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This Man Befriended & Converted 200+ KKK Members:

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posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 02:39 AM

An interesting interview with Daryl Davis, I heard of him before, about him befriending Klans People , I was prepared write him off at first as like what kinda Uncle Tom sht is that??.. letem be who they are, but like someone said, you don't need to make friends with your friends you need make friends with your enemies, a practice difficult for me or most to practice in truth, but then again true greatness is made by people like him, I would like to to see his documentary

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 02:44 AM
THIS right here is how you deal with racism.

You dont bitch and moan and protest, you go out and show haters that your a person just like them and that they have been brainwashed.

Good on this man, he put himself in harms way dealing with the worst of the worst and redeemed at least 200 people

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 04:30 AM
Much applause, outstanding work...... but.
The 4 ghetto thugs that kidnapped and tortured the white guy that are in some cases being made hero's by certain members of black society..... and are not being totally chastised and berated by people like Jackson and Sharpton.... they made many many more Klan sympathizers.... that at least gets people thinking... hmmm maybe the Klan is right.
When blacks pull white people from their cars and beat them and the so called Black Leaders do nothing to shame their own people........people think...hmm maybe the Klan is right.
When BLM supporters shout down those that say All Lives Matter..... people start to wonder if the Klan is right.

If no one will stand up for white peoples rights and will actually justify harm done to people who are white...... then white people will stand with the only option they see available to them... It is human nature.

If black America doesn't want to see strange fruits hanging from the sycamore tree ....they really need to stop doing things that are going to drive people into the arms of groups like the KKK.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Spider879

You realize there are only a few thousand KKK members to begin with? There are much larger numbers of black hate group membership.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Zimnydran

You are thinking wrong.

There is no black America, there is no white America. There is America, and you are all in the same enormous, leaking tub of a boat on that front, so you had better learn to get along, because the damned thing will not bail itself out, and its going to take everyone pulling together, regardless of what colour their skin is, to keep it afloat.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit
I disagree...... having grown up in a black neighborhood to deny that there are cultural differences is dishonest to say the least.
Different doesnt always mean means different.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: Zimnydran

Again, the thing is what people make it.

If they keep making it what they are programmed to, the place will go to the dogs faster than you can say "Epic race to the bottom".

Refuse, resist, rinse, repeat.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

You aren't from America, the only thing you know is what the BBC propaganda machine tells you.

It's not a simple, 'oh we just need to get along and end our programming'.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: Zimnydran
a reply to: TrueBrit
I disagree...... having grown up in a black neighborhood to deny that there are cultural differences is dishonest to say the least.
Different doesnt always mean means different.

yeah you right, just one example is white folks like mayonnaise, and black folks like hot sauce.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:55 AM
Goodness. If this is true, this gentleman is a real man. A real warrior.

I had almost forgotten that we had the capacity for doing good.

I used to be capable of that kind of courage. Wonder if I still am. Or am I only capable of sardonic wit anymore? Hmm.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

Real Americans mix Mayo, Ketchup, and hot sauce together - makes a very fine dressing.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

i do a similar thing, i add pace picante sauce and just a bit of yellow mustard and put it on subs.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

There is no black America, there is no white America.

That was a part of a speech by Obama. How did that work out for the US ? The Great Divider

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: Zimnydran
Much applause, outstanding work...... but.
The 4 ghetto thugs that kidnapped and tortured the white guy that are in some cases being made hero's by certain members of black society..... and are not being totally chastised and berated by people like Jackson and Sharpton.... they made many many more Klan sympathizers.... that at least gets people thinking... hmmm maybe the Klan is right.
When blacks pull white people from their cars and beat them and the so called Black Leaders do nothing to shame their own people........people think...hmm maybe the Klan is right.
When BLM supporters shout down those that say All Lives Matter..... people start to wonder if the Klan is right.

If no one will stand up for white peoples rights and will actually justify harm done to people who are white...... then white people will stand with the only option they see available to them... It is human nature.

If black America doesn't want to see strange fruits hanging from the sycamore tree ....they really need to stop doing things that are going to drive people into the arms of groups like the KKK.
How the hell do those four animals represent "Black America"? Everybody Black that I know condemns the hell out of that crap that those oxygen thieves did. I know because I'm Black. I live in a subdivision with Black and White Americans. I have a White wife of 15 years and we have two beautiful daughters whom I would die for. And we Black people give ZERO f@c#@ about Sharpton, Jackson, or that BLM crap. I don't live in "Black America" and I don't paint all White people with one brush such as people like you painting all Black people with one brush. Black people are not monolithic and ghetto thugs do not represent Black people. They just happen to be the ones that are in the media spotlight constantly. That would be like me saying the klan represents all White people. That's stupid as hell. Btw, I come from a family of military vets, moreso on my father's side. I said that to say this, that strange fruit hanging from sycamores won't be so easy with this guy or the guys in MY family. Strange fruit, huh? Won't be all fun and games and selfies with the kids this time.
edit on 11-1-2017 by JimiBlack because: Spelling error

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: GodEmperor

Most of what I know about America, I learn from paying attention to ALL news outlets, not just those running in my nation. A decent bit of it is learned from talking to people here on ATS too. Unless all our American members have been deliberately misrepresenting themselves and their country, I would say that my sources are as legitimate as they can be.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I think the point should be clarified that there are a lot of perceived cultural barriers.

I run into a group of black guys and they'll either think I'm extremely stupid and let me live because they feel sorry for me, or they end up loving the hell out of me.

Except when I was in highschool. Group kept following me around telling me they were going to kill me because my name was Tarzan and I was from Tennessee, which to me was nothing new. We agreed on a meeting spot behind the Boston Market where it was very dark.

My friend Dave says to me, "yeah, so you're going to die. I'll be at McDonald's.". Same friend that I protected against them 2 years before.

So I go alone back there. I'm from the south where it's one on one, take turns.

That's not New York, I quickly learned.

I took out 5 of them before something freezing cold and solid hit me from behind in the head.

Woke up to an acquaintance named Jeremy picking me up. Told him to take me to McDs.

Dave saw me and yelled at what he saw. Yup. Looked like a zombie.

But they never attacked me again. In fact, somehow, they started being friends with me, except Bozo, their leader. Yes, his real name was Bozo.

It's a culture thing to some. I fought alone and fought good. They were cowardly. They knew it.

That was their personal culture, and I was accepted when I accepted that and didn't chicken out.

I don't understand it, but I'm also socially inept. White people don't even like me. Asians like me.

But I'm not liberal white guy that says kill whitey, either.

Who knows. I just know there is a difference. But interestingly enough, redneck groups and black gangs give me the -exact same vibe-. I was attacked frequently by those guys in my hometown in TN. Was shocked to find how alike the cultures that hate each other are. But the cultures that claim to not be racist are the ones I have found that tend to have the most insecurity because of race.

People are odd.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

This is why I have always maintained that those who have a supremacist attitude, no matter what colour they happen to be, ought to be ground up for fertiliser without delay. It would make things nice and quiet, and only properly informed opinions would ever be heard in the street let alone printed.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Well, I don't know. I know some humble people without properly informed opinions. Some just trust what they hear and haven't had a personal reason not to. The same are human and can become emotional.

But the gentleman we see in the OP doesn't believe as you do, and good thing. He proves that fertilizer should be given a second chance. I think that's good enough. No need for wood chippers and Final Destination-esque stuff to be going on, my British cousin.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Daryl Davis is a hero. He has proven that speech and human interaction is the best way convince others of their follies.

He has a new documentary out called Accidental Courtesy, in which he confronts both white and black supremacists.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:00 PM
It is amazing that he was able to even find 200 klan memebers.

In all my life I have never met a single one or even know someone who knows someone who knows one.

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