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More Americans voted for HRC than any other losing presidential candidate in US history

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posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: Indigo5
There you go, there's your consolation prize. Hope it makes you feel better and that you finally come around to accepting the fact Trump is your new President.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: EightAhoy

I had to laugh when Jill Stein spent 3.5 million in Wisconsin to get Trump 131 more votes!

Democrat donors just paid $3.5 million to help Trump gain 131 votes in Wisconsin’s official recount
edit on 23-12-2016 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: Swills
You're free to move to Canada, but be warned their immigrations laws are tougher than ours. In my experience here the Hillary supporters seem more comfortable with censoring free speech, so maybe N Korea would be more to your liking.

Hillary supporters want an America like this, where they are free to beat people they disagree with. They are hateful, intolerant, sexist and bigoted...the very thing they were afraid of from Trump, they are showing they do themselves. God Help Us if these nutjobs derail what Trump is trying to do...Make America Great Again.

Hillary supporters want to Make America Hate Again.

edit on 23-12-2016 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2016 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

Those people in the second vid are animals, they are mindless aggressive animals and i suspect they have no idea why they are angry other than they hate Donald trump for no other reason than than the tv told them so....i will watch the others now and no doubt seethe some more...

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

There is also a common theme....

They attack in numbers and when possible take the sucker punch even when heavily outnumbering their prey....

This is a sign of weakness and they know it, they only have strength in numbers and remind me of the zombie hoards in the movies...

what a bunch of pussies

edit on 23-12-2016 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: had to look left in case some lib was taking a swing

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 04:56 AM
Good lord... If people keep going.. popular vote... I might just vomit... or drink till i cant see straight... or some combination of the two.

We are not and have never been a pure democracy, so the popular vote mean F all...

a couple places in the country offer anything and everything to anyone, as long as the dems stay in charge, so of course they are going to get more votes in those areas, does not mean they should control the national election.

I did not vote for Trump but I think he is a better option than Hillary, why... because there is a tiny chance trump will change things for the better... there was zero chance hillary would change anything for the better and a decent chance she would continue the assault on the bill of rights.

I wish trump long life and health... because I am not thrilled with the idea of Mike Pence as President.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Pence scares the crap outta me frankly. So I share your wish for Trump to enjoy good health and a long life.

Good luck trying to tell some of these folks about how the electoral college works, they not only won't listen, apparently they won't even try...

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: seagull

Thats one of the things that melts my brain over all the trump outrage... have any of these people actually looked at Pence, I would say he is 100 times closer to what they think trump is... than well trump is.

But what do I know... I am just a barely literate knuckle dragging deep south country boy...

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

You say country boy like it's a bad thing...

Trump is a choir boy, pun intended, in comparison to what that nut job Pence brings to the table...

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 07:50 AM

Should 2 cities determine who is the President because that does not seem fair?

American voters should determine who is president is, regardless of where they live. Or do you want to disenfranchise peoples' constitutional rights just because you don't like where they live??

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I did not vote for Trump but I think he is a better option than Hillary, why... because there is a tiny chance trump will change things for the better... there was zero chance hillary would change anything for the better and a decent chance she would continue the assault on the bill of rights.

I didn't vote for Trump either. I agree with you. This is the same sentiment I keep hearing from people that did vote for Trump, and even those that didn't vote at all.

Most say they have little hope that Trump will be able to make things better, and they suspect that he will be blocked and obstacled into ineffectiveness, after all, they can't allow Trump to be a better President than those Dems that came before him, that would be a sure death knell for the Democratic Party.

But they said they were 100% sure that Hillary would keep flushing the country down the crapper, and had zero hope that anything would improve with Hillary.

edit on 23-12-2016 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: I hate mobiles.

edit on 23-12-2016 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Did I say that I hate mobiles?

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Indigo5
There are also a LOT more people today than there were in the 1800's so you have to take that little bit of info also.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: CB328

Should 2 cities determine who is the President because that does not seem fair?

American voters should determine who is president is, regardless of where they live. Or do you want to disenfranchise peoples' constitutional rights just because you don't like where they live??

I mean if you TRULY believe this then voting should be mandatory for all that are able and US citizens. More people didn't vote than voted for either candidate. I would say based on that fact that the will of the american people is to not have a President at all.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

I also have to point out that while losing the popular vote, he also has the 3rd highest voter turnout in history for a POTUS-elect. 2nd only to Obama on both of his terms.

So not really the most unpopular....actually the 2 MOST popular by the numbers....Obama being the only one that made higher numbers and was elected.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I would say based on that fact that the will of the american people is to not have a President at all.

I think it's more of "let someone else do it". There's also a group who believe that voting "doesn't matter", because they "never get what they want anyway". This group doesn't seem to understand that the Founding Leaders set up the govt to function with compromise, and in compromise no one gets everything they want.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

they suspect that he will be blocked and obstacled

Yes. That is because we no longer have our govt functioning as the Founding Leaders intended. They gave us a model based on compromise and warned us about becoming factions. We have devolved into factions over the last 20 years, with no compromise possible the last eight years; instead we have become a de facto parliamentary system, with one party "in power" and an opposing power "out of power".

The GOP was "out of power" the last 8 years and obstructed; the Dems will be "out of power" now and will be forced to obstruct as the GOP did the last 8 years.

This is a brief summary of a book that explains how we got to this de facto system
Mann & Ornstein “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks”

posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 05:13 PM
More Americans voted for HRC than any other losing presidential candidate in US history

That people is what they call a false equivalence.

Given the FACT that the population changes from year to year.

There are 'more' people alive today than ever.

That comparison just doesn't work.

Besides people.

Russia hacked our election there for more people didn't vote.

So pfttttttttttttttttttttt.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: Indigo5

As for the Kenya thing? Anyone with half a brain knew that was a bunch of hooha.

And Trump having championed that movement as it's most public mouthpiece? What does that say about our President-Elect? Nothing to see here? Move along?

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: neo96
More Americans voted for HRC than any other losing presidential candidate in US history

That people is what they call a false equivalence.

Given the FACT that the population changes from year to year.

No...that is not "False Equivelance"...that is a different fallacy...Example: Trump lied everyday on the campaign trail and his entire campaign won politifact lie of the year award...HRC lied about sniper fire 20 years ago...So it's OK that Trump is a serial liar.

As to your concern...switch to percentage of total voters to eliminate the growing population bias.

As far as MARGIN of total voters? Only two other Presidents in history lost by a greater margin and still landed in the Oval office.

edit on 26-12-2016 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

To be honest? I didn't think much of it then, and I don't now.

I think I've made it abundantly clear that I am not one of his fan-boi's. But just to reiterate, I'm not one of his fan-boi's.

Did he comment on it? Yes, he did. Do I care? Not in the slightest.

Donald Trump is an egoist. At the time, he was, indeed, I'm sure, contemplating either a run for office himself, or positioning himself to support his friend, she who I shall never name again, if I can avoid it. There's an old saying that goes something like this: There's no such thing as bad press...only press. It got him press. Good or bad, matters not to an egoist of his caliber.

So. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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