posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to:
Yep. You have to add the columns in the task manager cuz they aren't default columns. Over the course of time yout can expect memory to grow on
processes while you are using the application but it should be released when you are done with the app. Same with threads and handles.
In simple terms, threads are individual processes that run within the application. You direct an application to perform an action and there could be
several tasks involved that run asynchronously. A poorly coded app may open threads but not close them. This could be due to some sort of non fatal
exception that doesn't crash the thread entirely but never gets to the point of completion, as one example.
In simple terms a handle is access to an object. Pretty much everything related to your computer is an object from what you call files and folders to
hardware. A handle is requested say to write to a log file from a thread. The thread crashes and the handle is never closed. That is one example of
a handle leak.
Watch memory, handles and threads on your processes. As previously stated, I never worry about threads till it's at least 10 to 15 thousand. Then
you can expect all sorts of instability.
It might be nothing but thelse are the things I watch for when I have an inconsistent issue with system stability. I'm a a developer by trade tho,
so I might have a different approach than a desktop technician.