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What is the connection to Math, Satanism(Religion), and Higher Dimensions?

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posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:01 PM

So I was watching a video from a channel I like, Numberphile, and the Professor was talking about Shapes in higher Dimensions. Everything was fine and dandy until he got to the 5th Dimension, and all these actual representations of Mathematical projections of shapes in the 5th Dimension he started to explain, look noticeably Occult and/or Satanic when represented in 2D.

Grabbing a couple screen caps, because it's a long video he gets to a part at 19:00, where he starts talking about imagining shapes in the 5th Dimension once completing an explanation of 4 dimensional objects.

This 5D simplex, when represented in 2D looks like this: The Star of David!

What's interesting to me most about this is the connection to the Religious symbolism. I couldn't seem to find any explanatory links between the two, or anything satisfying on the internet, but I refuse to believe it's coincidence these Simplex shapes are the same and not connected somehow. Here is a 5-cell simplex that when represented in 2D is the baphomet star.

To me, it seems there must be some reasoning for these interpretations to be adopted in these malevolent ways later on, but why? Mostly it makes me feel inspired considering how old these symbols are, and the idea people successfully were able to mathematically depict such realities and dimensions in an age of limited knowledge and technology.

But where along the line did these mathematical discoveries become demonized? And how? It really blew my mind I'd never heard of a Simplex in my life, but I'd know a Pentagram, Hexagram, or Star of David no problem if I saw one, never knowing the whole time, they're representations of a Simplex themselves. I know the Star of David hasn't exactly been demonized, but I can't find any connection claiming that to be a 5th Dimensional depiction either. These are the common shapes in these dimensions btw, like "building blocks", not obscurely formulated to look the way they are. Literally amazing discoveries of their time.

It really racks my brain there is no homage to these being math symbols, despite the complete inclusion of them into parts of our society.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: ROBOTNINJADRAGON
and the idea people successfully were able to mathematically depict such realities and dimensions in an age of limited knowledge and technology.

I wouldn't say ancient cultures had a limited knowledge of geometry. In some ways they far surpass us. Ancient geometry is an awesome rabbit hole to get lost in if you're interested. The flower of life, the fibinachi codes in their structures, it's amazing how knowledgeable a lot of them were.

If you ever have the time I suggest you watch "Ancient Knowledge" on YouTube.
edit on 10-1-2017 by FauxMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: FauxMulder

Yes, I actually do not mean knowledge, but rather spread of it. There were less available books, and the internet, is more along the lines of what I meant.

The 5D Simplex itself can be represented by the Flower of life!! It creates the same 5 Dimensional shape, and the Star of David..That's what is the most bizarre connection of them all. A single circle pattern in 2D accurately represents 5D objects made of Triangles. So weird..

(I'm not telling you btw! I'm sure you know xD, I will check out that video series ty)
edit on 10-1-2017 by ROBOTNINJADRAGON because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:35 PM

okay..... that was cool.
i haven't finished the whole video but so far it's pretty fascinating.
edit on 10-1-2017 by subfab because: grammar

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:46 PM

Yes! And you can keep going with the strait lines over the flower of life and get even more complex geometric shapes.

I think symbols and shapes are mostly subjective, like the swastika for instance. Means Nazi to most people that see it but it's actually from something completely different.
edit on 10-1-2017 by FauxMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:50 PM
Excellent, and intriguing thread. You are definitely on to something here, something I have been looking into myself. For one, I believe the math connection is in everything, literally. Alt dimensions all the way down to the pizza you put in the oven. But the connection with these symbols, and higher dimensions is odd indeed. I've been looking into the direction of Nikola Tesla for answers. If you look at Tesla's history he talked about other dimensions that were evil, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Could this be some sort of connection? Tesla studied mathematics according to Archimedes. Now, Archimedes used his mathematics in Satanism it's been speculated. I think there is a connection to this here, but still looking for it. Star and flag for you sir....

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:51 PM
Wouldn't any shape be in 3D, not the 5th?

No matter how many shapes you combine they are still 3 dimensional in my understanding.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:31 PM
I immediately think of the tree of life.

I think the use of sacred geometry for occult or hidden symbolism comes from the fact that this stuff is self defining and universal.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 09:57 PM
I wonder why they show the symbolism like in this video here it reminded me of

edit on 10-1-2017 by ElOmen because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2017 by ElOmen because: (no reason given)

Very interesting thread by the way
edit on 10-1-2017 by ElOmen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 11:10 PM
Here we go again, Baphomet getting his/her name ran through the mud again. What did Baphomet ever do to you? For all you know Baphomet could be a benevolent angel.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: Geki09

Nothing...If anything, I was asking for more details.

The OP is essentially "Why is the symbol for Triangles in 5D connected to Baphomet?"

I honestly don't know much about Baphomet at all, if I did, perhaps I would know more about my question.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: VinylTyrant

That's correct, there's the X Y & Z axis, they haven't proven there is a 4th dimensional spacial plane in physics, but the popular string theory suggests 'spacetime' could be made up of 10 dimensions.

In mathematics, as a generalization they can add another axis to represent the 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. dimensional planes. So, to my understanding, these are mathematical projections of basic physical objects in said hypothetical dimensions, and while it's not verifiable if they do physically exist, if they do as hypothesized that's what the basic objects would objectively look like.

One way to think of 4th dimensional spacial-space in physics, you might consider how a Wormhole works by spacetime being folded together.

A 5th dimensional space, would just be a greater fold in the folded area.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:23 AM
what if we are thinking too outwardly and not enough inwardly? like if we were to scale down into the quantum. we find these shapes are the building blocks of this reality.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:37 AM
Bell's Theorem:'s_theorem


Lorentz's Covariance:

Stay Hydrated...

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: gunshooter

Tesla studied mathematics according to Archimedes.

Nice post!
This is a really interesting exploration, really should be a must read for hard core math geeks.
The popular image of Tesla appears to leave him imprisoned on Goat island without sufficient formalism to be an effectual historic figure.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: ROBOTNINJADRAGON

So I was watching a video from a channel I like, Numberphile, and the Professor was talking about Shapes in higher Dimensions. Everything was fine and dandy until he got to the 5th Dimension, and all these actual representations of Mathematical projections of shapes in the 5th Dimension he started to explain, look noticeably

Occult and/or Satanic when represented in 2D.

Occult means hidden and doesn't have to be evil.

What is Satanic about shapes?

Shapes existed before Satan was Christianized and associated with all things evil or just non Christian.

Satan is a concept, it means adversary and specifically of man, i.e. temptation.

God's idea, creation and soldier who shows God what we are made of by giving us the opportunity to refuse temptation.

Grabbing a couple screen caps, because it's a long video he gets to a part at 19:00, where he starts talking about imagining shapes in the 5th Dimension once completing an explanation of 4 dimensional objects.

This 5D simplex, when represented in 2D looks like this: The Star of David!

David has nothing to do with the Seal of Solomon or hexagram, which is a symbol for as above, so below, sexual union, and surprisingly 666,a number connected to Solomon by gold tributes in this amount of talents.

Baphomet represents John the Baptist (the goat head) and Wisdom.

It's not related to Satan.

The pentacle/pentagram are older than both and only represent the planet Venus' alignment with the earth and sun occurring 5times at the points of the star, roughly not precisely.

Its astronomical, not related to Satan except by modern Satanists who just incorporated it as theirs.

Geometry can't be evil, it might represent something evil if people use it and are evil, but it is a shape.

What's interesting to me most about this is the connection to the Religious symbolism. I couldn't seem to find any explanatory links between the two, or anything satisfying on the internet, but I refuse to believe it's coincidence these Simplex shapes are the same and not connected somehow. Here is a 5-cell simplex that when represented in 2D is the baphomet star.

To me, it seems there must be some reasoning for these interpretations to be adopted in these malevolent ways later on, but why? Mostly it makes me feel inspired considering how old these symbols are, and the idea people successfully were able to mathematically depict such realities and dimensions in an age of limited knowledge and technology.

But where along the line did these mathematical discoveries become demonized? And how? It really blew my mind I'd never heard of a Simplex in my life, but I'd know a Pentagram, Hexagram, or Star of David no problem if I saw one, never knowing the whole time, they're representations of a Simplex themselves. I know the Star of David hasn't exactly been demonized,

It's always been associated with demons, Chiun or Molech in the Bible

Later it came to be the seal of Solomon who was associated with having power over demons through a ring with a seal on it, no doubt the hexagram.

but I can't find any connection claiming that to be a 5th Dimensional depiction either. These are the common shapes in these dimensions btw, like "building blocks", not obscurely formulated to look the way they are. Literally amazing discoveries of their time.

It really racks my brain there is no homage to these being math symbols, despite the complete inclusion of them into parts of our society.

You are trying to figure out what exactly?

Because if you have a specific question I probably could answer it, but I don't get what you want to know.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: ROBOTNINJADRAGON
a reply to: Geki09

Nothing...If anything, I was asking for more details.

The OP is essentially "Why is the symbol for Triangles in 5D connected to Baphomet?"

I honestly don't know much about Baphomet at all, if I did, perhaps I would know more about my question.

Baphomet is a word formed by cipher, decoded means wisdom, and was introduced to the Templars by Mandaens, devotees of John the Baptiser.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: TerriblePhoenix

It's always been associated with demons, Chiun or Molech in the Bible

You are trying to figure out what exactly?

My question is that these shapes, arguably represent a 5D Simplex, so my theory to it's origin is Math.

My question is how Satan/Religion became involved at all, not just with the Star of David, but separately with other Simplex aswell.
edit on 11-1-2017 by ROBOTNINJADRAGON because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: ROBOTNINJADRAGON

originally posted by: TerriblePhoenix

It's always been associated with demons, Chiun or Molech in the Bible

You are trying to figure out what exactly?

My question is that these shapes, arguably represent a 5D Simplex, so my theory to it's origin is Math.

My question is how Satan/Religion became involved at all, not just with the Star of David, but separately with other Simplex aswell.

Is there even a such thing as 5th dimensional objects?

Satan has never been associated with the hexagram propely so, it's a false connection because Solomon is legendarily supposed to have controlled demons.

Like Christians do and though Satan is not a demon Ashmodei or Asmodeus is.

And any demon is, to a Christian, Satan, again though he is an angel they can't separate demons from Satan even as individuals.

666 also has no connection to Satan, there is no antichrist, but the beast Nero is 666.

The reason it came to be THOUGHT to be associated with Satan is because people don't research facts and assume:

Solomon=pagan=demon worshipper.

The second they discover the Seal of Solomon is the real name for magen David and because it's used by Jews, "Jews", killed Jesus, deny Christ (I wonder why?) and use the Seal of the "demon worshipper" Solomon they do a little more research and see it represents 666,not knowing that number was Solomons:

Hexagram =Solomon=Jewish =666=Satan.

It's total b.s. 666 has nothing to do with Satan.

Neither does the hexagram or Solomon.

It's Christian and illuminati nutcase conspiracy b.s.

Read Testament of Solomon.

If you can't find it ask for a link.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: TerriblePhoenix

The OP states I couldn't find a link on the internet. That's why it's mysterious. At least there's nothing official I could find. The information level is "Angel Fire".

Is there even a such thing as 5th dimensional objects?

Yes! While exploring a video in advanced geometry in the OP, to my surprise, it turns out these objects in Mathematics when expressing 4D+, in 2D, using wireframe construction, creates many shapes that look 'Occult'.

What is interesting is the 5D Simplex, the first object you would hypothesis leaving the 4th Dimension, to the 5th, creates the Star of David. The base question here would be did the mathematics, or the design come first, but my hunch is the design is based on the Mathematics, and this connection somewhere along the line was lost. The popularity of the Star of David only furthers this connection because it would have been exciting visualizing the first shape into the 5th Dimension, and so this is why the 5D Simplex shape is remembered, but not more crazy designs with lots of cells in the same dimension.

The Bahpomet Star falls into this same categorization, as the 5-cell in 4D(When represented in 2D) is essentially one of the first objects you would hypothesize in 4 Dimensions, if you started with the simplest perfect polytopes and worked your way up, and thus, be the most predominant and distinguishable recognized and praised shape of the 4th Dimension would be that one, for breaking the 'barrier' into new thinking as the first hypothesized polytope, like the Star of David does breaking it's way in as the simplest shape in the 5th.

The glorification of these symbols is undoubtedly connected to Dimensional math, it's beyond coincidence. What's strange to me, is this isn't well recorded however by anyone.

Also, I'm not completely certain, but I've been reading that 666 itself originates from this Star of David, created from this Flower of Life. It's corresponding to the points, triangles and Hexagram within the object. It's interesting at least.

edit on 11-1-2017 by ROBOTNINJADRAGON because: (no reason given)

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