posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 11:37 PM
Hi Jess, glad you enjoyed my story entry! Love the puppy pic! LOL!
Page, you can either jump in with your own story or join in the collaborative we have going on. Syx could explain better. Right now, there are dark
demons invading the lands of accasia/the shedlands. The warriors of light are battling the forces of evil. You can just jump in with your character or
more characters if you'd like and just pick a side. Syx and Gordi and I think Kaelci have explained how we do things in here for the stories.. If you
still have questions, feel free to ask.
Syx, you made me laugh. I had too many characters and didn't know what to do with them all so I killed the little dragon off, but his death was not in
vain. He was brave and proud to die in battle against the darkness. I had it planned all along. LOL! No worries! Thanks for being the perfect host and
explaining everything to our Muzzle and keeping him company! Ahahaha, loved the dragon that couldn't breath fire!
Kaelci, loved your writing! Loved your dragon!
Muzzle, yes write more!!!!!! OH, I'll go check my mail now.