posted on Dec, 29 2016 @ 08:37 PM
Just popping back in to say Hi again
I got my last Christmas Present today - I won a set of the Illuminati Cards in a spur-of-the-moment auction, and to my surprise, they previous owner
crammed as many of the cards into the binder pockets as possible. I'm thinking I have a nearly complete set!
History behind them is that a while ago, a book called the
Illuminatus! Trilogy was really popular (it's an old book; I only understood maybe
half of the jokes in it). Well, a card game was made based off of the book. The conspiracy is that several of the cards seem to predict events that
happened later (I'm currently searching for the 9/11 card). Got it partially because of the conspiracy aspect, and partially because I want to learn
out to play it
How's everyone else doing?