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Donald Trump Backs Assange over Russian Hacking claims...

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posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 07:20 AM

President-elect Donald Trump has backed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in casting doubt on intelligence alleging Russian meddling in the US election.
Mr Assange said Russia was not the source for the site's mass leak of emails from the Democratic Party.
Mr Trump has now backed that view in a tweet. He wrote: "Assange... said Russians did not give him the info!"
The president-elect has repeatedly refused to accept the conclusions of the US intelligence community.
Several US agencies including the FBI and the CIA believe Russia directed hacks against the Democratic Party and the campaign of its presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
The information, released through Wikileaks and other outlets, was intended to help Mr Trump win the electio

Donald Trump Backs Assange over Russian Hacking claims...

i just read that Assange was doing an AMA on reddit tomorrow according to a post on ATS

and now we have Trump backing him, i dont know if this AMA is legit, but if it is, it could be the Trump and Assange could be working together, to disclose some truths, or maybe wishful thinking on my part.....
What does other ATSers think?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 07:35 AM
Great. The very agencies he's going to need to help protect and defend our nation as his oath will require him to do and he's casting doubt on their capabilities not only to the American people but the entire world.

Hey guys this was what they were talking about when they said he was unfit to be president.

What happens when they give him info on a possible attack?

"Oh don't pay any attention to them....they were wrong once...we can't trust them. "

Tweeted of course.

And the world sits back and laughs as Putin's puppet takes office.

Just fabulous.

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
Great. The very agencies he's going to need to help protect and defend our nation as his oath will require him to do and he's casting doubt on their capabilities not only to the American people but the entire world.

Hey guys this was what they were talking about when they said he was unfit to be president.

What happens when they give him info on a possible attack?

"Oh don't pay any attention to them....they were wrong once...we can't trust them. "

Tweeted of course.

And the world sits back and laughs as Putin's puppet takes office.

Just fabulous.

Yea, he should just sit back and wait until Obama can manufacture enough outrage to form a committee to oust Trump before the inauguration.

Does truth play any part in your will to see Trump fail?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: network dude

Julian Assange is a bastion of truth now? LOL

He's a wanted criminal in Obama's world.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: network dude

Yea, he should just sit back and wait until Obama can manufacture enough outrage to form a committee to oust Trump before the inauguration.

That's not going to happen. Trump is going to take office and no one is going to stop that.

Does truth play any part in your will to see Trump fail?

What does Silly's will have to do with the topic?

She is correct that Trump is casting a lot of doubt on US intelligence agencies and that is not a wise decision considering the relationship he needs to have with them moving forward.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Your the one that wanted someone under federal investigation for letting anyone that wanted to read her classified emails.

That too is fabulous!

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Oh you mean like the FBI giving fake bombs to poor schlums they've worked on with undercover agents until they convince them to commit an attack, then arrest them cheering a successful terror bust?

Or do you mean the Intel agencies that commit regime change, nation building, and gun running to differing extremist groups so that military industrial contractors and organizations like the Clinton foundation can get rich off of development and security contracts?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
Great. The very agencies he's going to need to help protect and defend our nation as his oath will require him to do and he's casting doubt on their capabilities not only to the American people but the entire world.

Hey guys this was what they were talking about when they said he was unfit to be president.

What happens when they give him info on a possible attack?

"Oh don't pay any attention to them....they were wrong once...we can't trust them. "

Tweeted of course.

And the world sits back and laughs as Putin's puppet takes office.

Just fabulous.

You now want to back the same agencies that produced all the WMD bs to drag us into IRAQ? And the company responsible for blowing the whistle on that fiasco is now not to be trusted?

Were this real we would have already have had evidence leaked or released.
This is a smoke screen to cover she who could not even beat an orange cheeto looking amateur in the hopes she does not get prosecuted once king spray tan takes office.
With all the other monkey meet football moments from the big O's administration it is no wonder the "official meeting" had been postponed(not enough time to cook the evidence).
These people can not leave washington dc soon enough.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: windword

Compared to obama. Yes! All the information he lets out can be varified. However he will not give up the names of his informants. Truth in his leaks are vital and without it he loses everything thats why they spend so much time on releasing documents. All he has to do is mess up once or twice and thats it for wikileaks as a organization. However what is in the documents is up for debate all wikileaks needs to prove are the documents are real.

The fact that hes wanted by the government should mean nothing if he did it in the best interests of informing people about illegal actions by our own government. Actually the guy should be freed and given the nobel peace prize.
edit on 4-1-2017 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: digital01anarchy

Assange is an authority on nothing other than disseminating information that he acquired through illegal methods.
He's a cyber fence, no better than a common criminal. Only, Assange deals in stolen government secrets, not stolen jewelry.

Yeah! A real upstanding guy you're defending there!

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:31 AM
Wow.. Maybe you haven't been paying attention to the things that have been coming out?

Sure the government should hold some secrets, But not the kinds that the emails are showing.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: gspat

Sure the government should hold some secrets, But not the kinds that the emails are showing.

We're talking about the DNC hacks? The Chelsea Manning hacks or the Snowden hacks?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: windword

Lol people like Assange make Governments accountable for there actions, if we didn't have these types, then they could do what they want unchecked, I understand why people refuse to believe that there governments are dodgy, because they have been conditioned by the MSM their whole life and Truths that challenge their safe little bubbles will be disregarded without second thought, because you are afraid of change, but it's hard to change a lifetime of thinking a certain way even when you know its false.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
Great. The very agencies he's going to need to help protect and defend our nation as his oath will require him to do and he's casting doubt on their capabilities not only to the American people but the entire world.

So you would rather he listen to lies and get America involved in wars looking for WMD?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:48 AM
So tell me windword are you willing to risk your own life to inform the working day people about your governments illegal actions? Has your name been dragged through the mud. Have you been a prisoner based on your moral and ethical choices for the good of the world?

Lol you act like governments are the writers of morality and ethics. That they never break their own laws or lie to its citizens do they? They never silence or kill or intimidate people? They dont actively steal your documents transmitted electronically do they? Do they keep the docs stolen from you? What gives them the moral superiority to say its ok for them but everyone else is stealing?

Lol he is an upstanding guy to the world hes risking his life to bring you the truth! What do you believe that governments are just going to tell you the truth or that they lie to protect us lol? Get real most governments only interest is self preservation and not what is in the best interests of whatever population its in charge of.

edit on 4-1-2017 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2017 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Really? How did the Chelsea Manning hacked data make the US government more accountable? How did the Snowden hacks make the US government more accountable?

The fact that the DNC emails were hacked and displayed like your step sister's lurid dairy, won't make the federal government more accountable. As a matter of fact, the winner here, Donald Trump, is the least accountable candidate we've ever had, and his administration is proving to be the shadiest, least transparent and least truthful administration we've ever had.

edit on 4-1-2017 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: windword

least transparent yet you seem to know everything about how bad he is, eh....

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Davg80

Really? How did the Chelsea Manning hacked data make the US government more accountable? How did the Snowden hacks make the US government more accountable?

The fact that the DNC emails were hacked and displayed like your step sister's lurid dairy, won't make the federal government more accountable. As a matter of fact, the winner here, Donald Trump, is the least accountable candidate we've ever had, and his administration is proving to be the shadiest, least transparent and least truthful administration we've ever had.

And triggered goes the social justice warrior lol.

Yes it did is hillary in office? I would call that accountability lol. I would call the head of the dnc stepping down accountable. I would say in dems losing power accountable. I would say everything that happened made people more aware of government bs and most people are on high alert which is a good thing.

People who dont like trump thats fine if he fails the whole system will been shown as fake bs that it is and hopefully some real change happens not obama change or fake arse bernie sanders change.
edit on 4-1-2017 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: digital01anarchy

Lol he is an upstanding guy to the world hes risking his life to bring you the truth!

Oh really? IS that what he did? Is the government less abusive/intrusive because of it? More transparent? What did it get us and Chelsea Manning? What good did it do?

I say, pick your battles.

What data do you suppose Julian Assange got, from anywhere really, the man doesn't have scruples about where he gets his data from, obviously, that he deemed too sensitive for the mass public's eyes through his WikiLeaks site, and has sold to foreign governments or is blackmailing them with?

You guys act like Julian Assange is a superhero, and will only do good for mankind. The guy's a common criminal, with a price tag for everything. After all, Chelsea Manning is in prison, and Snowden, like Assange, is in exile. Looks like the intel knew who the hackers were then, and I'm sure they do now too.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 09:06 AM

"I think it's unfair if they don't know," he said. "And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove."

LOL on a grand scale. Well, he has mastered sending a tweet. Close enough.

(Mr Trump, hacking is not about stiffing a NY cabbie on his fare)

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