posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 08:04 AM
originally posted by: argentus
AHHH, the good ol' days, where Natural Selection ruled, and we weren't all protected from ourselves ..........
Ahhh yes...the infamous merry go round thing.
Friend of mine had a mini-bike when we were kids. One time (well, actually more than just once) we set that mini-bike up on a cinder block and angled
it over so the rear wheel was in contact with the side of merry go round. Then we'd try to see who could stay on while he revved the engine on his
mini-bike. Major carnage! I think everyone got banged up a time or two trying that dare.
One time I slid off the edge in the rain and slammed into the mini-bike at what seemed like 80mph. Mike, myself and that bike went ass over tea
kettle for about 15 feet. And the muffler landed on my leg! I don't know which was worse, the broken spleen or the muffler on my leg.
edit on 11/25/2018 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)