In the Beginning, God created Heaven and the Earth. By God - a sort of Judeochristian term, I refer to the whole - the mission, meaning, and purpose,
intended by creation: an intelligence so great as to escape our capacity to semantically deconstruct. We but grasp at straws when we attempt to
explain. Some say nothing is there; others say, "let nature speak her words".
The Heaven and the Earth
The Heaven and the Earth, compelling metaphors - speaking to the mind-body problem: the existence of a knower who seems paradoxically apart from its
known. How can there be an external and an internal? How can correspond so clearly to each other - through metaphor, movement, feeling and meaning.
The mind cannot help but "rain down meaning" upon the meaning and significance of the physical world, its body, and its relationship to everything
But why else pursue this approach to being and existence, if not because it stimulates us i.e. "rains upon us" - forces its presence into our
awareness by generating ideas that are figuratively represented in the actions, motions and movements of the external world.
This is represented, and has always been known as, the "perennial knowledge" - the fact of the correspondence between the knowledge of mental
experience, and the forms and ways of the outside world. "Lets make man in our image, after our likeness". Many wonder, is this biblical verse
referring to the many attractors that control the behavior of self-organizing dynamical structures, such as the stars and planets that self-organize
into material systems? Tzelem, or "image", is the whole of the structure. It is the "phantom", as it were, which lies behind the temporal unfolding of
the structure. The second verse is interesting, "Ki", or like, and "DeMuTheNU". The word for blood "DaM" is combined with the word for death "MoTh".
Thus, 'after our likeness" would literally mean "subject to entropy, or dissolution" i.e. death.
Most people don't know that the word "Jew", or in German "Yid" - phonetically closer to the Hebrew word, "YeHuD", derives from the Hebrew verb "HoD",
which means, "to acknowledge". To acknowledge. That is a very interesting self-description - to acknowledge what? If we remember our conversation from
up above, perhaps acknowledgement has everything to do with correlation? If the heavens "rain down on us" - paradoxically motivated by the suggestive
meaning of the external physical world - to acknowledge, appreciate and enjoy this dynamic - to correlate your life and living with its legitimacy,
would seem to render you a YeHuD, a "he who acknowledges" ("he" appears to be a metaphorical representation of our active mind, whereas "she" refers
to our embodied experiences) the nature of the world we exist within.
Its not a terribly incredible feat to be a "person who acknowledges". After all, isn't this what science does to people? Goethe was totally right when
he recommended a feeling of reverence and awe for the phenomena being measured: and in this attunement, the knower becomes more connected and
respectful to the known, rendering the scientific method an inherently "jewish" type endeavor (they are after all one of the most productive
ethnicities in the hard sciences as well as psychology).
Many people would be surprised by his, but it's true: the Greeks, or at least those influenced by Plato, were not as committed to "correlation" as the
Jews were - and still are. While progressives, and even those who hate Israel, are sometimes accused of "antisemitism", it is paradoxical that neither
side in the subsequent scuffling appreciates how alike they are in spirit: they both seek truth, justice, legitimacy.
But again, this just wasn't what Greece, or Romes, or Persia, or Egypt or Mesopotamian cared for. Far more naturally in the ancient world, the elite
kings began to separate themselves from the others they lived around, and in not being scientific in their reflections - being motivated entirely by
the ecological property of context and social, bodily or material advantage - began to cultivate egohood to the point of turning it into an art.
It's strange to think this way, because we all know and relate within the world in terms of an ego. We want things, we get hurt when our expectations
are violated. Were all over the place because of the desires of the world - and this property, "of the world", we must remind ourselves is at most
only 12,000 years old - merely a blip in the evolutionary record of our species - which evolved as far back as 250,000 years ago, in the Southern
Sahara region of present day Chad (which is now a desert..hmm).
Humans are delusional creatures. This is something that is not arguable - too much evidence exists in all the psychologies, buttressed by the
neurosciences as well as ideas which apply to - such as economy, short cuts, and the never exhausting conformation to the rule of pursuing "paths of
least resistance".
So for Humans to have gone off from our stability - our homeostasis as a being - I'm guessing it was not self-induced, but brought upon by some
external or internal event. The geologists and volcanologists tell us that a super-volcano erupted 75,000 years ago in Indonesia, on the island of
Sumatra, on a lake called Toba. Even more interestingly, this date roughly corresponds to the out-of-Africa date where Humans begin to appear in
Israel (70,000 years ago) and then outwards towards the north and the East. They entered Europe and Asia at roughly similar times: 40,000 years ago.
Now, of course, we can debate what happened "after this" day and night, but the present archeological record supports a narrative of a simple way of
living, as the caves which show the mysteries of Human experience record.
The real change - the real "convulsion", came with the onset of neolithic era, when Human beings began cultivating fields of grains - stationing
themselves to these fields, and so giving away the presence of a new "psychological attractor" - a desire for personal gain, now socially supported,
institutionally normalized - so that it focalizes the flow of energy in specific ways - changing the brains of the Humans exposed to its dynamics -
and situating meaning along new metabolic configurations.
The Egyptians called the obelisk, "Tekenu"
One may wonder whether logic underlying this word had some sort of influence upon the formation of the Greek word "techne".
Why would I assume this? Well, the beginning of the change - a seemingly innocuous thing like agriculture, pulling Humans from their normal
self/body-environment relationship, now made Humans
dependent on the producers. Something changed, but that change may have been deliberate and
calculated - dealing with a "technology" that's called "occultic", or "hidden", but really just refers to the dynamics of awareness, and so, the
nature of how the "rain falls to nourish the earth", i.e. for how Human minds metabolize reality.
Based upon this association, one cannot help but notice the phallic nature of the obelisk, which associates naturally to the male sex. If in the
normal scheme of things, the earth "receives" the beneficent bounty of the heavens, the obelisk almost seems to invert the picture: turning the heaven
upside down, the influence now moves the other way - counter-clockwise - against the natural flow of activity.
edit on 2-1-2017 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)