a reply to:
The Euro/Aryan pecking order demeans with words the effiminate male as the person offending is a-typically attacted to them.
Here is the rationale from nations prone to war; if that male is already broken and abused by men he if unleashed in a time of war will have no
conscious in killing men learn to be a friend with women instead of following men in the whole dogs of war routine so an M-60 gets put in the hand of
the one that can't trust someone up their backside and say enemy that way the other others lined up in discrimination factors you don't put a biggot
in front of another ethnicity as their aim and attentionspan always takes them out.
The broken male on the chain is the last line of defense like a dog guarding the post, that will not only clean up and decimate but also plow any
woman he comes across to ensure offspring carries on.
That is the war mentality not the peace mentality... of course some get a taste for that nonsense, and then become predatory when nothing balances
them back out. This can breed not only pedophiles, but serial killers and other mental bent.
Of course making one's way through such a thing is a very difficult thing to find balance and wholeness; when modern day society says there is a
better way forward in diplomacy and agreement than destruction of life over and over.
The Middle East has been stuck in one industry Oil and well poppies and slavery so what is left for people to do with so much sand? The
Hyper-religious in Southern states try to shut down any establishment of youth and keep the age of consent low so the cycle continues young teens with
nothing to do keep being bred in backseats and truck beds with nothing else to do. Fueling the other end of the spectrum... with pedophilia and
inbreeding in narrow views of the world.
All of that sand can be industrialized into glassware, tile, cement etc and when they hit topsoil then they can plant trees and have an agrarian
society... the reason I mentioned the Southern states is the Bol-Weavil wiped out all of the industry in the South causing a blight no different than
the Irish potato famine when there was no diversification of industry.
Of course the idea of classism is the same in the desire to control resources... many people have lots of natural talent and craft ability and not
necessarilly the tools, but ingenuity being the mother of invention or creation makes do with what one has on hand in a conservative effort in the one
persons trash is another persons treasure. A very high amount of inteligence can arise from such lack, of course societies living simply with the
basics or bare necessities have their systems already down and do not see any need to change except in having a cultural exchange a sharing of
understanding... yet very guarded so that their way of life and history does not become as barren as a dried up lake bed on Mars when other culture
lure their people out of the pond with ever increasing desire for more than what the earth itself already provides.
Do we do it to ourselves? Of course we do... but even in the game of telephone speaking the same language in less than 30 people mouth to ear the
message is lost, so how about language being the barrier? Everything becomes lost in translation when the intent or inflection fails to follow any
understandible comprehension... as there are always at least 3 levels to speech, the intent can twist them if honesty is not kept.
The pathway to peace first must remove as many lines as possible out of the individual then the dirt in the imaginary fear that humanity is anything
but life itself... with ideas and concepts but still carry animal ways in the desire to survive and protect itself. Last man standing will die without
a woman beside him, and be the last man standing with the love of a woman inside of him; the earth itself... as the light of the sun shines on
allowing it to be so... science says we can carry it to other worlds.
Question is... will we still be carrying the same diseases of concept to the next and on and on, or carry olive branches in peace for our Ark into the
Imagine Star Wars, and many species that could read thought being a real possibility; and then our Ark shows up and the intent is known and it isn't
one of peace but claiming a stake in that same old ignorance dragged around this entire world since our two hands ceased to be a cup in formation.
edit on 20-12-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: errors