posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to:
an isolated person
may have a lesser barter interest in your gold. However, historically, SHTF or not, there is always a power
structurehierarchy to any community you will travel through. that community will either be accepting bullion as currency, or have a trader there that
Gold is the money of Kings, because everyone who has ever been in charge of people and societies seek to have it as part of their wealth. Yes the
hermit along the mountain pass demanding tax may be uninterested, but your destination, whether it be a port, trading post, oasis or small city, will
freely be exchanging it as a currency or medium of trade.
Be wise. All the CEO's, world leaders, financiers and industry names are not just going to dump their holdings as useless because SHTF. They will
continue to demand it in the new power structures which are established in the vacuum.
In fact, now is a good buying opportunity for silver and gold. Prices appeared to bottomed out based on what I notice in the historical charts for the
last ten years. They are set to rally through the summer. They could full on run through the year, but the dip and peaks would still follow a similar
pattern, albeit at higher values. I just locked in a $3000 acquisition and am looking at a deal on another 100oz silver from perth that I may just get
on impulse. I don't often see this size in my locality from this mint, and the premium over spot on APMEX right now is quite low. I'll just sell the
RCM later and consider it even. Those show up all the time. They do not have to cross an ocean to arrive here.