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‘Trans-Racial’ Rachel Dolezal Disinvited from MLK Event After Backlash

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posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 09:53 PM
I knew a white person who changed their last name to Martinez and began to TRY and act Latino. They even had the audacity to tell me to speak English when I was yelling abuse at them in Spanish. They dont even look remotely Latino, but people still buy this "trans racial" BS and dont actually see it as white privilege gone insane.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: PBL666
I knew a white person who changed their last name to Martinez and began to TRY and act Latino. They even had the audacity to tell me to speak English when I was yelling abuse at them in Spanish. They dont even look remotely Latino, but people still buy this "trans racial" BS and dont actually see it as white privilege gone insane.

In the social history of America, thousands of folks that came out of AA communities passed themselves off as white, not for any trendy reasons but for access to higher education, jobs and social status, a thing that would be unnecessary if there was no such thing as white privilege and trust me you are going to get pelted with rocks for bringing up , the dreaded never to be spoken W. P..

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: WUNK22

I find it funny that she can't work at the NAACP because she lied about being white to get a job, she wasn't black.
She is omitted from a diversity summit, and she was essentially fired because she was the wrong color.
Oh a main issue at the diversity summit is solving racism????

She wasn't fired for being the wrong color. You're being disingenuous, which is essentially why she was fired.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: everyone

One question,
If a large civil right org that is for the forwarding of white people hired someone and they checked the white box on the app. Then the civil rights org. found out they were not white and had 2 black parents and fired him. Do you think that this would be an obscure news report?
I would not find it obscure in the least. I also would find the firing of those 2 people questionable i mean sure they can claim they can fire them because they had not been truthful but that does not mean that they actually have to do that. I would find their motives to fire someone in such a case questionable.

Same goes for this case there is no difference. I find the woman in question a basket case for trying to be black but then again there are also a lot and even more known cases of black people wanting and trying to be white and bleaching their skin. I dont think they should have fired her over this it makes them look racist but at the same time she has issues and she lied so there is also ample reason to do so.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: everyone

One question,
If a large civil right org that is for the forwarding of white people hired someone and they checked the white box on the app. Then the civil rights org. found out they were not white and had 2 black parents and fired him. Do you think that this would be an obscure news report?
I would not find it obscure in the least. I also would find the firing of those 2 people questionable i mean sure they can claim they can fire them because they had not been truthful but that does not mean that they actually have to do that. I would find their motives to fire someone in such a case questionable.

Same goes for this case there is no difference. I find the woman in question a basket case for trying to be black but then again there are also a lot and even more known cases of black people wanting and trying to be white and bleaching their skin. I dont think they should have fired her over this it makes them look racist but at the same time she has issues and she lied so there is also ample reason to do so.

But most do not claimed to be white with the exception of those passing ,as I have mentioned before, and even then their darker skinned relatives know of this, again there was nothing to be gained by passing for black in the NAACP, white folks have been involved and have even help founded the org, she was a nut who go as far as disowning her parents when the lie was uncovered..she just cray as hell..
it's not like this.


Yolanda Spivey is an African American woman, she was unemployed for two years, and had applied for over 300 jobs to no avail — despite a having a decade’s worth of experience in the insurance industry, and a college degree. Spivey wrote in Techyville that as an experiment, she first started “declining to state” her ethnicity on Monster.Com’s Diversity Questionnaire, but that had no effect. Spivey then created a fake profile, with identical information, except that her fictitious job candidate was white, and was aptly named “Bianca White” (Bianca means “white” in Spanish). Suddenly, responses from employers came pouring in.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Spider879

In some sick sense this is a matter of white privilege.. but this psycho disorder is only situated at the liberal end of the spectrum.. They are the ones that are insanely obsessed with race, there's just so much white privilege with the fake liberal rich white suburbians.. their subconsciously condescending attitude towards people of colour is a symptom of this. This weird sort of inverted superiority complex whereby they feel it their duty to take care of "the poor noble savages" that apparently can't take care of themselves. This is the white man's burden of the 21st century, a symptom of the complete inversion of our cultural values.

So this isn't really a symptom of white supremacy or anything of the sort, quite the opposite with liberal whites bending themselves backwards in order to cater to minorities. That's not to say that these white idiot liberals aren't the most privileged, sheltered, spoiled and entitled group of people around.. that can't be denied. Especially whiny white feminist women.. the most privileged of all. The hypocrisy and irony is astounding.

I understand why a coloured man would look down on white people for their idiocy and weakness, I do too. I share their and your disgust.

Liberalism really has become a psychological disorder eh? It's good there are sensible conservatives like me out there holding back the forces of degeneracy and disorder, saving civilisation from complete disaster and collapse. Even so, our efforts may have been too late and in vain. Our societies cannot cope with this mental sickness forever, sooner or later our society will be overrun, with liberals having completely opened the gates to our enemies. We were done in from the inside by traitors in our own midst. Now they must be tried as traitors.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Spider879

But most do not claimed to be white with the exception of those passing

And you never stopped to realize that it maybe is a lot harder for a black person to make themselves look white then it is for a white person to make themselves look black? Pretty sure that if those black people who have been bleaching themselves would have gone all the way had they had a realistic option.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: everyone
a reply to: Spider879

But most do not claimed to be white with the exception of those passing

And you never stopped to realize that it maybe is a lot harder for a black person to make themselves look white then it is for a white person to make themselves look black? Pretty sure that if those black people who have been bleaching themselves would have gone all the way had they had a realistic option.

Actually only some of what you said applies, others just want a lighter skin, without being "white" in as much the same way some white folks addiction to tanning machines but not necessarily trying to be Black or non white , and no I am not talking about your average Med or Caribbean vacationer , but those who will take it up ten notches.

As far as bleaching goes , that is bought to you by folks pushing skin whiteners, where in their ads they make lite-skin as successful and fun, perhaps the nation of dark folks that got hit hardest is India, followed by some places in Africa and the Caribbean, but here the Africans and the Caribbean women are comparing themselves negatively to the relatively liter Skinned AAs they see in ads and music vids, all of this was contrived on 7th ave or Hollywood , mimicked by Bollywood, for if they can convince you to eat cornflakes of a certain brand, and wash with a certain soap, even wiping your ass with a certain brand toilet paper, they can convince ppl especially females that using a certain skin lightener will fetch you a man and life will be great.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: DeadMoonJester

I don't think this have much to do with Liberals vs Conservatives, and I am not sure if bending over backwards is any worst than benign neglect.
edit on 4-1-2017 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: Spider879

I think this is very much a liberal and conservative issue, but as a conspiracy theorist I would go much, much further.. Republicans are often their own type of brainwashed. We need to forget everything of that, take all of our modern world values and throw them in the trash. Traditionalism and synarchism, enlightened rule by philosopher kings is the real answer to our problems as has always been the case.

That and open acknowledgement of the spiritual order of things, as well as acknowledgement of both benign and malevolent ET forces and their history of influencing humanity.

A New World Order..

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