*waves ~Hellooooo~ to everyone*
I spent an absurd, inordinate, crazy amount of time hunting for a castle made of doughnuts to share with the Shed, in celebration of the lovely
Jacygirl having returned to her abode, but alas, my image-hunting-fu is failing me and so... I present these castle cookies instead:
I just want to say that I'm still lurking and following along with everyone. ATS hasn't really been keeping my attention lately (yes, yes, be the
change you want to see, blah blah) but I check in on the Shed every morning, and sometimes evening too! It also doesn't help that my internet has gone
completely whacked. For almost 3 months now, I have been dealing with 60kbps.
Doing everything imaginable to try and fix the problem myself and since discovering the problem does not lie with me or any of my 3 computers. I've
disowned my internet company who refuse to assist me and will be connecting with my new one on the 27th, here's hoping for something faster than
speeds from the year 2000. I can barely load any pages, especially image heavy, can barely play online games, can barely even talk on Skype with Dave
without my internet messing up the connection. (and my connection is also why I spent a crazy amount of time image hunting earlier for a Majestic
Donut Castle, takes like 5 minutes for each page to load arrrgghh)
Anyway. Mini-rant over. I just wanted to say hellooooo while I'm in the middle of cooking dinner. Just a potato bake tonight! Cheesy, baconny, oniony,
potato bake.
I'm well, and my son is well. I'm still losing weight and feeling better about myself, I'm still nurturing my green thumb.
I don't remember if I
mentioned, but the Basil was the only survivor of my herb growing attempts but he's doing well and is big and bushy and assisting me with making my
pasta sauces delicious! I'm trying chives again at the moment, which seem to be doing better than the last chives I attempted. Anndddd I rescued a
poor little plant from the dark coldness of my grocery store and she surprisingly came to life! And will be flowering soon and I was wanting to share
pictures in the Shed when she does.
Andddd I'm babbling, as usual. So I'm going to quickly hug everyone, and then run away to the Not-So-Secret Bushes That Harbour The Lurkers.
*Squishee hugs and vanishes into the greenery*