I'm a pretty good cook. I'm not amazing though. What I consider amazing would be the kitchen version of the five tool baseball player. A real calm,
collective thinker about food preparation and execution. There would be only a few all-stars on my list. A couple chefs I find otherworldly would be
Jacques pepin and mario Batali.
When I first met Chef Pepin I had just sliced my finger open of course, filleting skate. That's the classic jerk maneuver to show how awesome you are
to your mentor. Not my best day. hahahahaha
When I first met Chef batali he was telling the jerkwad I was working next to not to waste the shallot he was slicing and to try and be more precise
with his cuts. "Work slower if you need to but do it right". But, he wasn't telling me
Always more precise. I will never be a master chef but I'm not shooting to be one. All I care about is flavor and presentation. Presentation does
matter. But the food has to taste good for that to matter at all.
So as someone who has cooked professionally for High end (and not so high end) French, Italian and new American restaurants I think I finally know my
I'm currently in exile from Gotham for about ten more months or so in capital city trying to repair a family issue. I have been using my last few
weeks to try and prepare and outline my menu. I think I'm going ~ 75% game meat with seasonal vegetables. The other ~ 25% will be farm raised chicken
and beef.
One thing I know for sure is that anything tastes good in a well prepared hand pie.
Venison and sweet potato hand pie w/ a wild berry jam filling.
Personal wild game wellingtons with pickled fried wild ramp rings.
One of my all time favorite cookbooks is Wild about game by Janie hibler. It has been a real inspiration to me. I want to eat every page.
I have a few killer ideas I just can't share yet though.
But what says you, Chefs of ATS?
What are your favorite wild game preparations and pairings? What wild game do you hunger for? Any wild game cookbooks you love? Any wild game
purveyors that you all swear by?
edit on 20-12-2016 by TheAlleghenyGentleman because: Grammar
edit on 20-12-2016 by TheAlleghenyGentleman because: (no reason