It's now everyday that we are looking at a cascade of new “proof” that our reality is essentially vibrating and getting caught up in subtle
Tidy Cat
Sally Fields
Sex in The City
Oscar Meyer
Curious George
The list is endless, but serves as a reminder for how many things we may remember wrong, especially if those memories are implied immediately
I believe for many of us, the Mandela Effect could have just as well been named the Berenstain Effect. Berenstain was, in fact, my very first
introduction into these happenings. I was just so sure of my being right that it had never been spelled like that. I viewed pages and videos, all
while reminding myself that I have been decent in grammar, and I have plenty of credentials to back all of that up. Along with myself, other grammar
scholars joined in, sure of what they knew to be the truth, they just needed to be introduced to it first.
And this is where many of us forgot something along the way. The Berenstain Bears were popularized in a television show that we watched in preschool
and books that we looked at in preschool. The truth is that most of us were not very good at spelling back then. I am also very sure of moving on to
better books at about the time I learned to read silently, 2nd grade in my case. And from at minimum the age of 7 and until now, some 20+ years later,
I am fairly certain I have failed to read a single Berenstain book. So then, why was I so absolutely sure that it had not been spelled Berenstain?
I looked over it and even went to rewatch the opening of the show.
The Berenstain Bears TV Show Opening
Do you remember that opening? I certainly did not, I couldn't even begin to sing along, but I noticed a twang in the singer's voice that made it sound
just like I remembered it being spelt.
It has now dawned on me that I am a part of a generation brought up on a healthy dose of television. Even though the majority of my childhood had been
spent hiking and reading, the earliest parts were filled with the electric babysitter.
I haven't spent a great deal in marketing, in fact, I avoid commercials as much as possible. That said, I have never studied logos to any extent and
could not tell you if Tidy Cats was at one time singular, or about the “e”, “a”, debate in Oscar Mayer, and OxiClean, I just liked the
salesman and I know how to spell oxygen, but up until I was told to, I have never really thought about the stuff. Sex and the City was never a thing
for me, but honestly, who would have paid that much attention to one syllable conjunctions and prepositions that essentially sound the same?
The removal of your bias is very important when approaching a subject like this. This is the exact thing that snake oil salesman will use to sell you,
and they do it the same way they always have. Reaffirming your belief in what they just sold you. Every video watched, every writeup read, all say the
same thing in one form or another.
“This is how you remember this, remember”?
It's the easiest sale in the world and most people buy it because of their ego. The customer is always right and this time is no different. In fact,
they have proof, all they need you to do is remember the way they wish you to. There are always these salesman in science and they play on the
religious mindset and the human ego.
As far as I can tell, most everyone became attached to this theory with the spelling of Berenstain and the time of death in regards to anti-apartheid
revolutionary Nelson Mandela. And what about the man that this effect was so aptly named for? Well, he was the first South African president in the
90's, something I don't recall at all in history, but history was a while back and if there is something that us on both sides of this fence can agree
on, it's the fact that the U.S. public education system, something that I am a product of, certainly has its' shortcomings, especially when it comes
to up to date history books. I do recall him being imprisoned, but nothing after that, other than revolutionaries and death always intermingle.
This isn't to provide proof one way or the other. I can certainly not disprove parallel dimensions anymore than I can disprove reality only existing
for one person at a time. All I am trying to do is make you aware that much of this theory is being heavily influenced with the formation of words and
sentences. Think critically at all times and approach these things with a grain of salt, regardless of what the unsourced masses say.
edit on 12-12-2016 by ventian because: Title failed to format correctly.