts that "something" is real, but not what that something is.

The alien races do not perform random healings through random mediums. They do not display their abilities. They also do not channel through mediums to help them make money with psychic parlor tricks or to become famous or popular. They do not help anybody trick anybody else, whether the psychic has any natural ability or not. Having natural ability does not put somebody in contact with spiritual beings, and it sure does not make them honest. It is difficult for the aliens to find honest humans who can deliver a message exactly as it is intended, and humbly, who are not trying to gain something from it themselves instead.

There are so many fakers that the odd truth is unbelievable among them.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:57 PM
They'd contact me to learn my 1337 fishing skills!

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
It is difficult for the aliens to find honest humans who can deliver a message exactly as it is intended, and humbly, who are not trying to gain something from it themselves instead.

I think, those who have the "raw" abilities in life, doesn't mean that they can use them so perfectly. It is not enough that you can make sounds, you need to learn to speak. Same way with telepathy for example. You can be born with telepathic skills, but you may need to learn them or else you will result unexpected, offensive results, or behaviour disorder.

You cannot learn telepathy in any school, nobody would teach you to "see" with your mind, you need an expert to teach all these. Who else could they be, than aliens?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 02:58 PM
Reasons why theyd contact me inperticular, weel
I'm open minded
I believe they exist
I have some psionic abilities
I'm very smart
My mere understanding of the universe is much more than most of the populations
I dont believe in silly religions
I do not get atached to people
I do not live by my emotions
I accept everyone no matter what they look like
I understand the good of the many out weighs the needs of the few

What species would I like to contact me,
the Greys
the sirians
Or a race from the andromeda galaxy

Which one is more likely to contact me, well most likely the greys.
Not that I have a problem with them, because I believe the greys are peaceful and all the bad things you hear about them is stupidity used to make people afraid of anything not from Earth that and mere fear of the uknown.

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