posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 06:20 PM
CC, I'd rather not look at food, it just makes me want to eat it. LOL
Syx, that dragon vid was stunning! Wow!
Shred, sounds like you and MommaShred will be plenty tired and sore when you're done chopping trees and hauling. I look forward to seeing your
Tom, the only dreams I think I have are for me and my family and friends to be alive one more day. My Niece's future Mother-in law has a progressive
disease and is now in a wheelchair and slurring her words when she talks. The sweetest lady in the world. Sad to see this happen to her. She is
inspiring though as she laughed and smiled and engaged with everyone cheerily at the party today. Like the determined kitty in your vid, she isn't
just giving up.