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REPORT: ISIS general with 400 soldiers flees to Europe disguised as immigrants!

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posted on Feb, 23 2017 @ 06:16 PM
There's no such thing as an ISIS 'general,' that's not how their command structure works.

Sensationalist bull#.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Monger

OK call the terrorist leader a 'Neighborhood Activist' or whatever the hell Obama was prior to being put into the WH.

anyhow.... I wanted to update my first post..........with the following:

just a follow up on the -as yet... unrecognized crisis-to-come- of a concerted effort to spread nuke waste all over the EU when a 'signal is given' s-quadrupled-officials-iodine-131-is-proof-of-ra

...IRSN (France’s Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety Institute), Feb 13, 2017: Iodine-131 (131I), a radionuclide of anthropogenic origin, has recently been detected in tiny amounts in the ground-level atmosphere in Europe. The preliminary report states it was first found during week 2 of January 2017 in northern Norway. Iodine-131 was also detected in Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Spain, until the end of January. Iodine-131 is a radionuclide with a short half-life (T1/2 = 8.04 day). The detection of this radionuclide is proof of a rather recent release… the origin of which is still unknown… Lead-210 [concentration detected by IRSN peaked at 1600 µBq/m3 in January, four times higher than the usual mean value]… It must be pointed out that only particulate iodine was reported. When detectable, gaseous iodine is usually dominant and can be estimated to be 3 to 5 times higher than the fraction of particulate iodine. In France, particulate 131I reached 0.31 µBq/m3 and thus the total (gaseous + particulate fractions) can be estimated at about 1.5 µBq/m3.

My lax analysis is that propane bottles containing
Iodine-131 gas obtained from nuke processes, possibly generated in Iran or even Turkey or any other Muslim Dominated nation with a breeder reactor...
these bottles on Iodine-131 were emptied by Jihadists disguised as refugees at various places in northern Europe...object was to pollute the environment and gleen the reports of the the radioactive Iodine disbursal in the winds... all for a future dirty-bomb release of a more radioactive agent in the near future

Yeah, I hear the detractors right now....
Islamaphobe that I am accused of being

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: St Udio
possibly generated in Iran or even Turkey or any other Muslim Dominated nation with a breeder reactor...
these bottles on Iodine-131 were emptied by Jihadists disguised as refugees at various places in northern Europe...object was to pollute the environment and gleen the reports of the the radioactive Iodine disbursal in the winds... all for a future dirty-bomb release of a more radioactive agent in the near future

Yeah, I hear the detractors right now....
Islamaphobe that I am accused of being

Both Iran and Turkey are actively fighting ISIS, the Turks have troops in Syria as part of their 'Euphrates Shield' offensive. Plus, Trukey 100% does not have a nuke program, they don't have the resources.

As for Iran, you won't find a bigger enemy for ISIS. Iran is a Shia powerhouse, their anti-ISIS PMUs are the most effective fighters against ISIS in Iraq. Seriously, check out their combat videos from the last week or so from the Tel Afar area. Close quarters trench fighting, multiple routs of ISIS forces leading to them getting picked off.

Iran is ISIS's 'near enemy.' The west is the 'far enemy.' They hate Iran and Shia Muslims more than they hate us, and they've killed multitudes more Shias than westerners. The insinuation that Iran would give them biological weapons doesn't hold water at all, given they have nothing in common. The amount of misinformation on this site surrounding ISIS and Iran is breathtaking.

I can't tell if the majority of ATSers are just poorly informed or if they deliberately spread falsehoods on this issue.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 01:04 PM
The truly saddest thing of all is... there are people... on this board and elsewhere that will go to the mat defending this story while calling anything uttered by the MSM as 'fake'.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 01:05 PM
How many planes did they take? 400+ people? Anti-refugee propaganda. FAKE NEWS

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: St Udio
a reply to: Monger

OK call the terrorist leader a 'Neighborhood Activist' or whatever the hell Obama was prior to being put into the WH.

I can't even tell what you're on about here. Barely a coherent thought in your entire post.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:48 AM
I think the title of this thread is wrong. It should be:
"EU fanatic islamist convert, self-proclaimed general of ISIS" returns back home to Europe, where he came from the beginning, before he went to fight for ISIS.
Most probably he was radicalized by EU supported media, and other fanatical ideologies pushed by the EU intelligence services in the hopes of creating an army of misfits to be used as cannon fodder in places where needed for EU imperialist ambitions.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:48 AM
I think the title of this thread is wrong. It should be:
"EU fanatic islamist convert, self-proclaimed general of ISIS" returns back home to Europe, where he came from the beginning, before he went to fight for ISIS.
Most probably he was radicalized by EU supported media, and other fanatical ideologies pushed by the EU intelligence services in the hopes of creating an army of misfits to be used as cannon fodder in places where needed for EU imperialist ambitions.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 06:12 AM
EU's push for Serbia's recognition of Kosovo's independence will have no effect. Kosovo is not a state, it is a terrorist organization..

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