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Canadian Organization Asks City’s Residents To Register As Non-Racist

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posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: namelesss

No we're not all racist nor hardwired to be so....

Your opinion is noted, but I have all sorts of logic and data to support my claim.
I'd be happy to share it with you, if you need, in an appropriate setting.
You must be in denial, obviously...

we are however NATIONALISTIC which is a different matter all together.

Ach! This one is the easiest to refute, observe

I don't believe for a moment that there are many on this planet that are truly racist and believe they are superior in species to any other

Ok, first, about my previous answer that probably appears that I left the sentence unfinished?
When you assumed that I am, also, some gibbering 'nationalist', my mere presence refutes your premature and frivolous claim.
"We" are no such thing!
Now, 'beliefs' aside for the moment, you have to be very young and living in a bubble, and dishonest ('in denial' is dishonest/ignorant with yourself) if you have no experience with people who feel superior to some other category of people, then the one that he is in.
And not only are most humans feeling superior to EVERY other SPECIES (all humans are the same 'species'), and acting on it, but we are talking about physical characteristics of the same species.
I understand that though you might be equating physical characteristics to ... culture/nations, racism was before nations are!

To me this is a scary move and if it doesn't encompass all races/ethnicities then its yet another white guilt trip.

My theory does encompass all humans, but I don't think that we are on the same page anymore...

Imagine if the names of the ridiculous pledgers are available for all to see and your neighbour hasn't signed, does that automatically make him a racist? Does it not leave him open to abuse? Good Grief! How Orwellian are we becoming in the name of liberalism? Are there any more ways we can pander to the 1%?

Without getting into particulars, my point was the futility, not the specifics.
It is a silly drama, emotional, ultimately, destructive as it caters to people in denial.

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