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Trump can punish 'sanctuary cities' that protect undocumented immigrants

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posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I'd rather see it happen the punishment way.

Yes, those affected in the end will be the citizens of the cities, but just because they elect leaders who let the 'sanctuary city' phenomenon get out of control doesn't mean that Trump should not reign in the bad behavior. Hell yes federal money should be withheld from these cities who are open and blatant about what they do.

If they want to keep suckling from the teat of Big Mommy Fed, then they need to start following the federal laws. It really does harken back to the whole if-you-want-to-live-under-my-roof mentality, and I'm okay with that. If they can't even respect federal laws--especially immigration laws--then they shouldn't be given my tax dollars.

If their citizens feel so strongly about being sanctuary cities, they can approve massive property tax hikes or levies in order to keep funding the illegal behavior. If their citizens don't like what happens to the city, they can move. I've had to move many times in my life because of things out of my control--it's okay.

But, we will get nowhere in America by awarding illegal behavior, especially at the city level.

edit on 10-1-2017 by SlapMonkey because: wording errors

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: intrptr

We elect the governments we deserve on all levels.

You just blamed the people for gubment corruption, too. They stole our constitution safeguards form us. Elections are a sham, the corruption at all levels, rife.

Hillary Clinton almost got elected. And in her case, the public KNEW about the corruption. There is no excuse there. It seems that the public, at least wide swathes of it, don't seem to care anymore.

And we have Trump who may not be all that much cleaner. I don't know, but he's the choice we were given.

It was poison you KNOW or the one that may be poison.

I think that example supports intrptr's view, and it hurts your case. If the Democratic primaries weren't rigged, Sanders would have been the Democratic nominee. The only reason Clinton was almost elected is because she was unfairly chosen as the Democratic nominee.

originally posted by: RedDragon
You're all the descendants of illegal immigrants. It's funny how quickly you forget who you are. #White privilege.

Native American had no immigration laws when Columbus arrived. There was no such thing as "illegal immigration" according to Native American's society during the time period you're referencing. It's impossible to break a law that doesn't exist. You're just completely wrong here.
edit on 10-1-2017 by Profusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Profusion
There was no such thing as "illegal immigration" according to Native American's society during the time period you're referencing. It's impossible to break a law that doesn't exist. You're just completely wrong here.

More importantly, "what makes a law legal?"

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:00 PM
All these undocumented people have to do to get legal is apply for citizenship or even residency. Those without a criminal record shouldn't have a problem at all. All that trump is against is undocumented aliens, ones that do not do things legally. It is kind of expensive to get this done, the government should deal with getting this cost reduced. The biggest cost is lawyer fees, the government already has lawyers that help criminals, why can't these lawyers help the good illegal imigrants become legal so they can pay taxes and help make our society better.

This has to be fixed, there has been amnesty given many times and there haven't been many going through this and trying to get legal. Mexicans are good workers, at least the ones I know are. They should make it easier for these people to get residency. When they are working at substandard wages, they can't afford to pay big bucks for lawyers. Our system is broken, we need to fix it. Throwing piles of money at regular lawyers is not needed, free, court appointed lawyers exist and they should be able to do this. The government could also get new young lawyers to intern on stuff like this.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: Profusion
There was no such thing as "illegal immigration" according to Native American's society during the time period you're referencing. It's impossible to break a law that doesn't exist. You're just completely wrong here.

More importantly, "what makes a law legal?"

I believe it goes like this....

Someone has a good idea for behavior that will or won't be accepted in our society.
Then it's proposed to a bunch of ass-hats who completely destroy that idea with legal speak and write addendums that give provisions for the ass-hats to get out of being charged if they abuse it.
Then: it's voted on by a bigger bunch of ass-hats who also write in addendums for stuff the first group of ass-hats missed.
It is accepted, and, thus becomes law.
For the people - not the ass-hats....

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:09 PM
The Trump administration should punish all the sanctuary cities as well as hollywood. Trump should withhold as much money as he can from all sanctuary cities and file any lawsuits that can possibly be filed against them. Whatever can legally be done to hollywood should also be done. The administration should open investigations on all movie studios, all music studios, all television studios, news media extc. Make their lives miserable. The investigations should last for as long as possible and try to find every little thing they do wrong to punish them. They should find out all their secrets and follow all the rabbit holes, even if some turn up nothing. They could then lock up as many scum bags as possible. At some point people have to forget about money, take a risk and do what is right. Its always about money. They cant give up the money because this might happen or that might happen. Somehow the country totally sucking is not as bad as if someday the country might totally suck which it already does.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: bwj2012
The Trump administration should punish all the sanctuary cities as well as hollywood. Trump should withhold as much money as he can from all sanctuary cities and file any lawsuits that can possibly be filed against them. Whatever can legally be done to hollywood should also be done. The administration should open investigations on all movie studios, all music studios, all television studios, news media extc. Make their lives miserable. The investigations should last for as long as possible and try to find every little thing they do wrong to punish them. They should find out all their secrets and follow all the rabbit holes, even if some turn up nothing. They could then lock up as many scum bags as possible. At some point people have to forget about money, take a risk and do what is right. Its always about money. They cant give up the money because this might happen or that might happen. Somehow the country totally sucking is not as bad as if someday the country might totally suck which it already does.

OMG! Seriously?????? He might as well direct the IRS to go after any Tax exempt Democratic organizations! /Extreme sarcasm

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
All these undocumented people have to do to get legal is apply for citizenship or even residency. Those without a criminal record shouldn't have a problem at all. All that trump is against is undocumented aliens, ones that do not do things legally. It is kind of expensive to get this done, the government should deal with getting this cost reduced. The biggest cost is lawyer fees, the government already has lawyers that help criminals, why can't these lawyers help the good illegal imigrants become legal so they can pay taxes and help make our society better.

This has to be fixed, there has been amnesty given many times and there haven't been many going through this and trying to get legal. Mexicans are good workers, at least the ones I know are. They should make it easier for these people to get residency. When they are working at substandard wages, they can't afford to pay big bucks for lawyers. Our system is broken, we need to fix it. Throwing piles of money at regular lawyers is not needed, free, court appointed lawyers exist and they should be able to do this. The government could also get new young lawyers to intern on stuff like this.

Yes that's exactly what should happen, and would work. That's exactly why it won't happen.

If the illegals become legal, and do well for themselves, the Democratic party loses a viable voting base. Why do you think they fund all the social programs for illegals and minorities? Future votes. If society is doing well on their own they don't need a sugar daddy to give em money and tell them who to vote for...

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: RedDragon
You're all the descendants of illegal immigrants. It's funny how quickly you forget who you are. #White privilege.

There are a few issues here and none of them have anything to do with being white, brown or even blue.

1. Limited social resources that we can hardly take care of our own much less 10s of millions of undocumented people from other nations. How about 100s of milion or a few billion where do you want to draw the

2. Protection of workers that when they come here are at the whims of their employers since they need to stay hidden, so EVERYONE takes advantage of that from many different directions. Documented workers is best for all don't you think.

3. These workers do not want to be Americans, they want to work here and use our social resources. Go to a border town and ask them if they want to join our country or just move the border North.

4. We need these workers, but why do you want to limit it to just undocumented South Americans when the whole world is full of people who would love to come here legally to work #Hispanic Privilege.

edit on 10-1-2017 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: Profusion
Native American had no immigration laws when Columbus arrived. There was no such thing as "illegal immigration" according to Native American's society during the time period you're referencing. It's impossible to break a law that doesn't exist. You're just completely wrong here.

LMAO. You came. You claimed the land by force. You introduced your laws to control who is allowed to settle on the land you've taken.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: moebius

originally posted by: Profusion
Native American had no immigration laws when Columbus arrived. There was no such thing as "illegal immigration" according to Native American's society during the time period you're referencing. It's impossible to break a law that doesn't exist. You're just completely wrong here.

LMAO. You came. You claimed the land by force. You introduced your laws to control who is allowed to settle on the land you've taken.

All land in every continent is/was taken by force.
Name one society that hasn't had tribal conflicts or war in any manner. Indians fought with other Indians, cavemen fought with other cavemen. It's what humans do. Everywhere, in every time line.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: moebius

LMAO. You came. You claimed the land by force. You introduced your laws to control who is allowed to settle on the land you've taken.

Yeah. It works this way.

You arrive on a nice new plot of land.

Bring your flag, and stick it into the ground.

Then declare "all this land is mine, as far my eyes can see."

Then you write down the statement on a plaque, stating this in inscribed words, and declaring whatever is written there to be the law. Install the plaque on your plot.

Then you educate the natives, to learn your language, so that they can read the plaque, and understand the proclamation.

Then you hire some of the natives, entice them with chocolate, give them swords, and tell them to uphold the law against any of the other natives that might disagree or not understand the proclamation.

Then you sit back and drink coffee, and watch over your cows and sheep, breathe the fresh air, and enjoy the scenery of your new conquest.

This land is mine.

Everyone else is illegal.

No trespassing.

edit on 10-1-2017 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2017 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: tribal
if he can prove they are disregarding federal law and or running interference for illegal aliens, especially criminal ones, i hope he hits them with federal charges including obstrDo you think Trump is going to shut down all the Corporations that profit on illegal workers. I don't! ction of justice and puts them in prison.

Do you think Trump is going to shut down all the Corporations that profit on illegal workers. I don't!

It's just pandering and nothing will ever get done.

Where does companies come in ? They are already supposed to be verifying citizenship before hiring. Also , who said shut the companies down ? There are very large fines for that sort of thing
Reading much into things that are not there , are we ?

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH
More importantly, "what makes a law legal?"

originally posted by: Natas0114

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: Profusion
There was no such thing as "illegal immigration" according to Native American's society during the time period you're referencing. It's impossible to break a law that doesn't exist. You're just completely wrong here.

More importantly, "what makes a law legal?"

I believe it goes like this....

Someone has a good idea for behavior that will or won't be accepted in our society.
Then it's proposed to a bunch of ass-hats who completely destroy that idea with legal speak and write addendums that give provisions for the ass-hats to get out of being charged if they abuse it.
Then: it's voted on by a bigger bunch of ass-hats who also write in addendums for stuff the first group of ass-hats missed.
It is accepted, and, thus becomes law.
For the people - not the ass-hats....

This might help:

edit on 10-1-2017 by Junkheap because: Quotation clarity and some weird ghost guy behind me told me to.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Profusion

No, it doesn't actually.

How many Sanders voters them turned their coats and voted Clinton anyhow in spite of what they knew?

That shows they really didn't care all that much that their preferred candidate got screwed.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: tribal
if he can prove they are disregarding federal law and or running interference for illegal aliens, especially criminal ones, i hope he hits them with federal charges including obstrDo you think Trump is going to shut down all the Corporations that profit on illegal workers. I don't! ction of justice and puts them in prison.

Do you think Trump is going to shut down all the Corporations that profit on illegal workers. I don't!

It's just pandering and nothing will ever get done.

Where does companies come in ? They are already supposed to be verifying citizenship before hiring. Also , who said shut the companies down ? There are very large fines for that sort of thing
Reading much into things that are not there , are we ?

I think they need to crack down on employers who are flouting the law too.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: tribal
if he can prove they are disregarding federal law and or running interference for illegal aliens, especially criminal ones, i hope he hits them with federal charges including obstruction of justice and puts them in prison.

That`s what he should do on day 1
trump is going to busy making America great again too busy to be playing games with the criminals running the sanctuary cities.
sanctions, cutting off funding etc are an unnecessary waste of time, just send the FBI to these cities and arrest the mayors and the city councils.They will have their day in court and when they are found guilty toss em in jail that will put an end to all this sanctuary city nonsense.

edit on 10-1-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 05:37 PM
Trump can punish 'sanctuary cities' that protect undocumented immigrants

The ONLY thing Trump has to do is say if yall aren't going to enforce immigration law.

Then don't bother with gun control laws.

Easy peasy

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: moebius

originally posted by: Profusion
Native American had no immigration laws when Columbus arrived. There was no such thing as "illegal immigration" according to Native American's society during the time period you're referencing. It's impossible to break a law that doesn't exist. You're just completely wrong here.

LMAO. You came. You claimed the land by force. You introduced your laws to control who is allowed to settle on the land you've taken.

Yup, but that was long ago. My ancestors came to this country and applied for citizenship just like all the other immigrants did. Now, there is a reason why we are supposed to keep track of citizens, that is because they are easier to find when they break the law. We have names and identification in this country for the same reason. Just because some drunk friends uses my name when he goes out with a girl does not mean I went out with that girl and made a jerk of myself. I hate when people used my name when they met a girl.

Oh, sorry about getting side tracked.
Not really, I had my fingers crossed.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: tribal
if he can prove they are disregarding federal law and or running interference for illegal aliens, especially criminal ones, i hope he hits them with federal charges including obstrDo you think Trump is going to shut down all the Corporations that profit on illegal workers. I don't! ction of justice and puts them in prison.

Do you think Trump is going to shut down all the Corporations that profit on illegal workers. I don't!

It's just pandering and nothing will ever get done.

Where does companies come in ? They are already supposed to be verifying citizenship before hiring. Also , who said shut the companies down ? There are very large fines for that sort of thing
Reading much into things that are not there , are we ?

I think they need to crack down on employers who are flouting the law too.

As an old man and citizenship in my family goes back to Native America , and I had been working at the company for 8 years , I still had to produce proof.

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