Glad to be back ATS it's been a long time, maybe a couple of years sense my last visit/post, I've been here since day one under a number of
different username over the years, I pulled away somewhat and chose FB as more of a platform to discuss many issues ATS has forum for but decided to
come back as you guys seem to dig way deeper and of course are so much more clued up
So I wanted to touch on something now it is quite clearly in plane sight to see what we have all discussed and pondered on for so long here
I will fully admit, I didn't believe there was such an entity and very much see the world still as maybe just close allies and freinds, but no way,
not anymore there is quite obviously a vast large entity that is above governments and has an impressive reach Power and control
And while we all believed Putin was the bad guy, well I still distrust and dislike the man, but I'm going to now take of a few layers of that hate,
quite obviously not all is as it seems
I'm still no different, I want the best for the world and see all races as one and equal
But maybe I do not believe the current way in which were being push into one pot it the right way, I full believe the current handling of the slamming
together of worlds and cultures is not for our best intentions or managed
It's more of one to create social unrest, division and of course as we can see racial tensions
The blatant Psychological operations from MSM
(PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective
reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. THATS YOU
So I want to touch on a few things and explain to you what I see and I know many of you who know the full story here clearly see them too
We all know to contol a population you do a few things, it's pretty simple just like kids you give them toys and bed time stories right, you occupy
there minds while you get some down time with the Wife, Mrs, bit on the side what ever maybe your current situation, right
The media we all know is not just used to tell you what's going on, it used to be, before this NWO agenda really gained momentum, but now if you
think it's for anything else other than to condition or brainwash you you really do need to wake up, NOW
We see in the US elections how powerful... But yet obvious the propaganda was,
Let's remember everything that those of us who intensely studied WWII learned about propaganda on all fronts, Allied, Soviet, Axis, and well after
also into the Cold War, of course the Cold War being about who would inherit the world but nobody having the stomach to fight that last war out
properly but just decided they would cock block each other all over the world cresting proxy wars over control of resources and destroying each other
political spheres of influence blah blah hello Syria etc
Somewhere in there... The above, we got lost, we got greedy, we lost touch of the population, we toured against them and now we're at war with them,
our enemies are reaching out to them
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO... I bet the globalists are saying... WHO EVEN ARE THEY ANYMORE we are saying
The people who would be serve for you, defend you, lie for you
NO MORE, you have lost and will continue to lose more of us, and because we know everything about you and your history, we can and will expose and
fight you
the elites have broken away, they do not serve countries or alliances anymore, I don't know why and when exactly, or how this transition took place,
but it's clear the entity that was, has been completely destroyed
What is apparent and clear... Is these people who own and control the vast majority of MSM, are clearly inside many countries intelligence agencies,
governments, militaries but do not fully control them are pulling away from reality and simply do not care about the people of this world
What is obvious is Trump is not one of them, something happened, something they could not do anything about without completely exposing themselves as
even existing
What is completely obvious to most right now is every MSM does not stop trying to destroy Trump every single day we see it, one clutching at straws
report after the other, daily attempts to hijack the minds of people though Psyopps brainwashing programs story's, fake news, aided to divide, cause
racial tensions
Let's get real here, every country needs to, and has a right to protect and secure its boarders, it's essential for literally hundreds of reasons
Let me put this simple for you
This is YOUR house ok, for you to run your family home you need rules ok, let's say you left your back door open
In walks a homeless person, he can stay we have room... Ok but the problem the western world has right now not just the US is this, if you do not
close that door and your family home fills up with needy people your family home becomes none functioning
The system collapses, tensions rise and BOOM people are fighting, the same happens with countries,
Now let's question why these elites want to flood a country with Islamics who have absolutely no intention of integrating
Back to the house metaphor, if somebody walks into your home, and not only doesn't abide by your rules, but instead wants to have there own laws and
overrule you you have a very very big problem, you both will need to fight for the property ok, that's obvious
So not only that... But these global elites also want to flood your countries with cheap labour to maximise profits for there big companies and
corporate greed
Further infuriating the indigenous working classes causing more tensions
Let's stop here, this is why we had Brexit, this is why Trump got in
So ATS, were do we go from here in terms of stopping them destroy western culture, and what have I missed regarding this globalist entity
Sorry if the post is abit rushed in short on time but you get the gist of it and what this post is about I hope