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Flux Liner Revisited

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posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:41 PM
The Flux Liner revisited.

I guess most of you have seen the films & read the thread,or variants of it, on other sites, where Mark McCandlish showed us the FL diagram.
There was a lot of discussion about how it actually worked, and we never got down to the nitty gritty details.
McCandlish called the glass-like insulator in the floor, a 'dielectric' now we are getting into TTB territory. He may have meant 'insulator' but there is a vast difference between the 2 and i think he knew what he was talking about.

One other interesting piece of info which came to light is the patent from James King Jr. which depicted a craft almost identical to the Flux-Liner (also called an ARV or Alien Reproduction Vehicle)
James King Jr it seems, was an assistant to none other than Thomas Townsend Brown, when they worked at Princeton NJ in the late 50's together with Agnew Bahnson.

This patent was filed in 1964, and granted in 1967, just 3 years...that is pretty fast.
So, if TTB had actually worked on this design, was he using 'his' gravitor tech, or was this all given to him by ET? Why would they call it an ARV if it was supposedly designed by humans?

It is evident that the design is virtually the same, except for the DC distribution to the capacitors is slightly different.

Here is King's original patent. Notice he calls it a 'magnetohydrodynamic device, which it is. MHD when applied to fluids like seawater works very well. The nuclear subs use it for silent running, and the Japanese are selling an expensive yacht, which is totally silent.

Plasmas are not only highly conductive, they react extremely well to E and M fields.

The dates are an important clue. In 1955-56 Brown presented his now famous 'flying discs' in the U.K. In 1956 he worked in France with SNCSCO where the equipment was tested in large vacuum chambers. The official report was somewhat biased,leading to the conclusion that the results were negative. This is not exactly true, but it is around this time that Brown was working on 'black' projects, and may have been shown a (captured alien?) vehicle around that time. Maybe he even saw the Roswell one.
who knows?

That same year, Brown also formed the UFO study group NICAP in Washington.

From 1957 - 1960 he worked as a consultant for Whitehall-Rand on a project together with Agnew Bahnson, this was primarily focused on antigravity research.
In 1958 he formed Rand International, 'rand' meaning Research ANd Development.

At the same time, he dropped off the map somewhat, he claimed to have written no more notebooks between 1958 and 1967...that's 9 years of silence, and his next notebook resumed in 1970, and then another one in 1973.

After 10 years working as a consultant for government projects, he became more interested in the electrical properties of rocks, and kept studying them until his death in 1985.
So in that timeframe there was ample opportunity for Brown to get to know the black projects, recovered alien craft etc, and there was ample time for King to draw up 'his' patent.

Here is McCandlis's drawing of the flux-liner, notice the similarity to King's design;

Here are some new video's, some of you may have already seen them, but here i will try to piece the details together so that we can at least have a go at replicating this tech.

So first we will watch this other interview with McCandlish, and then another eyewitness account.
Then i would like to go into more detail about the workings of the system.

Here is the other witness;

Mark interprets the 'flywheel' under the crew compartment as being a kind of rotor arm spark gap, as you would find under the bonnet of any old car.
He also states that the (48) capacitor segments are used in pairs, from 2 (low power) up to 8 (full power) and being energised at a million volts or so.

The plates themselves are molded in some kind of plastic or glass, i think the latter since most plastics, and especialy hydrocarbons, break down fairly easily and glass does not. And if you have a 3 ton coil and some 4 tons of copper plates, why not a few tons of glass as well?
'mass' in this case is irrelevant, you can make it as heavy as you want. In fact it was Neumann among others who noted that the actual mass of the copper is responsible for the effects, thus you want as much of it as possible.

The rotation of the disc itself could have no other function other than act as a gyroscope, stabilising the craft in flight (notice that, to fly in the southern hemisphere the disc would have to rotate in the opposite direction, otherwise steering becomes very difficult) This was also noted by the helicopter pilots in the Falklands, and even way before that, when the first Sopwith Camel bi-planes were flown down south. The Sopwith used a huge rotary engine.

So does the disc have another function, i.e. is it magnetized?
I don't know, but in principle we have a lot going on here already.

Consider the effect of a huge Tesla coil, with the thick windings of the primary around the rim of the craft, and a tall coil in the central column, having very many more turns than the outside coil.
This is in effect, an AC system, so i am assuming that the caps are being charged & discharged very quickly, and this would have to be timed perfectly with the pulses from the coil. If it is a HV DC system, like a huge gravitor, then it would be DC.
It could well be so, and the mercury plasma core is actually one huge diode, which gives DC pulses to the caps.

Also at this time there were many other notable scientists working on similar craft, and even trans-dimensional physics, like Burkhardt Heim;

Then there is the remarkable (but sadly not proven to work, yet) John Searl and his Inverse Gravity Vehicle, IGV;

A very nice design, but impossible to replicate, there were efforts made by the team of Roschin & Godin, a pair of russian engineers, i call it the 'Poor Man's Searl';

Here is the test platform they built to test the change in mass caused by rotating highly charged magnets;

Then there is Bob Lazar describing craft at A51 , no other records can be found at this time. Note also the centre diagram in the second picture, very reminiscent of McCandliss; had he already seen these?

I am somewhat sceptical about some of Lazar's work, especially 'element 115' and what are called
'islands of stability'..i questioned John Lear about that & he went into a huff and would no longer talk to me.

I learned later that he was by his own confesion, working for the CIA....Honeypot again?
But much of Lazar's work has been verified, if a stable version of 115 does exist, we need to know.
(send me some to play with please)
Here is an in-depth analysis of Lazar's original A51 ufo film;

Then there are the works of Otis T. Carr;

There are many wild claims about this one, i am ignoring the rainbow crystal control & just concentrate on the mechanical & electrical aspects of the design.

The Keshe Foundation;

edit on 26-12-2016 by playswithmachines because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:47 PM
I have about 2 gigs of their files, it ranges from awesome to maybe to just plain nuts.
That will take a few years to sort out...

A very old design, by a man named DeAquino, from the 20's, Naudin did some research on this;

As you can see, there are many designs, but the central theme involving rotating rings or assemblies of magnets, coupled with an (alternating?) high voltage fields remains dominant.(with the exception of Lazar's gravity a & b waves).

Regardless of where it came from, we have it now, and have had for some time, it is estimated that there have been 'several dozen' built, all different sizes, but all with exactly the same proportions.

Interestingly enough, on that same YT channel is Boyd Bushman showing some of the secret stuff he worked on, like the fusion powered planes.
I can confirm that what he showed us were indeed He3 and D2 nuclear fusion units, i have seen the plans from the uni that studied them, they are identical. I also know that design to be superceded.

After spending many trillions of dollars, and not without the loss of several crews, these nuke projects were all cancelled. Why?

Because the flux liner made them obsolete. It could even be tapping into ZPE in some way, but that is conjecture for now.
It is said that the power for the FL were 2 large marine batteries, 24 volts each, which seems absurdly small for throwing a 12 ton craft about the sky.
Per kilogram of craft you need 5.07 x 10^19 joules to reach 0.9 C and a lot more to go beyond that.
It is also said that these craft are capable of 'lightspeed & beyond'.......!

This is feasable since they negate the mass of the craft & everything in it, so E=MC^2 becomes E=C^2
Certain aspects of this technology is already being used in other 'secret' programmes like the B-2 bomber, LaViolette calculated that with it's impressive surface area and the quad FJG's (which incidentally can be run on hydrogen peroxide enabling near orbit or full orbit operation) it will have an extra thrust which is estimated to reach Mach 5, almost twice the speed & height the government claims it has;

Excerpt from "Electrogravitics systems" By Tom Valone,

by Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D., Professor of Nuclear and Astrophysics, University of Nevada
Electromagnetism is bipolar, i.e. it attracts and repels. We can shield X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, etc., but what about gravity? Gravity appears to have only one polarity — attraction! We have balloons, planes, and rockets that overcome gravity but can we build a shield against gravity? Roger Babson, a good friend of Thomas Edison, established the Gravity Research Foundation in 1948 at Edison's suggestion.

So what would anti-gravity "look like"? Let us explore these issues:
Standard physical models include four fundamental forces in Nature. They are the nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, the weak, nuclear decay force, and gravitational force. The nuclear force and the gravitational force have the similar property of being attractive only. What of anti-matter ~ does it rise in a gravitational field? Such an experiment was attempted at the Stanford LinearAccelerator Center, Stanford, CA without confirmed results.
In 1971, I published a book and several papers on a ten dimensional geometric model of quantum gravity in which I treated the four major force fields on an "equal footing" in such a manner as to consider them as bi or duel polar, having both attraction and repulsion.
T. Townsend Brown, who I met in 1981, led me to replicate his research on some properties of electrostatics, capacitance and anomalous current flows on unique materials. Unlike the current view, electrostatic phenomena are very complex.
How does this work relate to the ideas of UFO propulsion (an early interest of T.T. Brown)? Certainly he

has presented the scientific community with many questions we need to investigate.
I have also theoretically examined a five and eight dimensional geometry which includes the Kaluza Klein geometry which is an abstract formalism relating electromagnetism to the gravitational field. This model interested Albert Einstein in the 1930's. There is a long path between theoretical concepts, romantic wishes and preliminary experiments to detailed experimental verification and actual designed technology.
Let us re-examine Brown's works and rethink some of the issues which he has suggested to us. Science

is an ongoing process, not a fixed set of facts, ever changing and developing.
Prof. Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Ph.D.

Miss Rauscher is not only a physicist, but also happens to be a world expert in mind control techniques.

She has (i believe) close links to the CIA and the 'project honeypot' program.
It could just be coincidence, but where Dr Rauscher goes, trouble follows soon after.
Look what happened to John Hutchison.

The dielectric coating on the B-2 is a very special mixture of rare metals like Barium, Hafnium,Titanium, and possibly Osmium, it has a 'K' value around 50,000...possibly very much higher.
We also need to do more research into solid dielectrics, and i think i have the right material, it has a fairly low K compared to the exotic metals used by the black ops, but it is strong enough to prove the concept.

And it is a semi-transparent, glass-like material.

This could then be the 'dielectric' in the floor of the craft, enclosing the 'capacitor' plates, which could be working like a giant gravitor assembly in conjunction with the (vortex?) field around it.
I haven't even started on vortex theory, that is a whole new chapter in itself.

The underlying theme for gravity control would appear to be that it works by slowing down the electron orbits, this is directly tapping into the fundamental energy of the universe, and several major 'fringe' scientists like Bearden, Mallove et al, have all mentioned this. The local EM field would need to be incredibly dense.That is the reason fibre-optics are used throughout, and computers have to be heavily screened.

Consider also the proton collisions in the LHC, it was established by a lab in New Mexico 8 years ago that 2 protons having opposite spin will pass right through each other with no interaction at all. Needless to say CERN don't want this, they want the opposite effect so they are using same-spin protons.

They have also said that in order to go the next step, we will have to rewrite all the physics books and unlearn a lot of what we have learned, i agree with them.
-pwm, Europe, Friday Nov 14 2014-
edit on 26-12-2016 by playswithmachines because: A late christmas present

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:59 PM
Brilliant post, i love this kind of far out thinking, Strangely bob lazars story is one of the few UFO stories i believe, other theories i have read on how the propulsion works, is a vibrational engine that vibrates so fast (or a certain frequency?) that it overcomes gravity, It was a long time ago i read this but if i remember correctly, If you wanted the craft to go up, the "engine" vibrates upwards, and the engine was able to have more particles moving in the "up" direction than down and creates lift.

Another was a rotating sphere of mercury spinning at something like half a million rpm whilst under massive pressure, i cant remember much more than that but i do love a good propulsion theory...

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: playswithmachines

Wayyy too much to read, as I have the attention span of an illiterate mosquito, not that I am not interested to though, so saving this for later, but those videos were awesome.

I even watched one of the related videos after, so S&F for a great thread. This is the sort of stuff that I wish there was more of here. This is my cup of tea, down to a T.. pun intended.

Again, awesome thread !!!!

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 04:02 AM

I thought it was time to start tying things together. I wrote this to give to Bob at his 2015 conference, but our rep couldn't make it. Certainly if you take the time to look up all the peeps, dates, places then it starts to form a very interesting picture.
There is also a kinetic drive system which i would like to post, but i will first need permission from the author.

I also have a lot of fusion drive plans but i wanted to concentrate on the Flux Liner, it's by far the easiest craft to build, from a present-day perspective, and while Bob's gravity drive works on a different principle, they both have the same effect I.E. negating the mass of the craft.

I would like to add that the equations also work, if there is no mass then lightspeed is no longer a barrier, and it does not break the laws of relativity or QM. Although there is still possibly a time dilation effect.

I hope to make a video soon about the gravitor effect, showing electrical propulsion.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: ColaTesla

Another was a rotating sphere of mercury spinning at something like half a million rpm whilst under massive pressure, i cant remember much more than that but i do love a good propulsion theory...

Yes, the TR-3b supposedly uses that. If so it may be combining the flywheel with the coil, and maybe also a generator.

Any plasma under high pressure works like the iron in a transformer, it can carry powerful magnetic currents.
The new series of fusion reactors use a single turn spiral of plasma to fuse gases and generate electricity.

I believe the 2 systems can be combined.....

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 05:14 AM
Lazar matches the profile of controlled opposition, that is for sure. The parallels between many PSYOP officers is staggering which makes sense when one practices a learned trade.

They always seem to present themselves just when people start snooping to closely, provide enough info to convince those researchers they are the real deal, feed them additional information before finally going bat # crazy. Usually at this point everyone gets discredited and the original research loses steam.

Reminds me of our good friend Astr0 and research of the TR-3b
edit on 27-12-2016 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-12-2016 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: playswithmachines

This is a wonderful Thread for me anyway.

Question how would the German Mercury Spinning machine fit into this. "Die Glocka" The Bell ?

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 05:41 PM
humanity is unable to replicate the humanoid thecnology due to it being litteraly from another dimension

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 07:49 PM
23 flags on one page of responses is ATS
(almost) saying this is accepted as truth.

Fantastic thread.

edit on 27-12-2016 by UnderKingsPeak because: good stuff

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: playswithmachines

An excellent and well conducted piece here. I find this stuff of high interest myself.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 10:44 PM
Enjoying this thread. Good work to the OP

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: playswithmachines
The Flux Liner revisited.

I guess most of you have seen the films & read the thread,or variants of it, on other sites, where Mark McCandlish showed us the FL diagram.
There was a lot of discussion about how it actually worked, and we never got down to the nitty gritty details.
What do you think about the hypothesis that project 1794 which was declassified in 2012 is what McCandish was actually describing? I used to have a link to project 1794 in my signature and the mods removed it, conspiracy? Anyway here is a story talking about the possible link between project 1794 and McCandlish:

Is the Mark McCandlish Alien Reproduction Vehicle Nothing More Than Project 1794?

in 2012, the National Archives released declassified records from the Aeronautical Systems Division of the US Air Force revealing that the Air Force was in fact actively developing disk-shaped craft in 1956, under a top secret project named Project 1794.

The craft was meant to become a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) craft, and was to achieve a ceiling of 100,000 feet, and reach speeds up to Mach 4. What is truly astonishing are the similarities between the diagrams included in the declassified documents, and the drawings created by McCandlish – suggesting that Brad Sorenson might have seen the craft that he detailed at the air show, but that both he and Mark completely misunderstood the origin of the craft, and the type of technology involved in its operation.

MHD when applied to fluids like seawater works very well. The nuclear subs use it for silent running, and the Japanese are selling an expensive yacht, which is totally silent.
Is the nuclear sub that uses it the fictional sub in the movie "The Hunt for red October?" That's not a real submarine. Is there a real submarine that uses it, and if so, where is the link? Where is the link to the expensive yacht that uses it? Are you talking about the prototype Yamato 1 that was put in a museum after it failed to meet expectations? Part of the problem was making electrolysis bubbles which means it's not really silent and it also would give off a big magnetic signature that wouldn't help a submarine trying to hide.

Those same electrolysis bubbles are why the yamato 1 prototype didn't go faster than 15km/hr like it was supposed to, and might explain why it's sitting in a museum instead of actually being used.

I am somewhat sceptical about some of Lazar's work, especially 'element 115' and what are called
'islands of stability'..i questioned John Lear about that & he went into a huff and would no longer talk to me.

I learned later that he was by his own confesion, working for the CIA....Honeypot again?
But much of Lazar's work has been verified, if a stable version of 115 does exist, we need to know.
(send me some to play with please)
Here is an in-depth analysis of Lazar's original A51 ufo film;
Then there are the works of Otis T. Carr;
The Keshe Foundation;
It's good that you're skeptical of Lazar because you should be, but you should also be skeptical about Keshe and some of the other people you mention. I don't know of any of "Lazar's work" that has been "verified", certainly the stable element 115 has not.

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 04:20 AM

Paul La Violettes Book "secrets of Antigravity" viewable here mentions that TT Brown, Einstein, Tesla and Von Neumann were all involved in the "Philadelphia Experiment" (PDF page 27).

It's on my list of to-do's but to save the effort, has anyone ever investigated the voracity of these claims?

Edit: That WAS a working link when I posted it 5 mins it doesnt seem to resolve....WTF
Edit: PDF IS available but doesnt seem to like resolving the URL when being forwarded from a link on ATS.
Fix seems to be : Copy link location, Close browser, Clear history (if you dont do it automatically) restart browser and paste n' go.
edit on 28-12-2016 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Hermit777

Well the story goes that Hitler had sent a lot of scientists to India, Iran etc to study ancient texts & archaeology. He was well into the occult, and the Vimana's interested him the most.
He even 'borrowed' the swasticka from these ancient texts.

The mercury vortex goes way back, right to the symoloby of the double snake, a double helix of mercury plasma perhaps? There are peeps working on this at the moment. That involves hich voltage passing through the mercury, which itself is revolving.
Seems to be the same M.O. as the TR3-b, the Bell, the Vimana's, and the Flux-liner.

Viktor Schauberger was the one who wrote up the vortex theory, i will need to dig up my files on him.

T.T.Brown apparently went on a submarine to pick up some of the Paperclip scientists during the war, he almost got killed doing so, but made it safely back (with who else?)

I know that Brown met with Burkhardt Heim, even though he was never suposed to have been in the US before the late 50's

A bit more history;

Burkhard Heim (February 9, 1925 – January 14, 2001) was a German theoretical physicist. He devoted a large portion of his life to the pursuit of his unified field theory, Heim theory.[1] One of his childhood ambitions was to develop a method of space travel, which contributed to his motivation to find such a theory.[2]

During World War II, Heim was conscripted into the air force. However, a previous essay about explosives led to his working briefly in a chemical laboratory as an explosives technician, instead. An explosion in the laboratory caused by the mishandling of unstable compounds left him with debilitating handicaps. The accident left him without hands and mostly deaf and blind when he was 19, forcing him to use Krukenberg hands. His behavior subsequently became progressively eccentric and reclusive.[1] Eventually, he retreated into almost total seclusion, concentrating on developing and refining his theory of everything. His disabilities and brilliance have led Illobrand von Ludwiger,[1] a physicist and pioneer in satellite control systems, to dub him "the German Hawking".

A large proportion of the 76 years of Heim's life was spent on theoretical physics and the formulation of his Heim theory.[2]

[edit] 1940sIn 1943 he met Heisenberg who was involved in German atom bomb research at that time and told him of his plan to use chemical implosion to facilitate an atomic explosion. This design was based on his idea he developed for a 'clean' hydrogen bomb when he was 18. Heisenberg was impressed by Heim's knowledge, but thought the approach would be impractical.[1]

At that point Heim had to do military service in the German air force. He sent a paper on explosives to the Chemical-Technical 'Reichsanstalt' in Berlin, whereupon he was summoned to work there on the development of the proposed new explosives. It was here that he met with the accident that handicapped him for life.[1]

During the 1955 holiday week of Thanksgiving Day, the New York Herald Tribune, and The Miami Herald carried announcements about the completion of contractual arrangements between Burkhard Heim and Glenn L. Martin Company. Heim was to assist them with their gravity control propulsion project.[9] The news about Heim's contract was among several revelations that had been published during the period of intensified United States gravity control propulsion research (1955 - 1974).[9]

Heim stopped work on the propulsion aspect of his theory in 1959. Neither failures nor flaws had made Heim discontinue his propulsion research – it was the unbridled interest of unsavory firms.[13] The preface by Helmut Goeckel to Heim’s first paper in the series of four articles published by Magazine for Missiles indicated various aerospace and ordnance companies had made several attempts to kidnap him. Subsequently, the remainder of his life was devoted to refining the unified field attributes of his theory.[2]

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Yep 1794, i was away at the time.......good one.

Is the nuclear sub that uses it the fictional sub in the movie "The Hunt for red October?" That's not a real submarine. Is there a real submarine that uses it, and if so, where is the link? Where is the link to the expensive yacht that uses it? Are you talking about the prototype Yamato 1 that was put in a museum after it failed to meet expectations? Part of the problem was making electrolysis bubbles which means it's not really silent and it also would give off a big magnetic signature that wouldn't help a submarine trying to hide.

Well they were selling it back then, and OK it's not totally silent. However if the field is strong enough you may not get the bubbles.
Harwell in the UK were working on this EHD in secret in the 90's. Maybe they still are, since it's a secret, i don't have links, it's not the kind of stuff you can find online.

It's good that you're skeptical of Lazar because you should be, but you should also be skeptical about Keshe and some of the other people you mention. I don't know of any of "Lazar's work" that has been "verified", certainly the stable element 115 has not.

There are several islands of stability ranging from seconds to a few months, i haven't yet seen one that lasts for years, that's why i asked Lear if his peice of metal had a 'use by' date stamped on it. Not much fun if your fuel turns into lead & bismuth halfway across the galaxy!

But that does not mean it doesn't exist. We can reproduce what Bob calls the 'gravity A' wave.

That film is original, and shows a fat disc with several floors, this is because the intense field distorts light, wether intentionally or not i don't know, but becoming transparent seems to be one side effect.
Keshe....yes a lot of their stuff is nonsense, but some of those plans are worth a second glance, it will take me ages to debunk them.
What i am concentrating on here are the names dates places, and any part of the tech data that can be verified.
So far the Flux liner has the most promise, and we have so much to go on, but i wanted to dig out some of the early history as well

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

It's ok, i have that book, and it's well worth reading if anyone can get a link working, LOL
(ETA that link works for me, i will compare the book with mine)

My take on Philadelphia is, i think they MAY have only been working on making the ship invisible on radar, and the whole story was taken out of context by Adamski. But there were some curious notes left by Brown about the effect on light caused by the extreme high currents used in ship welding. And he was there at the time....

I have no evidence that the ship was transported, but i liked the film

edit on 28-12-2016 by playswithmachines because: Update

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: playswithmachines

A Most excellent thread and topic my friend.amazing information!
I know from your work as an electrical engineer and inventor that you understand and have replicated some of the effects these "craft" utilise. For the most our model of physics works out, But i also agree there may be some need for a re-writing of the field, I guess cern are working on that amongst other physicists.

I recall a story of some top brass been shown some of these flux liner craft along with some tech that were not "ours" at an air show in some private area. one craft supposedly hovering a few feet off the ground.
Michael Schratt has done some amazing drawings of some of the supposed exotic tech craft we have hidden away from the public eye, I would link to youtube but i cant get it to work.
just type micheal schratt ufo craft types.

All the best luke for the new year pal,Rob.

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: stealthyaroura

Hi Stealthy, it's been a while

Sure i will check Schratt out.

Here is a pic of a B-2 which i caught taking off from a not-so-secret base in the UK in 2014.
I sent it to the Analysis Team to look at, only this time we wanted to reverse the process.

Instead of removing the noise from the object (as in the video) we now tried removing the object and amplifying the 'noise' and see if we could 'see' the field around the craft.
(Thanks D.)

As you can see, there's not much going on apart from thermal atmospheric stuff. At this low altitude, and so soon after takeoff i thought the FJG wasn't running, and it appears i was right.
The field manifests as coloured rings around the craft, the more rings the denser the field.

Compare this with a pic of a 'real' UFO;

And now the same process applied to the Bob Lazar pic;

OK that's a still taken from a copy of the original film, original hi-res JPG's work better.
Sure i want to build one of these things, but the copper alone will cost 40 grand.
Crowdfunding, anyone?

posted on Dec, 28 2016 @ 02:33 PM
The only patent i can find involving mercury is this. Another german, note the date!

In this case, the MHD generator is somehow tapping off the current in the hot flowing mercury to generate electricity.....

And on the capacitor theory we have this

Not unlike the gravitor stuff. Beau Kitselman did some interesting research on dielectrics and stackable gravitors. More on that later

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