a reply to:
I have never hated Israel or Judaism. I deeply question the Israeli Government's attacks on Palestinian territory and relentless and unending
annexation of land there. it is absolutely ridiculous. It knows no bounds and the US should tell them to STOP.
Well, you have your head screwed on straight. Israel's existence is understandable and justifiable given the traumatic history of the Jewish people. I
only mentioned the "some people hate Judiaism/Israel", because this site seems crammed full of pseudo-intellect gnostics/mystics prone to process all
things in terms of a "good vs. evil" dichotomy, ala Nietzschean Zoroastrianism, the ubermensch who puts himself in opposition to the "believer in
God", and so, in the supermans complete narcissism, he puts himself in opposition to the needs of other people besides himself (and its usually a He -
lets be real: Nietzsches sister hated his views, and nature made an example of Nietsche, the most famous proponent of a self-absorbed spirituality, by
turning his mind into fluff) at the expense (or dissociation of) a little appreciated psychodynamic reality about Human beings: people who hold views
opposite to or contradictory to our own views are
experienced as a threat to our well-being.
In other words, other peoples contradictory views are experienced by the brain-mind as something needing to be "controlled", in the same way that an
animal which detects a predator controls the predators knowledge by not-moving, hiding, or changing form (camouflage) - we Humans do the same thing,
but instead of an external "thing" (an animal or predator), its an internal thing - a set of idea or notions; but the response is more or less the
same, particularly in those types who self-identify as a "superman": its called getting angry, or becoming irritated - but living in such an intensely
unsself-aware culture "scaffolds" tendencies in how human beings interpret information - to the point that the vast majority of us simply look to the
left and right to see how others are reacting. Certainty - or at least from an evolutionary standpoint - is very much secured (or made effective) by
how we experience trusted others in their meaning-making.
Fox News is a common-reference, and so becomes a "central organizing vector" for informational processes in minds that are dependent on fox news for
This website, too, is a "central organizing vector" for people - and it too spews much nonsense that helps facilitate all sorts of noxious goals.
it knows no bounds and the US should tell them to STOP.
lol. Here's my sense of what's going on.
"Zionists"" are not a real thing, though I would pretty much agree that there is some sort of elitist tug-of-war going on.
I've read such disparate takes on it all, but my sense is this: it is not "Jewish", anymore than it is Muslim, or Christian or European. It is
essentially, as it always has been, the "haves" vs. the "have not". The nobles of Europe of "haves" - and the Germans in particular, have a
particularly vicious way of maintaining their "have" and seeking more and more of it.
Sabbatean Jews - haves of another type, are simply Jews that have reacted just as childishly as the nobles: they don't want to share, and also have a
belief that they are the "elect" of the Jewish people.
We can go and implicate other antinomian groups, and much of it may be more easily explained by epigenetic-cultural-genetic terms, with the nobles,
for instance, likely producing a neurological-sociopathy - a different way of "structuring a brain", by subjecting their children, and anyone who
comes within their ranks, to the virulent - virus like - effects of their esteemed influence. Replication - contagion - or simple mimesis - is how
people with similar affective issues i.e. egotism, warm up to evil worldviews, and then, as always, become imprisoned by those views, as Jacob Marley
tells Ebenezer Scrooge, but of course people like Scrooge would stoop so low as to play with Demons and find some magical way to avoid death to one-up
the universe.
This is all, in the end, simple sociological dynamics - cause, effect, cause, effect, moving forward through time. Since we as a society have done
nothing to bring awareness to psychopaths with an occultic bent, the disease continues unabated. Just as cancer keeps growing worse and worse he long
a person ignores the conditions that scaffolds its emergence, so too society: evil views (Nietzschean, or Ayn Rand for a less mystical bent) replicate
only amongst people who find themselves similarly structured as the progenitor (Nietzsche); is this not what disease does in the body? Isn't disease,
as scientists are now discovering, just a laymen description for convergent dysfunction? diseases are not simple - but they arise from a mismatch
between body and environment; so too this evil satanism - which morons take pride in as if the claim "pride cometh before the fall" wasn't based on
sound human wisdom - earned knowledge.
I guess that also fits into the general hubris of our day and age: a lack of respect for wisdom traditions.
The Israeli government can take a long walk off a short * pier.
Well they are a liberal democracy - an outpost of values that SHOULD be propogated elsewhere i.e. in the Muslim world. Science - or the importance of
empiricism - is something sorely lacking in the Muslim world - and something, I think, which should be acknowledged as well when it comes to Israel.
Besides that, there is a lot of fundamentalists in Israel who will absolutely LOVE this new ambassador, such as Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem post,
who has written a book called the "Israeli Solution" - a one state solution which offers Palestinian Arabs full citizenship, but insisting on a Jewish
identity for the state, with protected status for minority groups.
My issue isn't so much Israel's capacity to be reasonable - but rather, the eschaotology, the biblical beliefs, which seem to motivate so much of the
population, such that they will pursue policies that will only ATTRACT negative and extremism responses from a world and culture that is entirely
susceptible to responding to an Israel one-state solution with an unimaginable vitriol. Is it deserved? Well, like others, Israel is one Jewish state,
whereas Arab states exist all around Palestine, so why no go there? This argument - while understandable - becomes wishful and thus, asinine, when a
person fails to appreciate why such a worldview is difficult to metabolize if you're from the Islamic world. Thus - a rational realist with hopes of
creating a better world has no choice but to deal with the other parties weaknesses: if they live in an insane culture prone to over-zealous
chauvinistic responses, you provoke them at your own peril. The Jews have a good word for this: chutzpah.