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"If you're a Trump-voter, you gotta feel sick to your stomach," so say Young Turks

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posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

Kind of like. . . "We have to pass the bill before we know what's in it?"

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Thank you for reminding me of that.

It also reminds me that it was 100% ok with the left that there was zero transparency-when Obama's main running points was promising transparency.

If I remember correctly,ONLY democrats voted FOR Obamacare.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: angryproctologist

If I remember correctly,ONLY democrats voted FOR Obamacare.

That's because they know better than the rest of us.

They own it now.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

Perhaps it's you who isn't taking everything into consideration. There was no real alternative. Period.

I admit that the following rundown of Trump's past pattern of behavior is not complete, but here goes:

He is/was a purveyor of gambling vice and porno vice in his hotels.

He has a track record of highly disreputable business dealings.

He has stiffed suppliers and workers alike.

He has abused the H1B visa program and exploited workers brought in under the H1B program.

He has cheated on at least one former wife.

He is incredibly litigious.

His performances on The Apprentice had to be very craftily edited with much reverse engineering to make his performance and decisions bear a semblance to reality.

A former high-ranking associate of his has stated: "I was working for a crazy person."

Trump's partner, Harrod's, in the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino characterized their experience with Trump as acrimonious.

Merv Griffin termed his dealing with Trump as "The Art of the Steal."

He is petty, vindictive, and has a record for lying.

An excerpt from Trump: A President Without Honor:

Then there is Trump’s astonishing capacity for lying, calculated vagueness and convenient incoherence, and the slash, burn and smear media tactics seen throughout the campaign, tactics that remain all too available to Trump...

Hmmm, kinda puts Trump into a kind of helter-skelter light.
edit on 7-1-2017 by theworldisnotenough because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

Even if every word of your claims were absolutely true-it makes zero difference.

Our sitting president has funded ISIS,tried to steal our right to own firearms with the illegal and unconstitutional Fast and Furious operation (also disarmed the elderly/older veterans a couple days ago),is purposefully flooding our country with KNOWN TERRORISTS and illegal alien criminals,is a known compulsive liar,and is - at this moment - trying to start nuclear war with another nuclear superpower because Trump is going to try reverse the severe damage that this country has suffered at Obama's hands stained with the blood of innocent American citizens.

And you are worried about where he sticks his wienie.

If that were the case,you should be all over Ru Paul's husband Barak.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: angryproctologist
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

And you are worried about where he sticks his wienie.

Words of wisdom from Ross Perot: "If a man's wife can't trust him, then why should I ?"

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

Yet, I can counter-post tributes galore from past and present associates. Testimonies of him helping individuals anonymously, on and on.

Obviously, politics comes into play here. As well as the fact people change and grow.

I do hold strongly, his family and their image, as well. Yes, one will accent the points that fits their agenda/beliefs and ours differ.

Here's where we part ways, though.
He IS the next president of the U.S. of A.. Period. Nothing you or I say, post or opine will change that and what he does, as President, will dictate who gets to say "I told you so".

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

A man doesn't ride the "Lolita Express" over 20 times without the express purpose of having sex with underage girls/boys.

Also,this whole pizzagate thing has me pretty convinced that there is something to do with Obama sleeping with little boys or something-with as much fury as there is to cover it up.

EDIT-I was wrong to accuse the poster of turning a blind eye to the acts of the Clintons and apologize for saying "I bet you haven't complained about Clinton's shenanigans."

edit on 7-1-2017 by angryproctologist because: taking myself behind the woodshed

edit on 7-1-2017 by angryproctologist because: ...

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: angryproctologist
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

I bet you haven't complained about Clinton's shenanigans.

Actually, I have.

But I didn't really have to do much of that. There were oh, so, many others who were doing a fantastic job of that.

As a matter of fact, I once wrote that there wouldn't be enough punishment for Bill and Hillary Clinton to address the administration of justice adequately.
edit on 7-1-2017 by theworldisnotenough because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 01:56 PM
Deleted due to error.
edit on 7-1-2017 by theworldisnotenough because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

Wall-street guys bad. This is the level of argument some have reached. If Trump had been accepting massive donations from these guys, that is one thing, but hiring them for a job is quite another.

I think that's far too over simplified. It's more the perception of "here we are again, more rich wall street bankers setting policy over the people". It really does send a bad message no matter which way you try to justify it. Surely there's other people in the US who are great at handling money that aren't so closely connected (in the average person's mind) with the same groups that really screwed up a lot of middle class American's futures. Americans are just so fed up with these types of people trying to run everyone's lives. So so fed up.

It's like saying there's no one good out there besides wall street people and that's definitely false. It was all about draining the swamp and when that didn't happen his supporters made excuses over it. Bizarre! It's unacceptable and why this whole charade needs to be looked at more honestly. We are in a bad spot...again. It's the same place we've been for a long long time except now society is lashing out in all sorts of crazy ways. Just turn on the news. A symptom of a growing discontent. Trump will not be the one to solve this. It would have grown under Hillary too. We weren't given a real choice and that's horrible.

Trump has already begun to make the wrong choices and it's definitely troubling. He's more focused on playing on his smartphone so he can make internet comments about Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Apprentice. He has so much work to do and so much to catch up on. Even I struggle to find internet time and my job is not nearly as heavy as leading the US nor do I have a family to attend to. So what in the world is he doing? Why does he have the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old girl and why can't he remember things that he said himself? It's so bad and the general public has a horrible perception of him. He's not going to do well imo, but only time will tell on that one.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: theworldisnotenough

originally posted by: angryproctologist
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

I bet you haven't complained about Clinton's shenanigans.

Actually, I have.

But I didn't really have to do much of that. There were oh, so, many others who were doing a fantastic job of that.

As a matter of fact, I once wrote that there wouldn't be enough punishment for Bill and Hillary Clinton to address the administration of justice adequately.

Like you, I saw Clinton as a non entity. She barely existed in the election and neither person gave me any confidence. It was like watching two cripples out there. Jesus's sad how far we've sunk. Clinton or Trump. Wow. In hindsight, nothing changes. I'm still shocked anyone thought either of those two were even remotely worthy.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: BrokedownChevy

You cannot know if he has made the wrong choices unless you can tell the future, and I somehow doubt you have that power. I think that kind of emotional intelligence is beyond anyone's conceit.

Also if you prefer the way other politicians tweet, that is, having an army of PR experts, consultants and speech-writers tweeting for them, then there is no interest in transparency at all, but in political correctness. What matters is what happens, what occurs, and the outcomes of these choices, not how it looks, sounds or how you react to your own perceptions.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: kurthall

"Trumptard"? Lol-you just gave my pro Trump friend and I a good laugh.

Having a thicker skin is quite exhilarating - especially while enjoying a liberal meltdown.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 03:06 PM
He's loading his board of directors and staffing the company with people that can help manage America, Inc. Business professionals over politicians. The old way of doing things will be a thing of the past.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

Sorry-I just saw your response.

I apologize for lumping you in with the ultra elite liberals on this site.

I will edit my previous comment and will do better to not just jump on and be bitchy to someone without seeing a few of their stances/beliefs.

(as a Bond fan,I will definitely remember your screen name)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Bramble Iceshimmer

But...but...where is Al Sharpton (a tax dodger that hangs out in the white house with Obama-for the liberals that are screaming for Trump to release his tax returns) going to crash when Obama moves down the street behind his wall?

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

But he has, in fact he's putting his biggest donors in his cabinet. Not only that, as soon as Trump won the Republican nomination Wall St. Hedge Fund Billionaire Robert Mercer & friends dumped Cruz and backed Trump financially. Where do you think Steve Bannon and Kelly Anne Conway came from? From Robert Mercer who is also a huge investor in Breitbart and helped bring us Citizens United, you know Super Pacs. Speaking of SP, Trump also had one of the creators of CU working on his campaign.

Trump has been dirty from the start and completely lying about being the anti establishment candidate. He is the ultimate establishment politician because being so will earn him $$$$$$$! That's all he cares about and Trump supporters bought his BS so he can actually become a billionaire.

And btw, how in the hell is it okay that he refuses to release his taxes? Unbelievable. Imagine if Clinton refused to release hers? The hell she would catch from Fox, Breitbart, Drudge, Jones, Beck, Limbaugh, every conservative blog ever, and of course our very own Trump supporting conservatives here on ATS.

Those that defend Trump show me they have zero integrity.
edit on 7-1-2017 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: theworldisnotenough

As far as guns and gun control go, I'll have you know that a key component of malignant narcissism is PARANOIA.

Uh , no. You couldnt be further from the truth.....
Gives me a feeling of comfort knowing if someone comes around to do me or my family harm, they gonna be a world o hurt raining down on em.
And you have a shingle on your door that enables you to make that diagnosis Doc ? Right ?

On topic:
Has anyone ever read up on the views of the appointees? Any of them ? Mnuchin is about as anti-Fed Reserve as you can get. Tillerson is anti-big government and is open to investing in green energy.
Of course , why let facts get in the way of Liberal emotion ?

edit on 1/7/17 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Swills

Mercer is anti-establishment. He's funded and attended the Jackson Hole Summit, which advocated an end to government involvement in the money supply, and a return to the gold standard. It was designed to be a counter-argument to the Fed's economic symposium. Just like Trump, Kruz was hated by establishment Republicans in Washington.

The assumption that Trump is insincere about why he is running, and that he just wants to earn "$$$$$" is just that, an assumption. Of course, he is refusing the president's wage, and self-funded the majority of his campaign, which puts your assumption is doubt.

Pelosi wanted to drain the swamp back in 2006. How did that work out?

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