I've had it with this country. I'm fed up with these weak minded snow-flakes who don't understand or respect BASIC personal liberties (like free
speech, freedom of religion, freedom to physically arm and defend yourself). I'm sick of these "good o'l boy", KJV bible-thumping racists who think
its cool force their own twisted version of Christianity on the rest of the world. Half of these idiots don't even know what their Bibles say in the
original languages. I'm tired of people telling me to watch my #ing mouth...telling me that some words are bad, some good....telling me that some
opinions are just too offensive to express. I'm tired of this CRAP.
Whatever happened to "We the people..."? Whatever happened to the Bill of Rights that says we don't have to be subjected to illegal search and
seizure. Why is it ok for the DEA to make CBD a Schedule I? What is it to you if I decided to roll a big fat blunt full of MARIJUANA (that's right, I
#ing said it), and smoked it in my own home on my own time? Why do the cops get to destroy our lives over such trivial stuff?
And you really think that more laws are going to fix this????? It was the Draconian legislation that got us here. People are too cowardly to stand up
for themselves, to defend themselves, so they let the Federalist Pigs do it for us (Patriot Act, NSA wire taps, TSA). Now look, America sucks again.
In fact, America sucks so bad that we decided to choose between the world's worse two fat, old, rich, compulsive liars, to micromanage our lives even
more. We had third parties. We had other choices. There is no excuse for our stupidity.
If this is what America has become, then I am Un-Amerikan. I will not salute your polyester red, white and blue rag (which was probably made in
China). If you fought for the Flag, then that was your choice. It is more noble to fight for our liberties and rights. I wont sing your star spangled
hymn. I won't stand for the pledge of allegiance. My right hand will not rest patriotically upon my heart. And most importantly, I will not invade
other sovereign nations to kill for oil money. No CIA trained terrorist Easter Egg hunts for me. No thanks.
What I will do is continue to express my opinions, however unpopular they may be. I will continue to advocate for your right to voice your opinions no
matter how idiotic or offensive I may perceive them to be. I will stand against the Dominionist Evangelical Front that has aligned itself with the
GOP, and I will categorically refute their BS propaganda Theology when I see it.
Women have the right to choose whether or not to abort pregnancies. The Bible says soul-life begins at birth, not conception. Marijuana and alcohol
consumption in moderation is not a Biblical sin. Even if it was, America is not a theocracy. Marriage should be a contract between the parties
directly involved, not in the hands of the State or Federal Government. No member of any religion should ever be subjected to registration with the
Government. If you are really afraid of terrorists, then arm yourselves you damn [SNIP].
Why is it so difficult to comprehend? If I live, I want to live and die free, even if there is no safety or security. If I succeed, I want it to be
own accomplishment (between me and my God). If I fail, I want it to be at my own expense. If I'm broke, I'll skip meals. If I'm rich, I'll share with
whom I see fit.
I try my best to respect the rights, privacy, property, and expression of those around me (regardless of how much I like or dislike them). All I ask
that everyone else try to do the same. We cant have a perfect world, but things would be so much better if we use discretion, objectivity, and treated
each other with respect, without the expectation of reciprocation.
edit on 23-12-2016 by BELIEVERpriest because: typo
edit on
23-12-2016 by BELIEVERpriest because: typo
edit on 12/23/2016 by eriktheawful because: Edited out vulgar word