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At the end of the day, will we ever find ET Life ?

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posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 07:22 PM
what are the odds of finding life on another planet, to be honest, i think we are the only ones in our solar system. which ever place we land we will only find rock and dirt and some not so amazing samples of some kind that is probably going to be useless to us, i think we are alone out here..

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:28 AM
We are not alone even on our own planet In my own personal experience!

but dont take my word for it go here watch this ,at end of video they will tell you of the 57 diff types of ETs we know about and most are hostile that go to and fro here.
thats 500 other people like me ,
thats a good start to you.

So we have never been alone to answer your question...

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:33 AM
I am undecided on ET's, but I have seen plenty of video and feel it is credible that we could be currently visited/monitored by them. I think they are up to no good if they don't present themselves to us.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:37 AM
Well ive made my mind up, YES. I have seen and heard of a fair few UFOs and stuff like that. I just want the goverments to openly admit it so everyone can know.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:25 AM
scaart says:

"what are the odds of finding life on another planet, to be honest, i think we are the only ones in our solar system. which ever place we land we will only find rock and dirt and some not so amazing samples of some kind that is probably going to be useless to us, i think we are alone out here.."

I guess it depends on what you mean by "life" (intelligent, sentient, or maybe just single-celled) and "another planet" (one of the ones orbiting our own star, or on any of ones orbiting any of the hundred-billion-odd stars in our own galaxy or in another of the hundred-billion-odd other galaxies in the known Universe.

If you mean intelligent life on other planets in our own Solar System, I'd say the chance is vanishingly small, just as I believe that the chance of intelligent extraterrestrals here on Earth -- either now or within the past x number of millennia -- is also vanishingly small.

I do think, though, that life will arise wherever the conditions are okay for it, which means either a reducing or oxidizing atmosphere and a temperature between, say, zero and 100 deg C.

Remember, even when our Eath had a reducing atmosphere, it had life (anaerobic bacteria, some of which survive today). Life continued when the reducing atmospher was infused with that corrosive an deadly poison (to the original inhabitants, anyway) oxygen, and its byproducts.

Given that assumption, there's a good chance that planets which once had an oxidizing atmosphere (Mars) had life develop, and other planets with an atmosphere and envelope tempertures, like Jupiter and some of its satellites (and those of Saturn) coiuld well have life today. I don't think that Venus could, despite its atmosphere, it's probably too hot for any sort of cell wall or cytoplasm or whatever to maintain physical integrity.

And as for extrasolar planets, we know there's billions of them, and I believe that there are both rocky planets and gas giants. I'd say the probablility of life evolving there approaches certainty, and, if intelligence is either a common outcome or even a random factor of life itself, then the probablility of intelligent life itself approaches certainty.

But this probably isn't the kind of answer you wanted. I'm guessing that you'd like to know if there are Spaceship Guys here on Eartho, or it Spaceship Guys have ever visited here, or if we're ever going to meet Spaceship Guys in our lifetimes.

As much as I would like to say yes, I believe no.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:09 PM
well... there are... AT LEAST (see quote)...

70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (seventy sextillion) stars in our universe (estimated)

"This is not the total number of stars in the universe, but it's the number within range of our telescopes, said Simon Driver of the Australian National University. "The real number could be much, much larger still -- some people think it is infinite."

if one in a million of those stars has a planet, there are at least 70,000,000,000,000,000 (seventy quadrillion) planets in the universe

if one in a million of those planets has life on it, there are at least 70,000,000,000 (seventy billion) forms of life in the universe

and if only one in a million of those life forms are inteligent, there are STILL at least 70,000 (seventy thousand) forms of inteligent life in the universe

You be the judge.

[edit on 29-1-2005 by Greyhaven7]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Scaart
what are the odds of finding life on another planet, to be honest, i think we are the only ones in our solar system.

I suggest reading up on Europa a moon in our own Solar system. It has a liquid water ocean bigger then all the oceans on earth and has been brewing for some 4 billion years.

Chances might be better then you think for finding life in our own solar system.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:21 PM
Here's another thing. IF we find life anywhere else in our own solar system (wether it's a single celled organism or complex creature, doesn't matter) the odds that life exists elsewhere in the universe increases astronomically... meaning the chances become unthinkably better that we're NOT alone.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 01:51 PM
To say that there is no life in the infinit Universe, Is to be truley Ignorant!
Its pretty obvious that theres life out there, now to say they know about us i dont know the answer to that!

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 02:06 PM
I have no doubt in my mind that there is other life out there, but will we ever meet them.......who knows.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by PanzerDiv
To say that there is no life in the infinit Universe, Is to be truley Ignorant!
Its pretty obvious that theres life out there, now to say they know about us i dont know the answer to that!

infinite is still in question... but possible.

I quote Einstein (because I like quoting him and this is a good place to do so).

"There are only two things that are infinite, the Universe, and human stupidity... and I'm not sure about the former". ~~A. Einstein

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 03:06 PM
well according to religious people if there's any life on other planets...such as simple bacteria form or intelligent life then their answer would be that god created it, whether its on mars or billions of lightyears away...they would say god created it. then again if there were other species similar to us then surely there would be mention of them in scriptures. for instance if there is simple life on mars then i think that would proove there is no god because for god to be true we have to be the only life. it says god created the heavens and the earth, humans etc it does not say about any other life in the universe. if we meet another race then i know for a fact we would not be aloud to hear them or see them because to put it simply that would mean god is not real...creating world wide anarchy. the only way i see ET life showing that we do have a god would be we were visited and they had similar holy scriptures/gods, or prehaps even the same ones as we do. then again the difference in our languages/how we act/how we look would be so different that it would probably be best if we never met ET lifeforms for our own safety. the film 'alien' would probably represent what ET life is out there.

[edit on 29-1-2005 by shaunybaby]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 03:18 PM
I don't think we'll find anyone for some time.

However, I think the odds are much better that someone will find us first.

The only problem is, is it a force that is friendly? Or a force that is looking to take advantage of some lesser lifeforms. That would suck major.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 03:49 PM
It's not a question of if we'll ever find ET life. It's if those in power will reveal that info to the general public in our lifetime. We have no proof of this, but we have much EVIDENCE of this.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 03:59 PM
shaunybaby says:

"well according to religious people if there's any life on other planets...such as simple bacteria form or intelligent life then their answer would be that god created it, whether its on mars or billions of lightyears away...they would say god created it."

What kind of "religious people", shaunybaby? Christians, Buddhists, Hindus? My guess is that different religions have different views about the possiblity of an omnicient, omnipotent Universal God or a more localized One.

"...then again if there were other species similar to us then surely there would be mention of them in scriptures."

Why? Are you saying that, for the "scriptures" (and I assume you mean the Christian scriptures and apocypha) to be true they have to mention all tha stuff?

Well, if that's the case, then we know the Scriptures are false, because they didn't mention Toyotas, and I own one! (They do mention Hondas, though; see 2 Kings 10:15).

The fact of the matter, shaunybaby, is that the existence of God or the veracity of the Bible is not dependent on its having a catalogue of every bit of information under the Sun, any more than your existence is dependent of whether you know what I just had for lunch today.

"mefor instance if there is simple life on mars then i think that would proove there is no god because for god to be true we have to be the only life. it says god created the heavens and the earth, humans etc it does not say about any other life in the universe."

See my previous comment.

"if we meet another race then i know for a fact we would not be aloud to hear them or see them because to put it simply that would mean god is not real...creating world wide anarchy."

Why weould a belief that "God is not real" lead to anarchy? For years the communists of Russia and China preached atheism as the national religion, and they certainly didn't devolve into anarchy!

shauny, your logic simply doesn't hold up. What you say may be true, but it can be true and still not make any sense.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:12 PM
Why do you such a negative attitude about it??
Maybe ET's aren't from another planet,maybe they're from the future,you've got to admit it would make more sense than travling millions of light years and not even aging
,I hope my theorie helped you believe a little more

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Scaart
what are the odds of finding life on another planet, to be honest, i think we are the only ones in our solar system.

Like ShadowXIX said there is Europa. It orbits Jupiter and it is covered with with a thick layer of ice. Under the ice they figure is liquid water that is heated from the core of the moon and the gravitational pull of Jupiter. Where there is water there very well could be life.

As for 'intelegent' life. I'm sure they will find us before we find them. Our solar system is quite young. There are stars billions of years older than our sun.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:14 PM
Its something i want to believe and to be honest if we do, then the chances of a coverup regarding the findings are absolute sure 100%, we will never honestly know about ETs unless they come to us worldwide, to show us that there is, all this governent crap about hiding it is nonsense, its just a makebelieve story to get us to think there is something out there, if there is something out there then they would approach us world wide, not in the shadows

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:50 PM
Can someone u2u me a link where I can download that movie to my hard drive?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
We are not alone even on our own planet In my own personal experience!

but dont take my word for it go here watch this ,at end of video they will tell you of the 57 diff types of ETs we know about and most are hostile that go to and fro here.
thats 500 other people like me ,
thats a good start to you.

So we have never been alone to answer your question...

Great links lizzard...I hadn't seen them before.

As one with a military background, this pretty much puts the last nail in the coffin....Thanks!

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